Pirate Family

Chapter 1147


The whole world fell silent, leaving only the sound of the rolling waves.

However, to Oya, this sound was more like the sea crying.

"who is he?"

Aoya asked in a trembling voice, Nana and the group broke her ribs and felt a sharp pain when she was asked to speak.

"You don't know him?"

And Nana looked at Oya in surprise.

"There are so many pirates in this world, they are innumerable. Even the navy dare not claim to know all the pirates. I don't know one or two. How normal is it?"

Oya took a deep breath and replied.

But at the same time, she also understood one thing, that is, the man in black robe who broke through the waves is definitely not a simple character.

Otherwise, Nana's punch would have hit her head long ago, smashing her head to pieces.

"You should know."

Nana looked at the boat approaching the island and said with a complicated expression.

"He is a shadow."


A momentary confusion appeared on Oya's face, which was quickly replaced by shock.

In this world, there is only one person who is called "Shadow" and makes pirates of Nana's level so afraid.

"If he is allowed to come to this small island, then everyone on the island will die."

Nana said firmly that she had witnessed the cruelty of the shadow before. He was an emotionless person, as if the meaning of his existence was destruction.

destroy everything.

At this time, Oya also understood why Nana didn't kill her.

"I see, you want to join forces with me."

"The residents of the small island are innocent. It is unreasonable to suffer unreasonable disasters just because they were born in the new world and lived on this small island for generations."

"The whole world can't find such an absurd reason."

Nana took a deep breath and said so.

"Bee Parker must be contacted immediately."

At this time, Oya also endured the severe pain and stood up, speaking slowly.

Due to the war between the navy and the pirates, those smaller naval bases have long been wiped out by the pirates. The nearest naval base here is only the naval G-2 base in the Sea of ​​All Nations.

And even if they contacted the navy's G-2 base immediately, it would take at least half a month for the group of navy to rush over from there.

By that time, I am afraid that the island will be destroyed.

As for the nearby pirates, Oya didn't count on them at all.

Facing a crazy and powerful opponent like "Shadow", the group of pirates couldn't even hide, so how could they help?

Therefore, this small island can only rely on a few of them.

Bee Parker rushed over quickly. He saw Oya and Nana who still had battle marks on their bodies, and a trace of surprise flashed across their faces.

He thought that these two women were really just going to "talk".

If Oya knew what Bee Parker was thinking, she would definitely call him a fool. But now is not the time to dwell on it. They have more important things to attend to.

That is, how to deal with shadows.

"According to the speed of the boat, it will take about half an hour for Shadow to land on this small island."

"And according to his past habits, after landing on the island, he will attack all life on the island indiscriminately, until all life on the island is down, he will use terrifying power to destroy the island."

The power to destroy the island has reached the realm of legends, and only those legendary pirates have such terrifying strength.

"How can you be so clear?"

And Oya looked at Nana and said suspiciously.

She wasn't worried that Nana had lied, because there was no need. She knew Nana well because they were of the same kind.


Nana took a deep breath, as if recalling some painful memories.

"I've encountered him before."

"When he destroyed the last island, I was on that island. The reason why I was saved by Little Keke was also because I was injured during the fight with him."

"He is very strong, that kind of strong without the ability to resist. I can't even cause any obstacles to him. In his eyes, I may be no different from those ordinary people who were crushed to death by him."

Nana's words resounded in the hearts of Oya and Bi Parker, which shocked the two of them.

It can make a pirate of Nana's level feel powerless. Maybe, only those legendary pirates?

"We must join hands, otherwise, this small island will be destroyed by shadows."

"I see."

After knowing the identity of the other party, Bee Parker did not hesitate at all.

As for the residents who left the island, the idea of ​​running away with Little Coco and Oya before the "Shadow" landed on the island was excluded by Bee Parker from the very beginning.

It never occurred to him to do so! It is impossible for a person as obsessed with justice as he is to do so.

"I will create a net to block him! Then the two of you take advantage of this opportunity to attack him!"

Bee Parker spread out his hands, and countless white spider threads shot out from his palms, forming a large net, covering the shore.

The spider silk continued to weave, and finally, a white city wall was formed, completely blocking the island from the sea.

This trick was used when he used to block those infected people when he was in Golan Island.

It's just that that time, after fighting those two navies, he was a little exhausted, so the spider silk city wall he created was finally pushed by the infected people.

However, this time, he can be said to be in peak condition, and when facing the famous "Shadow", he did not dare to hold back at all, and directly used all his strength to create an unprecedented and strongest spider silk city wall.

But Pipac, who created the spider silk city wall, didn't feel at ease. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and said out of breath.

"This wall may not be able to stop the shadow for a long time, but when he attacks the wall, I will manipulate the spider silk to entangle him as much as possible to slow down his movements."

"And you, take this opportunity to attack him directly."

Peter Parker is very aware of Oya's ability. Oya's ability can be said to be the most powerful offensive devil fruit in the world, because no matter how strong the body is, no matter how powerful the armed domineering, there is no way to resist the cutting. will.

As long as Oya is given a chance to make a move, Oya can kill any strong person in this world.

That, the seemingly powerful "Shadow is no exception."

"I will also create opportunities for you."

As Nana said, the ground began to tremble, and countless steel elements floated up from the ground, forming metal spheres one after another in midair.

However, just as they were talking, a violent vibration suddenly came from the Spider Silk City Wall.

Then. a rift. From top to bottom, the entire spider silk city wall was torn apart!

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