Pirate Family

Chapter 1141 The Drifter

In the new world, a seemingly quiet and peaceful island,

The waves hit the coast, the sky was cloudless, and the sun evenly swayed on the golden beach.

There was a quiet and peaceful smell in the air.

Two little girls are playing on the shore, they don't look very big, a little girl about 10 years old is kneeling on the somewhat wet beach after being soaked in sea water, building a castle with sand, while the other looks like, A little girl who was about the same age was sitting beside her, quietly looking at the sea.

"Little Coco! Come and play together!"

The little girl who piled sand stood up from the beach, and excitedly waved her palm to the little girl who piled sand, which she called Coco.

Regardless, there were some fine gravel in the crevices of her nails.

"No. Nasha."

The little girl named Coco shook her head, then continued to look at the sea.

"Why? Don't you come here every day?"

Little Nasha came to the beach, cleaned up the sand she was injured, and walked to Ke Ke's side.

"I thought you liked playing with sand and sand!"

Both of them are students of a welfare primary school established by the Holy Truth Church on the small island.

Little Nasha was born and raised on this small island, while Coco followed her family to this small island a few months ago. temporarily settled down.

It's just that Little Coco's family seems a bit mysterious, except that when Nasha saw a young and beautiful big sister when she brought Little Coco to school for the first time, she never saw Little Coco again after that family.

And Little Coco seems to be used to living alone. Although she is not very old, she has learned to take care of herself.

Although they have only been together for a few months, little Nasha has already regarded this little girl who is about the same age as her as her friend.

The reason why she came to this beach was because Coco came here often, and she didn't want her friend to be alone.

The friendship between children is so pure.

"I'm waiting for someone."

Little Keke sighed and blinked her big eyes. The vast sea was reflected in her blue pupils, which was extraordinarily beautiful.

"Who are you waiting for! Is it Little Coco's family?"

And Nasha had a posture of breaking the casserole and asking the end. She sat in front of Little Keke and thought for a while.

"I've never met Little Coco's family, are they adventurers on the sea?"

Nasha heard her family tell many stories about adventurers on the sea. In her eyes, these adventurers are brave and fearless heroes.

But Little Coco didn't answer her.


Sister Oya and Brother Bee Parker, they should, forget it?

But they also have another identity, that is, the former pirates, and they are still the famous ones.

After wandering on the sea with her brothers and sisters for so long, little Keke showed a maturity that didn't match her age.

She knew that once the identities of her brothers and sisters were exposed, they would definitely be expelled by the residents of the island.

Because, this kind of thing, she has experienced before. So Xiao Keke decided to keep silent.

Seeing that Little Keke didn't answer her, Nasha didn't continue to ask. She sat directly next to Little Coco and watched the sea with her.

The sea in the new world is magnificent, but little Nasha has never sailed on the sea, so she really wants to see what the outside world looks like.

And this is also the thinking of most people in this world. No one wants to be trapped in a remote corner for a lifetime.

Human dreams and ambitions will never end.

In the beginning, people arrived at nearby small islands through simple boats, and then, their footprints spread all over the four seas, knowing the structure of the entire world. Finally, they set their sights on the great route, wanting to see the end of this world.

Therefore, this magnificent era of great navigation was born.

This little girl is not the first person to have such an idea, but she will not be the last either.

The sea water slaps the coast, seagulls fly, the red sunset swaying, and the setting sun gradually disappears into the end of the sea.

"It's time to go back!"

Little Nasha got up and patted the dust on her clothes.

"It's getting late!"


Little Coco also nodded slowly.

But when they were about to leave, a huge wave hit the coast, almost involving them.

When the tide goes out, there are only many struggling fish and colorful shells left on the beach.

"What a beautiful shell!"

After all, it was because of the girl. Seeing these shells, little Nasha's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly pulled Ke Ke towards the beach where the tide had just ebbed.

The two of them collected all the way, and soon found a big bag full of shells!

"Hey, what is this?"

But at this time, little Nasha saw a huge piece of wood with scorched marks inserted on the beach, and there were still water stains on the wood that had not been dried.

She widened her eyes and walked towards the piece of wood.

When the two of them finally turned the wooden block over, the eyes of the two little girls widened.

Because, they saw, a woman tied her body to a wooden block. The clothes all over her body were soaked in the sea water, and her skin was pale because of the long soaking.

"Wow! Dead!?"

Little Nasha stepped back quickly, and scattered the beautiful shells that she had collected for a long time on the ground.

Little Keke, on the other hand, had to calm down a lot. She walked up to this woman and touched her chest lightly.

Although it is very weak, there is still a heart beating inside.

"She's still alive."


A new world, a small island.

As night fell, the entire island was shrouded in darkness.

A pirate reeking of alcohol staggered out of the bar with a large bag of wine on his back, and walked towards the port.

"It's really boring. The boss actually let us hide in such a corner at such a good time!"

While walking, the pirate was still cursing secretly.

As he walked, his footsteps stopped.

Because, he came to a dark alley.

Because of the deep night, the alley was pitch black, and the road ahead could hardly be seen.

But this is not the point, a feeling of extreme danger emerges from the bottom of his heart. This is the domineering and knowledgeable warning of his madness.

There was lightning and thunder, and a thunder as thick as lightning pierced the sky, illuminating the entire island for a moment.

Then, the pirate saw.

A woman in a long dress, holding a dagger, stood at the end of the alley.

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