Pirate Family

Chapter 1144

Shadow is too scary, he has to be stopped.

Nana wants to convey this news. Only by uniting with those powerful people in the New World can it be possible to kill this lunatic.

But as soon as her feet touched the ground, she felt a burst of collapse, and then she fell directly to the ground.

The cold ground made her will wake up a little bit. The current me is too weak, and I can't even do the simplest movement.

"Sister! What's the matter with you!"

But Nana's fall scared the little girl a lot, and the little girl quickly helped Nana up.

"Big sister, you'd better lie down! My brothers and sisters have gone out, and when they come back, they will definitely help you!"

After helping Nana back to the bed, the little girl turned her head, thought for a while, and continued.

"They are very powerful!"

The little girl thought about it, how to say it. And she saw that the bandage she had put on with great difficulty was loosened because of Nana's series of actions just now, and some blood stains seeped out from the wound inside the bandage.

She quickly pressed Nana's body with her hands.

"Big sister, don't move!"

A small light circle appeared on the little girl's hand, and Nana felt that the severe pain in her body was relieved a lot.

And those cracked wounds also healed intact.

"In this way, big sister's injury will heal much faster!"

After doing all this, the little girl seemed a little bit exhausted, and the sweat was streaming down her forehead, but she wiped her sweat and didn't care.

A... ability user? !

And the little girl's actions were seen by Nana, she saw through almost instantly that the little girl was definitely using the ability of a devil fruit.

It seems that the identity of the little girl is not simple!

Any devil fruit is extremely precious, and even in remote areas, devil fruit is just regarded as a legend.

Unless it is those lucky ones chosen by heaven, it will not be easy for any devil fruit ability user.

Nana didn't expect that she would be so weak. She still underestimated the threat of sea water to devil fruit users. A devil fruit user soaked in sea water for a long time is like putting a steel bar into strong acid. in the liquid.

From the outside, it doesn't look like much damage, but the inside is badly damaged.

Now, it is only possible to temporarily cultivate in this place for a period of time.

Pray, that shadow will not be able to find the next island in a short time!

Nana felt that this prayer of hers was likely to come true, because according to what she learned, the shadow was a drifter sitting on that lonely boat aimlessly on the sea.

If you are lucky, you may reach the next island in two or three days, but if you are unlucky, it is not impossible to float for a year or two.

Although the islands in the New World are as vast as stars, it is still quite difficult to find an island in the vast sea.

"Are your brothers and sisters really that powerful?"

Nana looked at the joyous little girl in front of her, and asked softly.

"of course!"

And the little girl blinked her big eyes,

"Brothers and sisters are the most powerful people in the world!"

"Then where did they go?"

Nana didn't know what kind of person was able to throw such a small and cute little girl into the house alone.

"I don't know, but my brother said that they are doing justice."

"Have you traveled far?"

Nana thought to herself. Leaving such a little girl here alone, the brothers and sisters in her mouth must have a big heart.

If the little girl's abilities were leaked out, some people would definitely covet her.

After all, mastering such an ability is equivalent to mastering the world's top medical team.

No one will not be tempted.

"They will definitely be back in a few days!"

The little girl nodded and said with some confidence.

"Because, it's Little Keke's birthday soon, and the brothers and sisters will definitely come back before Little Keke's birthday."

At the end, the little girl added,

"It happens every year."

What a sensible little girl, Nana thought.

So she decided to stay here for a while, and protect this innocent and kind little girl well before her family members come back.


Nana has been recuperating in Little Keke's home for three days. She also recovered part of her strength under the care of Xiao Keke.

At least, it is still possible to get out of bed and walk, or fight some ordinary pirates.

After gaining the most basic self-protection ability, Nana no longer let the little girl take care of herself, but secretly protected the little girl.

This little girl named Xiao Keke seems to be always optimistic, even though the resident children in the church school are hostile to Xiao Keke whose parents and family backgrounds are unknown, but Xiao Keke always greets her with a smile.

It seemed that in her heart, there was no emotion of sadness at all.

The birthday that the little girl said was getting closer and closer. Nana bought a huge plush toy in the city and wanted to give it to the little girl as a gift.

She first put the fluffy bear in the little girl's home, then went to the church school early, and waited for the little girl to finish school at the gate of the church school.

"Today is your birthday, I have prepared a present for you!"

Looking at the little girl with an innocent smile on her face, Nana said with a smile.

She seemed to think of herself back then, who was so optimistic and innocent.


The little girl jumped up immediately after hearing the word "gift".

Then bounced all the way back to his home.

"Can you guess what the gift is?"

Nana looked at the excited little girl rushing to the front and said with a smile.

But when she returned to the little girl's house, her expression suddenly froze slightly.

Because there were some footprints at the door, and the door was swaying and not closed tightly.

And Nana remembered that when she went out, she obviously closed the door tightly!

Someone has sneaked into the little girl's house!

Nana's pupils shrank slightly, and she immediately became vigilant.

No matter what, she will not let the little girl suffer any harm!

But Little Keke didn't seem to notice Nana's strangeness.

He pushed open the door and rushed in.

At this time, a man's laughter came from the house.

"Hello, my little angel, look who's back."

"elder brother!"

"elder sister!"

The little girl screamed excitedly. On her birthday, her brother and sister came back.

It turned out that it was not the enemy.

Nana breathed a sigh of relief and pushed the door open.

However, when she clearly saw the "brother" in the little girl's mouth, her expression suddenly froze.

Not only her, but the man's expression also froze at the same time.

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