Pirate Family

Chapter 1159 Encounter

The battle between Lorne and Shadow ended in an unexpected way.

Unexpected, but also within reason. After all, as a strong man who has dominated the sea for so many years, it would be unrealistic for Lorne to be defeated so easily by someone who doesn't know his origin.

It's just that all the bosses who saw that battle had to re-examine Lorne's strength, because Lorne is very likely to be the first person with multiple devil fruit abilities in this sea. With the combination of different devil fruit abilities, his combat power may be stronger than imagined.

And more importantly, why did Lorne reveal his biggest secret to everyone at this juncture? He was confident, or he wanted to deter those ambitious people who were about to move.

These people don't know.

However, soon, an even more shocking news spread throughout the sea, not long after the battle between Lorne and the shadow ended, to be precise, half an hour later. Dozens of warships of the Vinhill family left the port of Sdio. Heading towards the direction of the Red Earth Continent.

What does Lorne want to do? Such doubts arose in everyone's hearts, because, in that direction, there was only one force that could compete with the Vinhill family.

Naval Headquarters, or rather, World Government.

Could it be that Lorne could no longer restrain his ambition. Want to start a war between the two sides?

And at this time, the most nervous thing is the Navy Headquarters.

He didn't know Lorne's purpose this time. The Vinhill family might not necessarily want to come to Paradise to fight the navy.

Because Lorne is not without a criminal record. Last time, he launched a war against the navy in name, but secretly, he brought the main force of the Vinhill family to Wano to fight Kaido.

Warring States didn't know if Lorne had the same purpose this time.

But he didn't dare to bet, he could only station all the main force of the navy in the Chambord Islands. Because once Lorne really wants to fight the navy, when the army of the Vernhill family returned to the paradise from the new world, the navy did not stop it at the first time, so it took nearly a year of hard work in the Warring States Period to clean it up paradise. Will be completely broken by Lorne.

Once the balance of the paradise is destroyed, it is very likely to return to the time when pirates were flooding.

No matter what Lorne's purpose is, Warring States must prepare for a tough battle with Lorne.

In fact, Sengoku is also planning to fight Lorne.

The forces of the Four Emperors are intricate and complex. Once they decide to join forces, there will be no force in this sea that can resist their attack, not even the Navy Headquarters. Therefore, if they can take advantage of this opportunity to defeat Lorne and weaken the power of New World Pirates, Sengoku will not let it go.

Moreover, Lorne's amazing potential in the battle with the shadow has already shocked the Warring States.

It is unheard of for a devil fruit user with multiple abilities. If Lorne is allowed to use his own ability proficiently, then there will be endless troubles.

The fleet of the navy left Marin Vandor, and all the naval noncommissioned officers stood ready.

They know that half a month later, the outcome of this war will determine the pattern of this sea!


The warships of the Vinhill family did not advance together after leaving Sdio. Instead, they were divided into countless teams and headed towards the Red Earth Continent along various waterways.

It's not like preparing for an earth-shattering war, but rather, looking for someone.

And along the way, when the fleet of the Vinhill family passed through their own territory, the pirates restrained their men one after another. No one wanted to offend Lorne at this juncture. Offend the Vinhill family.

"Must speed up!"

At this time, on a certain channel in the New World, a battleship without a flag was sailing slowly on the sea.

The commander of the battleship, a middle-aged man with a resolute face, looked at the shadow of the Red Earth Continent looming in his vision, and said solemnly.

The speed of this warship is definitely not slow. Because it does not carry heavy weapons, its speed even far exceeds that of the navy's main light warship.

However, the warships of the Vinhill family were faster, and in just a few days, they appeared on various waterways at the front end of the new world.

The commander's face was ugly. Although he didn't know the purpose of the Vinhill family dispatching warships like this, it was definitely not a good thing for them.

Because, once the identity of the adult on the ship is discovered by the Vinhill family, then with Lorne's character, he will never let go of this piece of fat.

If that lord is captured by pirates, it will undoubtedly be bad news for the navy, and even for the world government.

Therefore, even if they die in battle, that lord must be sent back!

"About how long it will take to reach the Red Earth Continent."

The old man walked out of the cabin. Compared with the anxious and ugly soldiers, his mood was obviously much lighter.

"At least, it will take another five days. This is still sailing in a straight line without encountering any obstacles."

The soldier captain said respectfully.

Judging from the current situation, they must avoid the Vinhill family's fleet while hiding their identities, which will undoubtedly greatly prolong their voyage time.

"So fast?"

The old man seemed a little taken aback. It has been a long time since he has sailed so recklessly on the sea. The last time he did this was two hundred years ago when he was still a dominant pirate.

"Master Wulaoxing, please rest assured! No matter what, we will send you back with peace of mind.!"

The soldier captain said suddenly. They are not those CP-0s who have their own ghosts, but war orphans who have been brainwashed by the world government since they were young. There is no doubt about his loyalty to the World Government.

For them, completing the tasks of the world government and protecting the top leaders of the world government is above all else! For this reason, it doesn't matter even if you sacrifice your own life.

"There's no need to be so worried. I won't die in this sea."

The old man said softly.

Just kidding, as the former overlord of the sea, when he ruled the sea, Lorne's distant ancestors hadn't even been born yet.

How could he be afraid of a little guy like Lorne?

Don't say that Lorne has not fully ruled this era yet, even if he really becomes the next sea overlord, at best, he has just embarked on the same path as them.

Nothing to worry about.

When the old man said this, he suddenly narrowed his eyes.

Because, a battleship appeared on the sea level.

A warship hanging in the mist!

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