Pirate Family

Chapter 1143 Benefactor

It was dark and the lights on the island were dim.

At the pier, a cluster of flames flashed away, and the sound of the flames was completely covered by the loud noise of thunder.

After a tiring day of work. The residents of the island fell into sleep, and no one heard the faint sound of gunfire roaring and wailing for mercy amidst the thunder.


Bee Parker left the ruined pirate ship. This group of pirates had been hiding on this small island for a long time. If they hadn't received a reward list, they wouldn't have been found.

The residents of the small island also thought that the pirates were travelers who took refuge, and they didn't seem to doubt their identities.

Peter Parker could even imagine the idea of ​​this group of pirates, hiding in this remote place, waiting for the outcome of the battle outside, and then going out to steal the fruits of victory.

And before they leave, of course, they will not be kind and grateful to this small island, but will drain the last value of this small island.

By doing this, Peter Parker can be regarded as getting rid of a group of scourges.

"In a few days, it will be Little Coco's birthday."

And at this time, Oya suddenly said without reason.

Little Keke is not her daughter or sister, but as her adopted little girl, the two have experienced so many ups and downs together, and their relationship has long been like a sister.

"That silly girl should be sitting at the port every day now, waiting for us to go back."

Oya smiled, Xiao Ke was the last softness in her heart, if it wasn't for this angelic little girl, she would have put down all her worries, and would have embarked on that road of revenge with the determination to die.

Fulfill Captain Yaze's unfulfilled wish, and make a mess on the ocean of the new world.

"Completed more than a dozen rewards in a row, we should go back."

Bi Parker said in a deep voice, after returning from Golan Island, he and Oya desperately accepted the reward list, because only continuous fighting can make him wake up a little bit from the powerless regret of the destruction of Golan Island .

He thought of the man who claimed to know Lorne, who was then tied into a silkworm chrysalis with spider silk. Thinking of that woman, after all her companions died, her eyes were ashamed. She remembered her hesitation when she knew that she, who experienced the Golan Island incident with her, turned out to be her enemy.

What exactly is justice?

Any pirate, while being a criminal, may also be the father of a child, the lover of a girl, and the son of an old man.

Is my act of massacring pirates correct?

Bee Parker doesn't know, Bee Parker is very confused.

"Little Keke has always wanted to go to sea, so this time, I prepared a gift for her."

And Oya doesn't think as much as Bi Parker, she is a woman who does whatever she wants.

Sometimes, she would save those innocent ordinary people in the attack of pirates, and she would not understand the oppression of the island residents by the fallen navy, and solve them secretly, but sometimes, Oya would stand by and watch.

Because, she has no obligation to help anyone, what she wants to do is completely in accordance with her own heart.

Aoya took out an exquisitely crafted permanent pointer, and a line of beautiful characters was written on the dial of the pointer.

"May you never lose your way."

She hopes that when little Coco grows up, she can do what she likes to do.

She wanted to be a hero, so she was sent to the naval training base, and she wanted to be a free person on the sea, so she went to sea with her.

"I don't seem to have prepared a gift."

Peter Parker scratched his head in embarrassment. As the big brother most admired by Little Keke, he didn't even prepare a gift.

Fortunately, if we rush back now, we still have some time to prepare.


"Here...where is it?"

When Nana woke up from the coma, she felt that her body was extremely heavy, as if it had been filled with lead, and she tried to move, and a soreness like muscle dissolution hit.

It's like 10,000 ants clinging to one's own bones, constantly gnawing on one's body.

Nana frowned slightly, then felt a burst of weakness, and fell heavily on the bed.

"Hey! Big sister, you're awake!"

At this time, Nana saw clearly that there was a little girl about ten years old lying on her bed, woken up by her violent movements just now, rubbing her sleepy eyes, and looked at her excitedly. Nana.

"When you were washed up by the tide, I thought you were dead..."

"Is the outside world that scary?"

"Fortunately, you are a girl, otherwise we wouldn't be able to move you!"

"Are you better now..."

Looking at the little girl who asked her a series of questions, Nana felt a little headache.

It's not a matter of being bored with the little girl, but when she wants to think now, she feels as if ten thousand needles are stirring in her head, which is extremely painful.


She couldn't help beating her head violently with both hands, as if only external pain could slightly relieve the severe pain in her head.

"What’s wrong with you!?"

The little girl was a little at a loss when she saw the big sister suddenly behave like this.


After a while, Nana felt that the severe pain in her head had eased a lot. She stroked the little girl's soft hair weakly.

"Thank you for saving me...the adults in your family."

In any case, the little girl saved herself.

She is a person who knows how to be grateful.

"Brother and sisters have all gone out, and now I am the only one at home."

The little girl spoke slowly like a little adult.

This sense of maturity surprised Nana slightly, and then she looked at the little girl with pity.

Did you lose your parents at such a young age and live with your older brothers and sisters?

She looked at the little girl and thought of herself.

His parents also died in the hands of pirates when he was young. If Brother Haral hadn't rescued him with all his might, he might have died too.

This is why Nana has been following Haral.

But apart from pity, she wasn't too surprised.

After all, such seemingly tragic incidents are not uncommon in this ridiculous era.

"I have to get out of here!"

After resting for a while, Nana struggled to get up from the bed.

She now has more important things to do.

For example, stop that "Shadow" as he destroys the next island!

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