Pirate Family

Chapter 1151 Old Man

Disasters always pass. The climate of the New World is fickle.

The sudden heavy rain extinguished the fire in the small town. Let this ordinary town be saved from the fate of destruction.

On the other hand, Aoya and the others declined the thanks from the residents of the small town, and quietly left the place when they were celebrating their remaining lives in the small town.

Their journey is not over.

"Just a little bit, you're dead!"

In the cabin of the boat, little Keke was busy trying to piece together the broken limbs for Peter Parker. Aoya said coldly.

"If my sword deflects a little bit, you will die on the spot. Even if we collect your body back, we won't be able to save you."

The fruit of Little Coco's operation creates an operation space, and randomly puts together people or animals in the space. Therefore, Bee Parker seems to be cut in half, but as long as he is not dead, then Little Coco will He can be rescued through the fruit of the operation.

However, the fruit of surgery is not the fruit of resurrection after all. Can't save the dead.

But Bi Parker didn't speak. If he hadn't done so at that time, there would be absolutely no way for Oya's sword to hit the shadow.

And the shadow will react very quickly, clearing out the few of them who are a threat to him, then no one will be able to save the residents of this small island anymore.

"By the way, there is one more thing."

And at this time, Oya seemed to think of something, and a hesitant expression appeared on her face.

She still remembered the agreement between herself and Nana, after the shadow incident was over, she would settle the matter between herself and her.

She looked around, but saw that Nana was no longer in the cabin. When she came to the deck, she only saw that a small boat had left the small boat at some unknown time.

Nana, left again.

"This woman."

Looking at the small boat gradually disappearing at the end of the sea level, Nana suddenly smiled.

Some helplessly smiled.

The grievances between him and her, perhaps, will never be cleared up.

However, she turned around again and looked at a small island like a dark spot on the sea.

Look complicated.

She is not a good person, but she often does things that only a savior would do.

But at least, the shadow is dead, and in this sea, there will be no more innocent people suffering the tragic fate of being destroyed by the island.


No one noticed that at this time, there was a white warship in the waters near the small island that should have been destroyed.

The battleship did not fly a flag, but judging from the resolute soldiers on the deck and the white spray paint on the whole body of the battleship, this should be a main naval battleship.

Several lookouts looked around vigilantly, as if they were monitoring the surrounding movement. Once any suspicious ships approached this warship, they would be included in their eyes.

And it was not the high-level officers of the navy who could make these soldiers so cautious, and even sent heavy troops to protect them, but an old man.

One, wearing a dark blue suit, has a head of white straight long hair, and a long vertical beard that extends almost to the lower abdomen like a waterfall.

He stood in the cabin where he was alone, with a dignified expression.

There was a closed coffin in front of him, and he didn't know what was inside.

At this moment, the phone bug rang suddenly.

"I heard that your little pet failed, or was defeated by a few unknown little characters."

An old voice came from the other end of the phone bug.

"Is such that."

The old man sat down and spoke slowly.

"It seems that such a long time of comfortable life has made you forget how to fight. You turned a ferocious beast into a cat."

The voice on the other end of the phone worm started to tease. They seemed to be old friends for many years, regardless of each other's identities.

"It's just an accident."

"Accident? Why don't you come back and think about how your past self fought."

"Let the sword or fist replace you to carry out this action, or the plague that appeared some time ago is also fine."


The old man shook his head.

"What happened in the past, let him be sealed in history."

"The reappearance of the plague has already made the navy suspicious. If several other people appear in the same way, with the wisdom of the guy from the Warring States Period, he should suspect us."

"After all, the only commonality of our previous identities is that we arrived at that place together."

"It's just a small accident. I can easily fix this accident."

"You are still as confident as before." The old man on the other end of the phone bug said with a sigh.

"However, it's up to you, after all, it has nothing to do with me."

"so be it."

The old man was about to hang up the phone bug, but suddenly, the voice on the other end of the phone bug said casually, as if thinking of something.

"Did you feel that during this period of time, that adult is a little strange?"

This casual sentence was like a heavy bomb that had been detonated directly. The air dropped several degrees in an instant, and the two of them fell silent at the same time.

After a while, the old man spoke.


"Beep beep."

The phone bug hung up, while the old man closed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

It took an unknown amount of time before he was awakened from his dream. It turned out to be one of his secretary. Seeing that his boss hadn't moved for a long time, he was worried that something might happen, so he walked in to remind him.

"When people are old, they fall asleep accidentally."

The old man smiled and said helplessly.

"People who like to use their brains are like this, and so is my grandfather. He used to be a well-known doctor in the village. When he retired, he was still keen to help others, but he often likes to sleep."

"That's what smart people do."

The secretary was a young man, and he looked at the old man in front of him without concealing his admiration.

After all, this is the highest peak of power in this world!

"Is it?"

The old man narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

"Do me a favor, young man."

"We are happy to help!"

The secretary hurriedly said excitedly, you know, if you get the favor of the grown-up in front of you, it can be said that you will soar into the sky!

"Help me open the lid of this coffin, I'm getting old and I don't have enough strength!"

Without even thinking about it, the young man immediately walked up to the coffin, then grabbed the coffin board tightly and pushed it vigorously.

He was originally an excellent graduate of the Naval Academy, otherwise he would not have gotten such a generous position, so in terms of physical fitness, even compared with those elite navies, he would not give in much.

This coffin board, in his hands, is like a toy, and it was easily lifted by him!

However, the picture that appeared in front of him stunned him.

Because, in the coffin, there is no corpse as he imagined.

Instead, a black robe that almost enveloped the whole person!

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