Pirate Family

Chapter 1145 Benefactor and Enemy

Nana never dreamed that the brothers and sisters that Xiao Keke talked about were the two who killed her last family members.

Bounty Hunters, Bee Parker and Oya!

The atmosphere suddenly froze to freezing point, and even Little Keke felt something was wrong.

"Good sister! Come in!"

She turned around and shouted to Nana outside the door, then excitedly took Bi Parker's hand and introduced it to Oya.

"This is my brother! He's a great adventurer!"

At this time, Oya also came out of the room, and when she saw Nana, her expression froze instantly.

If you want to talk about the person she least wants to meet, Lorne, who killed Yaze, is undoubtedly the first one, and the second is the navy that symbolizes justice, because their appearance will completely disrupt her peaceful life that is too late. broken.

On the left back is Nana.

In the case of Koh Lan Island, it is not even possible to tell right from wrong.

Peter Parker upholds the justice in his heart, what's wrong with killing the evil pirates?

And Nana, what's wrong with avenging her family?

If it were not for the sudden disaster, only one of the two of them would be able to leave Golan Island alive.


But Oya suppressed the shock in her heart. Pretending to be nonchalant, she walked towards Nana.

The small island they hid is quite hidden. Nana definitely didn't follow the vines to find the possibility of finding it here, and it can be seen from the other party's expression just now. Before that, Nana absolutely didn't know the relationship between Xiao Keke and herself Relationship.

More importantly, after a short contact in Golan Island, she knew that Nana at least had a bottom line, at least she would not attack those weak people.


And Nana also stretched out her hand, and clasped both hands with Aoya, suppressing the anger in her heart, and said with some gnashing of teeth.


"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed that you have such a kind sister."

After setting up little Keke, the few of them came to the rooftop.

"So, are you here to avenge us this time?"

On the other hand, after making sure that her conversation would not be heard by Little Keke, Oya leaned against the wall and looked at Nana calmly.

She still remembers what Nana said when they parted last time.

"I let you go last time, but this time, Little Keke saved me. We are even."

Nana waved her hand and said slowly.

"I promise you, I will never hurt Little Keke after you are dealt with."

"That's really...thank you."

Oya took a deep breath, and patted Bee Parker who was stunned beside her.

"Take care of little Coco."

Then he turned and looked at Nana.

"Thank you for not hurting little Keke, I will give you a one-on-one chance."


Nana thought that the man and woman would attack together to get rid of her as soon as possible. I didn't expect that Aoya wanted to single out with herself.

Judging by her appearance, she should be extremely confident in her own strength. But this is also good, I have not fully recovered, if I can solve one first, the next battle will be much easier.

Nana's fist, faintly, had a metallic luster.

I am already, not the original self.

"There's too much movement here, let's go to the beach."

As for Oya, after leaving such a sentence, she jumped onto the street, and then rushed towards the beach.

And Nana also left the rooftop and followed Ao Ya's pace.

The sea water has just receded, and there are still some traces of being swept up by the waves on the beach.

This place is the place where Nana was first discovered by Little Coco. Because it is far away from the only port and the mountain road is rugged, if you want to go to this beach, you must go through the dense jungle in the center of the island, so the residents of the island generally do not come. to this place.

But the so-called difficult mountain roads are not worth mentioning for strong people like them.

The two came to this place quickly.

"You have become much stronger, did you get a devil fruit?"

Oya looked at Nana's metal-covered fist and said slowly.

"It seems that you have taken great pains to avenge us."

She doesn't hate Nana. In fact, she understands Nana's feelings very well, because after Yaze's death, she felt the same way. If she hadn't met Xiao Keke, she might have walked on the same path as Nana. .

However, it was precisely because she knew Nana's mood that she became more aware that there was no possibility of reconciliation between the two parties.

This kind of hatred can only be relieved by death.

However, Oya was not very surprised that Nana suddenly obtained a devil fruit.

After all, according to the male pirate who was killed by them, Nana and others belonged to Lorne.

For Lorne, who stood at the peak of the sea, a mere devil fruit was not a precious thing.

But Nana didn't want to greet Aoya for a while. After adjusting her breath, a killing intent flashed in her eyes, and then she rushed towards Aoya directly.

The skin of the whole body exudes a dark gray metallic luster, and outside of this layer of metallic luster, is covered with a layer of black armed domineering color.

In an instant, she used her most powerful move.

That is, Haral's trick before.

"Steel martial body!"

Under the double defense, Nana's defensive power has superimposed to an incredible level, and it is precisely because of this amazing defensive power that she was able to survive the all-destructive attack of "Shadow".

Almost instantly, Nana evolved from a beautiful and sexy young woman to a steel monster.

"If it's someone else, it might really be a headache."

But looking at the aggressive Nana, Oya was not too flustered.

She drew an ordinary pocket knife from under her clothes.

Then, a gleam of light suddenly shone on the knife. A trace, seems to be able to cut all the luster.

"However, any defense in this world is useless in front of me!"

Ao Ya roared, raised her knife, and slashed at Nana who was rushing towards her.

The knife directly cut through the outermost layer of Nana's clothes. After a brief friction with the armed domineering, it cut through the defense of the armed domineering, and then directly ignored Nana's steel body.

A terrifying wound was cut on Nana's steel body. If Nana hadn't reacted in time and avoided the past.

Now, she has been cut in half by Oya!

For this result, Oya was not too surprised.

Because, her ability just restrains Nana.

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