Pirate Family

Chapter 1162 The Former Overlord

The middle-aged commander couldn't believe it. He didn't expect that, as a soldier, he didn't die in the battle, but died at the hands of the adult he was supposed to be protecting.

The next moment, the middle-aged commander's skin turned pale, and his pupils gradually lost focus. His expression gradually became indifferent.

He raised his head and looked at Lorne.

Just like the shadow that was defeated by Lorne before.

"I guessed that the shadow should be a creation of some kind of fruit ability, but I didn't expect that the person who made the shadow was actually you."

And Lorne seemed to have guessed about all this, looking at the old man who claimed to be a dead body, he said lightly.

"Before, that was just a toy I made from a piece of trash. I didn't intend to pose much threat to you, but I just wanted to test your strength through him."

And the kind expression on the old man's face gradually disappeared and became indifferent.

And in this indifference, there was a hint of domineering.

The kind that rules all creatures, the kind that is rebellious and dominates everything.

"After arriving on the Red Earth Continent, I will kill everyone on board, create an invincible puppet, and then make a big fuss in the sea of ​​the New World."

The old man made no secret of the indifference in his tone. In his eyes, these elite soldiers protecting him were nothing more than tools.

The meaning of the tool is to die with honor after completing one's own mission.

Now, it's just that the death event has been brought forward a little bit.

"How dare you tell me this kind of thing, you are not afraid of leaking it, and it will cause irreparable consequences to the image of your five old stars?"

At the World Conference before, Lorne had vaguely felt that there were several powerful auras hidden in the conference room of the Five Old Stars. He originally thought it was CP-0 protecting the Five Old Stars, but now that he thinks about it, The owners of these powerful auras turned out to be those five frail old men.

But Lorne was not surprised.

Many people have speculated that the Five Old Stars may just be a representative launched by the Celestial Dragons, so the combat effectiveness is not strong. How can this be!

As one of the five people who ruled this chaotic world and stood at the pinnacle of power, how could they suppress all this without absolute force? !

Sure enough, after Lorne finished speaking, the soldiers who had been loyal to the old man also turned around and looked at the old man in shock.

They can die for the old man's order, but they are unwilling to die at the hands of their own people for such a ridiculous reason.

Could it be that my whole life was just a deception?

However, no one could answer his question.

At the same time, an indescribable sense of oppression spread from the old man, covering the entire battlefield directly.

The soldiers on both sides couldn't bear this sense of oppression, and knelt down on the ground one after another.

As the former overlord of the sea, how could the old man not be domineering?

"Now, we should be able to start fighting."

Lorne, on the other hand, waited for the old man to finish all this before opening his mouth.

"Although the adult told us not to attack you for the time being, we will deal with you after you arrive at that place."

"Because he wants to see what your fate is like."

"But now, your fate is sealed."

The old man slightly raised his right hand towards him and stretched out his fingers, as if holding the whole world in his hands.

"That is, death in my hands!"

The old man suddenly used force and crushed the heart of the middle-aged commander in his hand, and then the middle-aged commander who had turned into a dead body suddenly raised his head. There was a trace of resentment in the originally emotionless eyes.

Now that Lorne knew his identity, no matter what, he would not let Lorne leave this place alive!

As for the position of the overlord of this era, let it be in the hands of the pirates behind Lorne!


The created shadow roared and rushed towards Lorne!

Lorne didn't expect that this old man had such a strong killing intent towards him. Under normal circumstances, when the two sides are fighting, shouldn't they greet each other first?

The strength of this shadow is obviously stronger than the one Lorne met in Sdio,

However, Lorne didn't panic too much, but raised his hand, and a translucent protective shield appeared in front of him.

"Protective barrier!"

The power from the "barrier fruit" can create a protective barrier against everything, and a simple powerless attack cannot penetrate the defense of this barrier at all, at least, the current Lorne cannot do it.

Only some conceptual attacks can ignore the protection of the barrier and attack the people behind the barrier.

Clearly, Shadow's punches are not a conceptual attack.


The shadow punched the barrier directly, and a terrifying shock wave spread along the barrier to both sides, spread to the sea surface, and set off a huge wave that swallowed everything, almost cutting the sea in half.

The sea water, like rain falling, sprinkled down. But none of the people present panicked at all.

Sea water is a nightmare for ability users, but that is only for ordinary ability users. For those who have developed their abilities to the peak, it is a joke that they are afraid of sea water!

"The field here is still too small to display."

Lorne, on the other hand, manipulated the protective barrier, and after pushing the shadow hundreds of meters away, the barrier was revoked.

The biggest disadvantage of the barrier fruit is that when using this ability, it cannot use other fruit abilities at the same time. Otherwise, if you can use the barrier fruit while using other abilities, Lorne is already invincible.

"Let me create a venue."

Lorne smiled. He raised his left hand and snapped his fingers.

Then, the old man raised his head subconsciously and looked at the sky.

A small black dot flew towards this side. There is a long tail flame behind the small dot, like a shooting star across the sky!

That is, a piece of land floating above the sky!


This piece of land smashed directly into the sea, like a huge boulder smashed into a pond. Set off a huge wave, the huge wave is monstrous.

Even on islands tens of nautical miles away, one can witness a huge wave attacking all around with the naked eye.

Lorne's gestures are like gods!

And after the land stayed on the sea, Lorne was already standing on the land. With great difficulty, the old man stabilized his body and appeared hundreds of meters away from Lorne.

The two ships slammed into the ground on both sides.

It fell in front of the two of them.

The two strong men stood on this piece of land that was created out of thin air, looking at each other from afar.

"The venue, now we have it."

"Let's officially start the fight."

And Lorne turned his head, looked at the startled old man not far away, and said slowly.

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