Pirate Family

Chapter 1140 Shadow

A new world, a small island.

Here, it was originally just a transit point for a certain air route, with no famous deeds, no famous controller, and unknown to the public in the new world where the islands are as vast as the sea of ​​stars.

However, at this time, this ordinary island was like hell. The entire island was destroyed by an unknown force, and the originally towering buildings were turned into ruins.

The bluestone pavement of the island was now covered with charcoal, and the charred bones of unknown creatures were scattered on the ground like garbage.

Through some coke that has not been completely destroyed, it can be vaguely seen that these bones belong to humans.

They tried their best to escape from this hell, but they couldn't take a step away.

In the center of the small island, the frame that supported the small island floating on the sea was shattered, the sea water continued to spread, and the waves slapped the island.

Some relatively low-lying places have been swallowed by the sea, and the high-rise urban areas are gradually pouring in seawater at this time.

Perhaps in a few days, this small island will be swallowed by the sea and completely sink into the sea. Just like his previous reputation, he was unknown.

Dead silence, this is the first word that anyone thinks of after seeing all this.

At this time, in the very center of the island, a pile of black ashes after being burned by a fire suddenly moved.

A dark gray, metal-like object protruded from the pile of ashes.

It was as if something wanted to crawl out of the ruins.

It was only after the object was fully exposed that it could be seen clearly that it turned out to be an arm.

A metal-like arm?


This arm only groped in the ruins for a while before suddenly finding a huge stone pillar that suppressed the ashes.

After struggling to remove the stone pillar, a man covered in metal stood up from the ashes.

After finding a piece of clothing that could barely cover his body, the metal covering the man's body gradually dissipated.

This is obviously a woman.

One, covered in battle scars, dripping with blood, a woman.

She became the only survivor on this small island!

"What a terrifying power!"

The woman muttered to herself after resting for a while.

Time went back to a few days ago, just as she was about to leave the island and continue her own adventure.

She saw a small boat slowly approaching this side from the coastline.

And the person sitting on this small boat is none other than the frightening shadow that recently appeared in the sea of ​​the New World.

Wherever it goes, not a blade of grass grows, and all life is destroyed, "shadow".

It is almost possible to know without thinking that once the shadow arrives at this small island, the only result that greets this small island is sinking.

Although she can't be called a good person, she still can't do it to let innocent people on a small island die tragically in front of her.

So, she did one thing, that is, sat on the shore of the island, waiting for the arrival of the "shadow".

She wants to stop this.

However, the power of "Shadow" is really terrifying, or in other words, from the perspective of "Shadow", there is no difference between himself and ordinary people on the island.

He only used one blow to make the woman lose consciousness. When the woman woke up, all that appeared in her eyes was the blazing fire.

And, it seems hellish, the wails of demons.

That shadow, standing in the center of the island, watched all this happen indifferently.

The whole island is dying.

After the woman woke up, she rushed towards the "shadow" with all her strength.

However, the shadow did only one thing, and that was to kill the island's last hope.

He gathered everyone together, and then let the tall buildings collapse, and the ruins of the fallen buildings became a wall, trapping everyone in it, unable to escape.

And what stays in the woman's last memory is the fire that seems to never go out.

But fortunately, the strong defensive power of the steel fruit saved the woman from suffering.

The moment she was about to lose consciousness, she covered her whole body with impenetrable steel defenses, and then hid under a pile of building wreckage.

She didn't know if she could survive, but it was the only thing she could do.

And when the woman woke up again, it was what happened before.

"Still, it's too far away."

Nana originally thought that after proficiently controlling the steel fruit, her strength should not be much different from those peak pirates, even if she was not their opponent, but at least in front of them, she would not be as powerless as before.

But, obviously, she was wrong, and, very wrong.

In front of "Shadow", he seemed no different from those ordinary people on the island, and he didn't even want to spend a little more energy to deal with him.

"Must, stop all this!"

Nana said to herself, "Shadow" is terrible, she has seen it before, like a god of death who harvests everything, if he is allowed to continue doing this, then the whole new world may become extinct sea ​​area.

A new world without islands, a new world without pirates, sounds like it makes Nana feel a little creepy.

But at this moment, Nana's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of stormy waves that came to her ears.

Before she had time to think about it, she quickly understood that the sea water had poured into the central highland of the island, and this small island would soon sink into the sea.

If she doesn't leave here as soon as possible, she will also be buried in this place.

"I will, avenge you."

Nana stood up, looked at the charred bones around her, and muttered to herself.

She never thought of herself as a nice person. Because she is a pirate.

However, she couldn't imagine that any pirate would do such a tragic thing.

That shadow has no trace of human emotion at all.

Boom boom boom!

Cracks began to appear on the island's ground, sea water poured in from the cracks, and those charred bones were swallowed into the cracks.

Nana quickly found a piece of wood that was still in good condition, and then at the last moment when the island collapsed, she tied herself to the piece of wood and jumped into the sea.

The moment she jumped into the sea and touched the icy water, Nana suddenly realized that she had made a serious mistake.

That is, at this time, I am a capable person, and any capable person will lose strength after touching the sea water.

Without a trace of strength, she could only cling tightly to the only remaining piece of wood, drifting in the sea.

The sea was surging and she lost consciousness.

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