Pirate Family

Chapter 1158

"How can it be?!"

In the marshal's office, the most shocking thing was Momotu Rabbit Garden.

Because, she once ventured to the giant kingdom Elbaf with Lorne, and saw Lorne show his fruit with her own eyes.

That is the ability to distort the illusion of others.

This kind of fruit ability is quite hidden and extremely difficult to detect, which is why Lorne's fruit ability has never been confirmed.

If Lorne's devil fruit is an animal type that can transform into an orc, or a natural type that can turn into elements, people will notice it when he shows this ability for the first time.

"His ability shouldn't be a fluttering fruit!"

And there is another point, the golden lion Shiji fell into the hands of Lorne only two years ago. There is a common sense in this sea, that is, there will never be two identical devil fruits. So even if Lorne hides his ability, it will definitely not be a fluttering fruit.

The picture shown in the surveillance phone bug completely shocked the big shots sitting behind the scenes.

Because Lorne is really challenging their cognitive bottom line. Could it be that a person can have two kinds of devil fruit abilities at the same time?

If Lorne knew what these people were thinking, he would definitely scoff.

Because, the abilities he has mastered are not two, but more than ten.

After the completion of the Ascension to the Gods long-term plan, Lorne became a well-deserved perfect creature. Within the range that his body could bear, he could unscrupulously devour the ability of other devil fruits.

But Lorne doesn't have the mind to pay attention to these people's thoughts now, he is "playing" with the shadow now.

At this time, the shadow was in a state of embarrassment, with long scratches all over his body. He could hardly find a piece of good skin all over his body.

And until now, he has never hit Lorne with a punch.


Shadow roared a few times unwillingly, and finally, slowly knelt down on the ground.

His physical strength is already on the verge of limit.

"Is it only possible to do this?"

Lorne's figure appeared three meters in front of the shadow. He looked down at the shadow and said slowly.

"That's really a pity."

Lorne is ready to end the puppet's pathetic life.

But at this time, the shadow who had always been expressionless like a puppet suddenly raised his head, showing a hint of sarcasm.

Mingming was kneeling on the ground, covered in blood, but the shadow's eyes were like a superior looking at the ants under his feet.

If it wasn't for Lorne standing here, he would have thought that he was kneeling on the ground.

"Is the person hiding behind you finally ready to come out? Are you going to beg me not to destroy your carefully crafted work?"

Lorne said playfully. A puppet comparable to a legendary pirate is indeed quite powerful. In a slightly weaker era, this puppet alone was enough to sweep the entire sea.


And Shadow made no effort to conceal the contempt in his heart.

"Do you think that this level of strength is enough to challenge us?"

"This level has just touched us."

"You are still far away!"

"If the person kneeling on the ground is me, I will believe it."

Lorne said flatly, but a killing intent flashed in the corner of his eyes.

Cats are proud animals.

"I can make hundreds or even thousands of this puppet at any time! I don't care at all."

"However, you only have one life! I hope you, think about it."

Shadow suddenly laughed loudly, then raised his hand, and suddenly poked at his chest.

A bloody heart. It was dug out directly from his chest.

Knowing that he was invincible, Shadow chose to commit suicide.

And Lorne's complexion became extremely ugly.

Not because of the threats from the people behind the shadow. It was the shadow that dared to commit suicide in front of him.

"I didn't allow you to die, how dare you die?"

Lorne said coldly.

He directly raised the shadow's corpse. Then he jumped suddenly and flew in the direction of the Black Iron Castle.

"Since you are waiting, don't run away!"

The floating land slowly fell, filling the deep pits on the ground.

The bosses behind the scenes looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't realize that this legendary battle, which was supposed to be evenly matched, was actually, just like that, over?

In fact, it didn't end. After Lorne returned to Sdio Black Iron Castle, he directly threw the shadow's body on the main hall.

Then, a figure wearing a black robe who looked exactly like Lorne slowly appeared in the darkness.

He is the real body of Lorne.

Lorne snorted coldly, and came directly in front of the shadow. He bent down and sniffed the shadow.

"Sure enough, the person hiding behind the scenes has only recently come into contact with this body."

The ability of Lorne's body is the fruit of perception, which can greatly strengthen his five senses at first, but after Lorne's awakening, the fruit of perception can already affect the sixth sense.

The sixth sense is a mysterious and mysterious concept, but Lorne knows that it really exists.

He "felt" the aura of the person hiding behind the shadow.

"Where is it?"

Lorne closed his eyes and began to search carefully.

"The Red Earth Continent? Not..."

"Paradise? Not..."

"Xihai? No..."

Lorne began to imagine one location after another, and then his sixth sense told himself that the answer was wrong.

Finally, Lorne suddenly opened his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Is the first half of the new world heading towards the Red Earth Continent?"

Intuition told Lorne that this answer was correct.

Then, Lorne took out a nautical chart,

"Probably, at this location. There is still half a month's voyage from the Red Earth Continent."

Lorne drew a circle on the map with a pen, and then drew several routes near the circle.

These are all possible routes for that person. After all, Lorne's ability is to perceive the fruit, not to predict the fruit, and it can only be accurate to this range.

However, this range is enough.


Lorne said in a low voice. Violet's figure emerged from the shadows.

"Get ready and let the family's fleet set off."

"What is the goal?"

"Looking for someone."

Lorne made no secret of the killing intent in his heart. He had sworn before that he would never let anyone talk to him in such a superior tone.

Since that guy wants to find him by himself, then he will go to him by himself.

The Vinhill family owns the fastest ship in the world, and they can definitely catch him before he reaches the red earth continent.

"Then what?"

Violet was a little taken aback. She didn't understand what Lorne was thinking, but since it was Lorne's order, she had no choice but to execute it.

"kill him!"

Lorne said so.

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