Pirate Family

Chapter 1163 The Empire of Death

When the two of them stood firmly on the Zhazi battlefield, the earth began to float up and flew towards a certain direction.

The abilities Lorne showed were indeed slightly beyond the old man's imagination.

But he quickly calmed down. As the former overlord of the sea, he had fought countless powerful people, and even after arriving at that place, he saw many opponents who could be called perverted.

Although Lorne is strong, he can still accept it.


At this time, a figure rushed back and slammed heavily on the ground. This was the shadow that was blown away by Lorne just now, and he returned to the battlefield again.

After standing still, the shadow directly blocked the old man.

"However, at this level, it is far from enough to deal with me!"

The old man said softly, and the shadow seemed to have received the old man's order, roared, and rushed towards Lorne.


The powerful force directly tore the earth apart, and just the shock wave left a huge gully on the ground.

The next moment, a shadow appeared in front of Lorne, and the huge fist smashed down towards Lorne's head with the power to destroy everything.

And Lorne smiled slightly. This time, he didn't choose to use the barrier fruit to block the attack, because it was impossible to win the battle if he just defended blindly.

"Valkyrie Rock!"

A layer of rock armor covered Lorne's body.

"Absorptive Fruit" can absorb the elements around it and turn itself into this element.

This is a fake natural fruit, it does not have the ability to manipulate natural disasters like a natural ability user, but it is more flexible, to a certain extent, it can even achieve the effect comparable to a natural ability user.

This was Lorne's helpless move when he did not find a suitable natural devil fruit.

The shadow smashed Lorne's head with a punch, and countless shattered rocks splashed everywhere.

Correspondingly, the shadow's chest also received a heavy blow from Lorne, his chest collapsed visible to the naked eye, and his whole body was blasted hundreds of meters away, hitting the old man's face heavily, smashing a hole in the ground. pit.

And Lorne also got a chance to breathe, and the shattered rocks reunited to restore his body.

"A lot of power."

Lorne said calmly.

This shadow puppet is much stronger than the one I met in Sdio before, both in terms of strength and speed.

You know, after getting the devouring fruit, Lorne continued to eat all kinds of metals to strengthen his body. His physical strength has reached a terrible level.

However, the shadow can crush his body with a single punch. This terrifying power is even more terrifying than the Garp that Lorne met when he was at the Navy's G-2 base.

Of course, it is also possible that the shadow is not afraid of life and death at all, and there is no spare power in every punch, and Karp was scrupulous at the time, hiding his own strength.

But no matter what, Shadow is definitely an opponent that cannot be underestimated.

And Lorne did not underestimate his thoughts, because Lorne has already found a way to deal with it!

"However, if you only have this level, then you can't be my opponent."

Lorne said flatly. Then, white fluff continued to seep from the skin of his body, and in an instant, Lorne turned into a half-cat, half-human image.

"The animal department, civet fruit."

Under the half-beast transformation, Lorne's speed, strength, stamina, and recovery ability have all been greatly enhanced. Although the shadow's speed is fast, it still cannot compare with Lorne in this state.


After the transformation was completed, Lorne's body disappeared.

There are only countless afterimages left in the air, this terrifying speed, even knowledgeable domineering can't lock it at all.

Shadow struggled to stand up from the deep pit, and a huge collapse appeared in his chest. But strangely, not a single drop of blood flowed out.

This scene is extremely terrifying.


At this time, the shadow felt a gust of wind hit, and then, three ravines left by sharp claws appeared on his body.

Blood and flesh splattered everywhere!

As for the shadow, he didn't even see clearly what was attacking him.

He fell into the same predicament as the previous puppet, that is, although he was ahead in strength, he couldn't touch the opponent at all, and couldn't keep up with the opponent's movements.

There is no way to hit the opponent's attack, which is meaningless.

The wind howled. Every time it blows over the shadow's body, a large piece of flesh and blood will be torn off from the shadow's body.

In almost a few breaths, the shadow's body was dismantled into a pile of skeletons.

He fell down unwillingly. Until now, he had only attacked Lorne once.

"wonderful performance."

Not far away, the old man seemed indifferent to the defeat of his puppet. He gently clapped his hands towards Lorne who appeared next to the shadow.

"Although I don't know how you got over the shackles of the devil fruit and possessed multiple abilities at the same time, the strength you showed still surprises me."

The old man said slowly, "Throughout the ages, in Hai Hai's hundreds of years of history, it's not that no one has thought of obtaining multiple devil fruit abilities, and relying on other devil fruits to make up for their own disadvantages. To expand the advantage, even the old man himself thought about it, and he even tried to let his puppet eat the devil fruit.

But it didn't work.

The devil in the devil fruit will not parasitize on a corpse.

Therefore, when he saw Lorne use multiple devil fruit abilities, he made no secret of his shock.

Based on this alone, he is comparable to Lorne, and even surpasses Roger.

Even the latter has completed the journey of the great route and has become the undisputed One Piece, the overlord of the sea.

This is the evaluation of the old man, because in the old man's opinion, with Lorne's strength, if there is no accident, it is only a matter of time before he becomes the One Piece King.

This time will not exceed two years.

"But, unfortunately, you met me."

However, even though he was shocked by Lorne's strength, the old man still didn't think he would lose.


A lavender halo enveloped the entire battlefield. The old man unscrupulously released his domineering look.

This rich domineering aura almost distorts the space.


And Lorne licked his lips, looking at the old man with some amusement.

Domineering and domineering, has always been a tactic of reason and nonsense. He doesn't think he is a nonsense.


"Empire of Death!"

And when the domineering look enveloping the earth became stronger to a certain extent, the old man suddenly let out a loud roar.

The lavender breath gradually changed, turning into a bleak dark green.

Like, miasma-like green.

The domineering, domineering, supercilious, oppressive sense of self-importance disappeared, and transformed into a strong breath of death.

Lorne felt as if he was in an ancient battlefield where millions of people were buried.

"You probably haven't seen this trick before."

And after the old man released this field, it seemed that he had the chance to win. Facing Lorne, he raised his hand slightly.

"The real usage of domineering color is to combine with one's own characteristics to strengthen the advantages and make up for the disadvantages."

The hands of countless dead bodies stretched out from the ground.

These were the soldiers who were stunned by the old man's domineering aura before, but now, they were all transformed into the old man's puppets.

Hundreds of shadows all stood up. Then, he looked at Lorne with almost dead eyes.

Anyone looking at hundreds of people who look like corpses will feel their scalp tingling, not to mention, the strength of these corpses is almost at the peak of the sea.

Overlord-like arrogance can strengthen the characteristics of capable people, just as Shanks' "Overlord Territory" can have almost endless physical strength. Before Lorne, in his own "hell", he was able to move instantly at will and cut out Amazing slash.

The old man's "Empire of Death" strengthened the old man's fruit ability.

Standing in the Empire of Death, the old man can create multiple "shadow" puppets!

This is also one of his most important hole cards! Standing in this field, the old man is like a monarch who rules over death!

When the old man was a pirate, he once challenged the whole world, and then fought against all the peak pirates in the world alone.

Relying on this "Empire of Death", he slaughtered almost all the peak pirates in the sea one by one, and established his almost invincible hegemony road.

It was precisely because of this hole card that the old man still did not panic after seeing that Lorne could use multiple abilities.

"I underestimated you a little."

And Lorne said with a smile. Although his tone was not at all annoyed, it was more like a child who finally found his favorite toy.

"Your journey is over."

The old man said slowly.

"Your arrogance ruined you."

To deal with Lorne alone, using this tactic is indeed a bit overkill.

In this world, there is no one who can survive after he performed this trick.

Even those four people with the same status as him couldn't do it.

It's just that those old and cunning guys will not give themselves a chance to use this skill.

To release this skill, the old man needs to fully release the domineering aura for three seconds, and these three seconds, for a strong person of their level, if they react, it is enough to kill the old man dozens of times.

This is also the only drawback of "Empire of the Dead".

However, Lorne was so arrogant that he allowed him to release this move. Then the old man, of course he would not miss this opportunity.

Letting Lorne die in battle as a soldier was the old man's only repayment to Lorne.

Of course, if Lorne knew what the old man was thinking, he would definitely sigh helplessly.

The biggest disadvantage of animal fruit ability users is that they will be subtly influenced by wild beasts, and after transforming into a civet cat, Lorne's nature is naturally affected by cats. And cats are rather curious creatures, so animal instinct stopped Lorne. Let him watch the old man zoom in.

"That's meow, it's a bit difficult."

Lorne licked his lips, he was still affected by the cat's character.

Looking at the corpse of the puppet that kept getting up, Lorne felt a little headache.

You know, these are not ordinary miscellaneous fish. If any of these puppets are placed in the sea, it will cause a bloodbath.

I don't know if the strength of the other five old stars is as powerful as this old man. If they also possess such terrifying strength, then this also explains Lorne's long-standing doubts.

Why is there such a flood of pirates in the sea, but the world government has been sitting still, allowing the pirates to develop, and they are not afraid of being overwhelmed.

With such terrifying power, it is no wonder that the regime of the World Government has lasted for hundreds of years and has not been overthrown.

Even if it looks like the revolutionary army sweeping everything, in the eyes of the world government, I'm afraid it's not much different from a clown.

And at this moment, the group of shadow puppets moved.

A puppet took the lead and rushed towards Lorne.

"Ho ho ho ho!"

Countless shadow puppets rushed towards Lorne at the same time, with great momentum, as if sweeping everything.

And Lorne has also gradually withdrawn from the civet state. Speed, of course, has an advantage, but with such a large number of opponents, Lorne has no chance to move his body at all, and there are people everywhere.

"Earth Tornado·Lion Tianwei!"

Lorne chose another trick. The ground shook, and the head of a rock lion emerged from the ground, swallowing all the shadow puppets in one fell swoop. Then it flew up into the sky.

Boom boom boom!

The lion's body was continuously bombarded with violent force, and then the lion's body was continuously repaired. Almost instantly, the stone corpse flew hundreds of meters high.

Lorne also took advantage of this opportunity and rushed towards the old man suddenly.

It's not that he hasn't fought against opponents of this kind of control system, whether it's Yaze the Ghost Hand, Xie Nian Huo, Erinnis the Infected, or even the "collector" Sagi-kun from Wano Country. These ability users who manipulate puppets to fight have a rather fatal shortcoming.

That is, their bodies are quite fragile. Once they leave the puppets they control, they will be fish on the chopping board.

Lorne didn't expect his move of the flying stone lion to defeat this group of terrifying shadow puppets, but he only needed to temporarily restrain the group of shadow puppets.

He only needs to limit for a moment, and he can rush to the front of the old man.

Capture the thief first and capture the king!

"Are you coming after me?"

But the old man didn't seem to be flustered as he imagined, he sighed slightly. Then a layer of pitch-black domineering covered his arms.

The old man raised his arm and punched the air in front of him.


It happened to hit the chest of Lorne who rushed over suddenly, and Lorne's punch also hit the old man's head firmly.

The two flew upside down for hundreds of meters, leaving two deep pits on the ground.

"I'm not as fragile as you think."

The old man said so.

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