Pirate Family

Chapter 1149 Shadow's Weakness!

Although Little Coco is simple, she is not stupid.

She noticed that her brother and sister had a subtle attitude towards the "good sister" who was rescued by her.

So, after seeing Bee Parker leave in a hurry, she followed him quietly, but because of her poor physical fitness, she was left behind by Bee Parker. Long overdue.

However, fortunately she ran slowly, otherwise she would just catch up with Bee Parker and the others in their battle with the "Shadow". A little girl like Xiao Keke, even with the fruit ability, after being involved in a battle of this level, There is also only one result.

That is death.

A lavender halo shrouded the broken battlefield. Little Keke used her surgical fruit ability to carefully repair the shattered bones in Bee Parker's body. After she finally rescued Bee Parker, her head was full. sweat profusely.

"Come back to life."

Bee Parker felt the severe pain in his body disappear completely, and stood up from the ground, like a newborn, while Little Coco, who had done all this, walked towards Oya and the others.

Their situation is much more critical than that of Peter Parker.

After the injuries of the three people were completely repaired, Little Keke was almost exhausted.

This level of physical energy consumption is not something a ten-year-old girl can bear.

"I didn't expect the shadow to be so powerful."

Oya looked at a road swept out by the shadow, and said with lingering fear.

With Nana's cooperation, the sword she swung just now was already her pinnacle blow.

Aoya believed that even those pirate emperors with high self-esteem would only end up being killed if they stood under her own sword, but she didn't expect that the "shadow" was not human at all!

It is more like a creation manipulated by a certain fruit ability user. But what fruit is so powerful that it can create a puppet comparable to the "Legendary Pirate"? So how powerful should this capable person be?

Oya couldn't imagine it, but now, she didn't have a chance to think about it.

Looking in the direction the shadow left.

In the dense jungle, the trees collapsed, and a path was abruptly swept out by the shadow. At the end of the road, you can see the towering town buildings in the center of the island.

Faintly, one could hear the wailing of the residents of the small town, and smell the smell of blood in the air.

Shadow, has already started to do it.

There is not much time left for them.

"But it's not without good news."

After thinking for a moment, Peter Parker said slowly.

"The battle just now proved at least one thing, that is, the shadow is not invincible, and we can also hurt him with our cooperation. If the attack just now can't kill him, then, next time, aim at his head , cut off his head, smashed his body, I don't believe he can continue to slaughter."

Bee Parker took a deep breath, and then ran towards the direction of the town.

For every second of delay, the inhabitants of the island suffer unimaginable suffering.

Bee Parker had no time to waste.

"Little Keke, hide on the boat immediately!"

And Oya walked up to Little Keke, and said softly to the little girl.

On the coast, there is a small boat, which is the boat that the shadow rides on. According to rumors, as long as the shadow escapes from the island when the shadow strikes, then the shadow will not continue to chase, just like a robot, carrying out its own established mission. program.

Aoya is unwilling to put Xiao Keke in danger.

The little girl nodded obediently. She knew that being here was nothing but a burden.

"I'm waiting for you!"

She said forcefully, and then ran towards the boat.

Only by reassuring the brothers and sisters can they let go and fight!

Little Coco has always been very well-behaved!

"Although it's presumptuous, I still want to ask you to help me."

At this time, Oya turned around and said to Nana.

She looked at this woman who was supposed to be her enemy with a complicated expression.

"I have to borrow your strength, otherwise with my speed, I may not be able to get close to the shadow."

"After this battle is over, let's settle things between us."


Nana snorted coldly, ignored Oya at all, and ran straight towards the town.

Although she is a pirate, she still can't let her sit back and watch this small island suffer such an innocent disaster and let these innocent residents die for nothing.

The two quickly followed Peter Parker. Looking at the two people who came from behind, Bee Parker said while running.

"During the battle just now, I discovered that the shadow has a fatal flaw. Wait a minute, let me verify it. If this flaw really exists, we may be able to stop it all!"



In the very center of the town, the originally quiet and peaceful streets were covered by flames, and the delicate buildings collapsed. The residents were trapped in the sea of ​​flames, with nowhere to hide.

A woman, kneeling on the ground, grabbed the feet of a man in black in front of her, begging.

"We are willing to give all our wealth, please don't hurt my daughter!"

She originally lived in a wealthy family and grew up on a small island. In her more than 20 years of life, she never left this small island.

But a woman does not yearn for the outside world, because she has a husband who loves herself very much, and a lovely daughter.

She is very content.

Moreover, because this small island is located in a remote place with poor resources, the pirates who are rampant in the sea do not want to come to this poor place at all, so this small island is rarely attacked by pirates.

The woman thought that her peaceful life would last her whole life, but today, she encountered the nightmare of her whole life.

The black-robed man who came from nowhere in front of her destroyed everything about her, and her lovely daughter was trapped in the raging flames.

The neighbors fled in all directions, wailing constantly, and no one noticed it at all.

The daughter was trapped in the fire, and her desperate cry for help almost made the woman feel desperate.

However, the man in black didn't pay attention to all this, but walked towards a healthy young man who was closest to him.

"Don't come here!"

The young man shouted in despair, the black-robed man approached him step by step like a death-killing god.

And the god of death cannot hear the wailing of ordinary people.

But at this moment, a gunshot pierced the sky.

A bullet hit the head of the man in black.

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