Pirate Family

Chapter 1153

The shadow that had died in the intelligence had reappeared.

And this time, he appeared majestically on the main channel and was witnessed by many people.

"Where is his next destination?"

Warring States asked in a deep voice.

There is no doubt about the madness and strength of the shadow, this guy must be eliminated as soon as possible, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

"He will arrive in the Loxor Sea area after three days."

With the order of the Warring States Period, the entire headquarters began to operate like precise gears. Soon, an intelligence officer would draw the shadow's possible route on the map of the new world.

"According to the wind direction, shipping route, cold and warm ocean currents, and various influences."

"Shadow's next destination may be Sidio!"

"Then, dispatch Aokiji from the G-2 branch. With his ability, he should be able to stop the shadow..."

Zhan Guo said so, but he suddenly froze for a moment and frowned.

"What, where do you say the next destination of the shadow is?"

"Steou. Your Excellency the Marshal."


Sidio, because of the rich steel here, has the reputation of the city of steel.

But also because of the rich steel resources here, many pirates are eyeing this place. It's just that the major forces that previously occupied Sidio checked and balanced each other, so there was no major war.

However, this balance was broken after the arrival of the Vinhill family.

These indigenous forces, who were not at all aggressive and ambitious opponents of the Vinhill family, were easily swept out of Sidio.

Before the other forces could react, the Vinhill family took full control of the island and used the island's steel resources to produce more powerful weapons.

These weapons and ammunition are the cornerstone of the Vennhill family's ambitions.

There is no doubt that Si Diou is the real core of this terrible family.

Any forces that want to get involved here must face it, and the thunder of the Vinhill family is furious.

At least, in the eyes of many forces, that is the case.

The towering steel buildings of Sidio reached the sky, and under the care of the Vinhill family, it became a metropolis like a steel forest.

Residents lived in these steel buildings, so they didn't have to worry all day long, fearing that one day pirates would attack here, and then die for some ridiculous reason.

As long as they don't violate the laws of the Vinhill family, they can do whatever they want. This kind of free and unrestrained atmosphere has become the customs of Sidio.

As a result, many tourists, businessmen, and even adventurers from other islands will linger here and even settle down here.

And the Vinhill family also welcomes anyone who wants to live here. There are only two premises.

First, it is useful.

The second is to be obedient.

Even if it is so harsh, there are still many people flocking to it. After all, compared to their own safety, a small price is simply insignificant.

At this time, the very center of the Steel Forest of Sdio is located in a black iron castle at the highest point.

In the main hall, Lorne was fighting a beast.

He hadn't fought like this for a long time, because when his strength reached a certain level, such ordinary beasts were cats, bugs, and ants, and there was no difference. It was more like playing than fighting.

And Lorne was indeed playing.

In the octagonal cage, a saber-toothed tiger several meters high roared deafeningly, and in the gaps between its teeth, even the remains of its food from yesterday could be seen.

The saber-toothed tiger looked at the little guy in front of him with a ferocious expression.

It has attacked many times, but this little guy in front of him is extremely cunning, every time, he just escaped its attack.

This feeling made it, as the king of all beasts, feel like it was being teased.

As the king of all beasts, it has its own dignity, and that dignity is repeatedly challenged by this little one. It is determined to tear up the monster in front of it.


The saber-toothed tiger roared, its forelimbs bent, and it leapt forward, pounced towards Xiao Budian.

It was very clever, and forced the enemy into the corner of the octagonal cage. If the opponent wanted to avoid his attack, he could only lower his body and swipe through his leaping abdomen.

But the other party couldn't imagine that as long as he lowered his head, what greeted him was a powerful tail blow from himself.

It is impossible for a human's fragile body to withstand its own blows.


However, facing the cunning attack of the saber-toothed tiger, Lorne did not resist, but closed his eyes.

His body suddenly split into two people, and the saber-toothed tiger jumped directly on the body of Lorne behind him, passed through Lorne's body, and slammed heavily into the iron net of the octagonal cage.

"The phantom fruit can create its own phantom. The phantom can only last for a very short time, but within the duration, it can make the same attack as the main body."

Outside, Violet took out a notebook and began to record the abilities Lorne had shown.

"This is already the fifth fruit, boss, how many devil fruits have you eaten?"

Next to Violet, Jody stared wide-eyed, looking at everything inside.

A person can only eat one kind of devil fruit, which is almost an iron law in the sea, but at this time, Lorne showed several different devil fruits.

Every devil fruit ability is powerful and weird.

It's just like that. godlike.

This is, the boss and the others have been hiding for so long, is it the plan to ascend to the top of the gods?

"a lot of."

And Lorne said slowly, he snapped his fingers, a green light emerged from his hand, and then rushed towards the injured saber-toothed tiger.

After these green rays of light touched the body of the saber-toothed tiger, they quickly repaired the opponent's wounds. Almost an instant later, the saber-toothed tiger got up again.

"Healing fruit, which can heal the opponent's injury by consuming physical strength. The fruit of surgery and the lower fruit of human fruit, phantom beast, and angel form."

This fruit was bought by Lorne from Doflamingo, and Doflamingo got it from a certain force in his territory. Lorne paid a great price to exchange this fruit from Doflamingo.

And after getting up again, the sabre-toothed tiger looked at Lorne not as fiercely as before, but with a little more fear.

It curled up in the corner of the octagonal cage, never daring to attack Lorne again.

"Fat Tiger, erase the memory of the saber-toothed tiger."

And Lorne seemed to have expected all this, clapped his hands, and said slowly to a strong man like a mountain of meat outside the octagonal cage.

"Come on! Boss!"

After the fat tiger heard the order, he walked towards the saber-toothed tiger with a grin on his face.

The saber-toothed tiger instinctively wanted to resist, but for some reason, it suddenly felt that this scene seemed familiar.

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