Pirate Family

Chapter 1150 Ordinary People Are Heroes!

A middle-aged security officer raised a flintlock gun and aimed at the man in black. Said tremblingly.

"You monster, get out of our town!"

The sheriff yelled in a trembling voice.

However, the man in black just shook his body slightly, and then a distorted bullet slid down to the ground.

On his temple, a white spot appeared, which was the mark left by the bullet on his body.

No one at the legendary level will care about ordinary bullets, because bullets have no chance of penetrating their armed defenses.

Unless, this bullet was carved out of Hailou Stone.

But obviously, this barren island cannot find this kind of sea building stone bullet.

The man in black turned around, then staggered towards the gun-wielding sheriff.

"You stop!"

The sheriff roared tremblingly. Constantly pulling the trigger, a pitch-black bullet shot out, hitting the black-robed man's body.

But apart from leaving dispensable white spots one after another on his body, it had no effect.

He couldn't even stop the man in black!

After he walked in front of the sheriff, the sheriff pulled the trigger tremblingly again, but this time, no bullets were fired.

Out of bullets!

And the man in black directly twisted his neck with his hands.


The sheriff's eyes widened, and then, like a rag sack, he fell powerlessly to the ground.

What people fear most is what they cannot understand.

An atmosphere of despair hangs over the town.

But at this moment, an angry roar sounded in everyone's ears.

"You bastard!"

"I am your enemy!"

The fire was pushed out of a channel, and Bee Parker's figure appeared at the other end of the channel.

He looked at all this angrily. Crackling fists!

This bastard is simply a heartless beast!

The shadow, on the other hand, gave up his prey and looked at Bee Parker.

After thinking for a while, he walked slowly towards Bi Parker.

Countless residents around looked at the black-robed man in horror. Wherever he went, all the residents couldn't help taking a step back, lest this god of death would see him.

However, Shadow didn't seem interested in these weaklings, but walked straight towards Bee Parker.

"Your opponent is me!"

Bee Parker roared, and countless spider silks shot out from his arms, entangled around the shadow, and the shadow didn't dodge, let these tough spider silks entangle itself. His pace was getting slower and slower, but he didn't stop.

Bee Parker knew that there was no way to block the shadow with the spider silk alone, but his purpose was not to block the shadow. With a wave of his hand, the spider silk shot towards the burning house next to it. Tie firmly to the house that is about to collapse.

The fire restrains the spider silk, but the purpose of Bee Parker is not to use the house to block the shadow, but!

In the face of flames, spider silk is extremely fragile, but after being covered by the fire, these houses are also vulnerable.

All it takes is an external force, and it will collapse!

And the spider silk connected to the shadow just provided this external force!

As the shadow moved, the house finally couldn't bear the pulling force and fell in the direction the shadow was going. The burning building smashed into the shadow's body.

The shadow, however, has no intention of avoiding it!


The ruins of flames hit the shadow's body!

This was a plan of Bee Parker. He realized that the shadow was like a puppet, and could only act around his own established logic, and this logic prioritized annihilating the most threatening enemy. Although possessing incomparable power, the shadow's fighting skills are actually too simple.

Bee Parker just used the shadow's fighting logic!


The residents looked at the pile of ruins and thought with lingering fear.

Was that person who looked like a god of death really, so easily solved?

All eyes were on Bee Parker. A look of gratitude.

If it weren't for Bee Parker, they might have died!

However, at this moment, the pile of ruins suddenly shook a few times, and then, a pale arm stretched out from the ruins, directly grabbing Pipac's neck!

That's the end? Of course not!

The shadow's body slowly came out from the ruins, this level of attack could not threaten him at all!

The shadow lifted Peter Parker up. This is the only opponent on this small island that can pose a slight threat to him, so he must get rid of him!

But Bee Parker seemed to have thought of this result a long time ago, he closed his eyes, and suddenly roared!

"It's now!"

A figure rushed out from the side!

Oya jumped out, holding a long knife she had just picked up in her hand.

The will to cut everything is wrapped around the long knife!

Shadow sensed a huge threat coming from behind, and just wanted to put down Bee Parker to get rid of this threat, but found that his body suddenly couldn't move!

Countless spider silks were entwined around his and Bee Parker's bodies. Bee Parker grinned grimly, he was waiting for this opportunity!

Shadow's battle logic is very simple, it is to find the target he thinks is the most threatening and destroy it first, then Peter Parker will take the risk and use himself as a bait to attract the shadow!

And Nana also moved at this time, she waved her hand, and countless steel elements floated up from the ruins, and gathered towards Aoya.

Formed a long sword tens of meters long!

Shadow wanted to try to break free from the shackles of the spider silk. Under normal circumstances, this level of shackles would not stop him for a long time at all. It only takes a little force, and these spider silks will break!

However, Oya didn't give the shadow time to break free, she held up a long sword ten times longer than her body, and slashed towards the shadow!

The long sword carries the will to cut everything! It hit the ground hard!


The ground collapsed, and the island was cut with a huge gap! The sword light even spread to the sea, causing monstrous waves!

And the shadow, finally, slowly stopped the movement of breaking free.

His body was cut into two halves!

Not only him, but Bee Parker behind the shadow, even if he dodged in time, a slit that spread from his left shoulder to his right abdomen would cut his whole body open.

Blood splattered, and everyone looked at the scene in shock.

Then, a resident stood up solemnly, and bowed to Peter Parker.

Immediately afterwards, all the survivors stood up and bowed to the few people who had saved them.

This is their silent, supreme, thank you.

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