Pirate Family

Chapter 1152 Darkness

The old man walked out of the cabin, and the soldiers outside stopped their patrol immediately after seeing the old man, and then bowed respectfully.

There is no other reason, just because the identity of this seemingly old and frail old man is really too noble!

Just because the old man suddenly wanted to visit the new world, three of their entire elite troops were dispatched. You know, they are the elite troops directly trained by the world government. Every member of the army has extraordinary combat power, even comparable to the brigadier general of the navy headquarters!

But now, this elite army is all around the old man, and there is only one purpose, that is, to protect the safety of the old man.

In their creed, the safety of the old man is above all else. When necessary, even if their entire army is wiped out, the old man must be sent to a safe place!

But none of the soldiers present had any objection to this.

Just because of the identity of the elderly.

The world government, the pinnacle of power, one of the five old stars!

"The sea in the new world is no different from that in Paradise, I'm tired of seeing it!"

Looking at the endless sea, the old man said suddenly. After hearing his words, the soldiers behind him finally breathed a sigh of relief.

You know, this is a new world! It is a new world ruled by the terrifying pirate emperors and countless pirate lords. If the whereabouts of the old man are leaked, it will definitely cause an uproar!

Even those pirate emperors will show a certain interest. Once those dangerous pirates pay attention, then this warship will be dangerous.

It's not that they are worried about the danger of their lives, but they are worried that under the obstruction of the Pirate Emperors, even if they sacrifice their lives, it will not help.

Now that the old man said that he was tired of watching, these soldiers finally let go of their worries.

The whereabouts of this warship have not been revealed yet, as long as they head towards the Red Earth Continent, someone will naturally meet them.

And the sea is so vast, as long as luck is not too bad, they won't even meet a pirate group on their way home. And even if you encounter some miscellaneous pirates, you don't need to be afraid. After all, the soldiers on this ship are the elite among the elite, and ordinary pirates can be easily dealt with. As for those strong men with surnames, they are either hiding in their own territory, looking at the chaotic sea as a bystander, or fighting other pirate forces for the territory, and have no time to take care of them.

Therefore, the soldiers are not worried.

"You mean we're going back now?"

A soldier captain asked in a trembling voice.

"Yes, I'm also sorry for making you worry all day long in this chaotic place."

The old man said slowly, with a gentle and gentle tone, which made people feel like spring breeze.

The boat turned around slowly, and headed towards the Red Earth Continent along the route they had planned long ago.

However, none of the soldiers noticed that a coffin was thrown into the sea.

The coffin drifted aimlessly on the sea with the tide.

I don't know how long after the warship left this sea area, finally, the coffin lid suddenly moved, and an arm like a dead body pushed the coffin board away, and sat up from the coffin.

He was wearing a black robe, covering his whole body in a shadow, like a shadow.


"Two more islands have been destroyed. According to intelligence, both islands have been attacked by shadows."

Naval Headquarters, Marine Vandeau. Marshal's office.

A navy soldier is holding an intelligence and is reporting to Sengoku.

On the other hand, Warring States frowned, as if it was difficult to contain his anger.

"Shadow, Shadow, are all the pirates in the new world crazy?"

"And those Lorne guys, are they so incompetent? Let the shadows wreak havoc on their territory!"

He didn't understand, what's the point of this shadow destroying one island after another like this, is it to show his great strength to other pirates? But since he has the strength, why not go directly to challenge those pirates who have been famous for a long time!

Isn't stepping on someone else's head the fastest way to become famous?

Moreover, even if the shadow is really so powerful, it should have already entered the sight of Lorne and those guys. Why, until now, Lorne still hasn't taken action to deal with this shadow?

Warring States did not understand. In his view, the duty of the navy is to protect those ordinary people, whether it is ordinary people in the four seas or Paradise, the ordinary people in the New World are the same.

The tragic death of these ordinary people can only prove one thing, and that is the incompetence of the navy as the guardian of justice.

If Lorne knew Sengoku's thoughts, he would definitely be wronged, because during this period of time, he happened to be dealing with the decisive battle with Shanks and adapting to his evolved body, so he had no time to take care of other things.

"These two islands, like the ones in the rumors, sank into the sea within three days after being attacked by the shadow, and completely disappeared in the sea of ​​the new world."

And the navy soldiers seem to have long been accustomed to such roars from the Warring States Period. After all, after declaring war on the pirates, those crazy pirates emerged one after another, and tragic things happened from time to time.

Pirates are like tumors parasitic in this sea. Although they have not deteriorated, if they are not cleaned up as soon as possible, the consequences will be disastrous!


The navy soldier hesitated, and he took out another information sheet.

"This is another piece of information intercepted by the Navy's intelligence department. Broccoli Island was also attacked by someone suspected of being a shadow a few days ago. However, this time, the shadow did not succeed, but seemed to be attacked by some people." People stopped."

"According to the rumors of the residents of Broccoli Island, the person suspected of being a shadow seemed to be killed on the spot."


This information attracted the attention of Sengoku. He took the information and read it carefully.

Broccoli Island is where Aoya and the others hid before.

"According to the traces left on the battlefield, it is indeed the shadow."

After reading the entire information, Zhan Guo said in a deep voice.

He should thank the few people who stopped the shadow. After all, if it weren't for them, Broccoli Island would probably suffer the same fate as other small islands.

However, since the shadow can be eliminated by a few unknown people, it also shows that his strength may not be as powerful as the rumors say.

Warring States began to analyze, since pirates of this level can wreak havoc in the New World, does it mean that the current pirates in the New World are far less powerful than they appear due to internal consumption.

However, at this time, another navy soldier walked in, holding a piece of information in his hand.

After receiving this piece of information, Zhan Guo's expression froze instantly.

Because, please report,

The shadow appeared again!

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