Pirate Family

Chapter 1148

A gap was torn open in the white city wall tens of meters high.

Through the gap, one can see the tumbling waves outside, and a man in black standing in the middle of the waves.

He lowered his hand slowly, and the palm was still steaming. At this moment, a strange thought came to Pipac's mind. That man in black just used his palm to tear open the city wall?

You know, this is not an ordinary city wall, but a high wall made of spider silk woven by him using spider silk.

Even if the shells hit the high wall, it would not leave any traces, but that man in black just tore the high wall open with his bare hands?

But time didn't give Bee Parker a chance to think too much, at the moment when the spider silk wall was torn apart, he roared loudly.

"It's now!"

The torn city wall suddenly squirmed, rolling towards the man in black like a sea wave.

The man in black was caught off guard, and was entangled in the air by countless spider threads. One spider thread broke, and hundreds of more spider threads surged over, filling up the previous position, and tightly entangled the man in black.

"I see!"

Oya roared, and rushed towards the bound man in black.

And the steel elements floating in mid-air also continued to gather in the direction of Aoya, and finally gathered into a long sword tens of meters long.

Aoya grasped the long sword, and an extremely sharp will, which seemed to be able to cut everything, emerged.

Her ability is "cutting fruit", which can cut everything!


Oya roared loudly, swung her long sword and slashed at the bound man in black.


Cut down with the long sword! A ray of sword light spread from the small island, cutting a thousand-meter-long gap in the sea.

It's like cutting the ocean in half.

After a while, the seawater poured into the gap, and hearing the roar of the seawater, Aoya put down the long sword weakly.

The blow just now almost used up all her strength, and it was her peak blow.

She is confident, even if those pirate emperors stand in front of her and eat this sword firmly, there will only be one result.

That is death.

Other than that, there will be no other results.

No matter how strong that "shadow" is, it can't be stronger than those Pirate Emperors, right?

This was the only thought in Oya's mind, she didn't believe that this "shadow" would be stronger than the Pirate Emperors, otherwise, why had she never heard of this name before.

Boom boom boom!

The spider silk city wall collapsed, and a huge gap appeared on the coast of the entire island.

Sea water poured into this gap, and huge waves rolled over.

This is the trace left by Nana's sword.

"we won?"

And Peter Parker finally lost his strength and fell to the ground, but he couldn't hide his inner joy.

You know, they saved innocent lives on an island!

However, there was no expression of rejoicing on Nana's face. Instead, she looked solemnly at the pile of smoke and dust flying up by the coast.

She had fought against "Shadow", and she didn't believe that "Shadow" would be eliminated so easily.

Wait until the smoke clears. Only then did everyone see clearly, a black figure standing alone on the shore.

One of the shadow's arms was cut off, and the broken arm fell to the ground, revealing a lot of bones. But the strange thing is that everyone did not see a drop of blood.

Shadow's black robes were also destroyed, revealing his true colors.

What kind of face is that?

The eye sockets are sunken, the pupils are dull, and the skin has an abnormal dark blue color.

It was like a corpse that had been dead for many years.


After a while, the shadow finally moved. He was like a puppet being manipulated, his movements were stiff, he squatted down slowly, and picked up his severed arm. Then, he ate his arm alive.

A rancid smell filled the air. Everyone looked at the "shadow" chewing on their arms in shock, and for a moment, they even forgot about the attack.

"He's not human!"

At this time, Oya was the first to react and stood up with force.

"He should be a creation of some kind of fruit ability! We must clear this monster here!"

In this world, there are countless magical devil fruit abilities. As for the devil fruit, it is possible to create such weird things!

Almost at the same time, several people moved, and they rushed towards the "shadow" together. They couldn't allow this evil creature to continue to exist in this sea.

Must take advantage of this opportunity to destroy it!

However, at this time, the shadow also finished chewing and swallowed his entire arm.

The shadow that ate his arm seemed to have regained his ability to move. He raised his remaining arm and aimed at the three people rushing towards him.

Three punches!

He only used three punches, and each punch hit a person in the lower abdomen. The person who was hit felt as if his strength had been deprived, the bones in his body were shattered, and the whole person was like a pile of ooze Usually, you fall to the ground and can't get up again.

What a terrifying power, they are not on the same level at all!

And the shadow that solved the three people didn't seem to want to continue entanglement, but directly passed their bodies and walked towards the depths of the island.

There it is, the direction of the town!

Bee Parker struggled to grab Shadow's legs and block him, but all the bones in his body were shattered, and he couldn't stop him even a single step. He could only watch as Shadow walked towards the town step by step.

Wherever he went, trees fell and flocks of birds flew away. It actually opened up a path in the dense jungle alive.

As for Peter Parker, he could only look at the back of the shadow that kept going away,

"Oh monster!"

"What is this!"

"He's killing people, hurry up and call the Sheriff!"

"The sheriff was killed too! Run, everyone!"

Soon, Bee Parker heard the screams of panic and despair from the residents. However, there was nothing he could do.

If nothing else happened, this small island would soon be destroyed by this "shadow", just like the other small islands destroyed by him.

But the only few people who hoped to stop the "shadow" fell here, without any means.

The desperate wailing of every resident seemed to be beating on Bee Parker's heart.

This is a torment for him.

After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly felt a pair of soft, petite palms touching his body.

Then a purple halo shrouded the coast.

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