Pirate Family

Chapter 1164 Two Lives

There was a trace of blood at the corner of the old man's mouth, but he stood up slowly and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"The ability of the dead fruit is to copy my own strength to the corpse."

"The higher the quality of the corpse, the closer the puppet's strength will be to mine, that is to say."

The old man looked at Lorne from afar, with a murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

"I am stronger than all the corpse puppets present!"

"So, if you want to solve my method first, it won't work!"

Boom boom boom boom!

Just as the old man was speaking, countless holes were smashed into the body of the stone lion that flew into the sky.

Dozens of shadow puppets flew out of the hole and returned to the ground.

Lorne wanted to eliminate these shadows with one blow, it was simply a dream!

"Is that so?"

Lorne also stood up from the ground, and he patted the dust off his body.

The injuries he suffered were much lighter than the old man's, but the situation was worse than he had imagined.

The beheading strategy failed, the old man's strength was much stronger than he imagined, plus the mountainous shadow army on the field. Lorne's situation is quite dangerous.

Shadow, shadow, Lorne felt at this time that the nickname "shadow" of these puppets is quite vivid, because these puppets created by the old man are not the shadows manipulated by the old man?

"Maybe, my personal strength is not as good as yours, but in this empire of death, you will definitely not be an opponent of endless death soldiers!"

The old man raised his hand, and the shadow puppets roared at Lorne, and then rushed towards Lorne again.

But this time, they learned a lot, and instead of getting together to give Lorne a chance to catch them all, they scattered and rushed towards Lorne from all angles.

This may be the most terrifying army in the world, and it is also the strongest opponent Lorne has ever encountered.

Even Kaido, after facing the fully unfolded "Empire of Death", confronted head-on, and there was only one result of hatred.

Escaping may be the only correct choice for Lorne at this time.

But will Lorne escape?

"A few corpses, do you want me to surrender?"

With a sudden punch, Lorne directly blasted into the abdomen of the foremost shadow puppet, piercing it.

Black blood splattered all over the place.

Then, taking advantage of the situation, he slammed the shadow puppet in front of him, and the corpse was thrown out like a projectile. A huge shock wave was caused, blowing away the puppets behind.

"Do you think these ants can stop me?"

After using the "stimulant fruit", the ability user will be excited, forget the pain, and fully exert the potential of the body.

Lorne's eyes turned red instantly, as if he had lost his mind, and he kept panting heavily.

Then, in the pores of his skin, fine white fluff began to grow again.

The "civet fruit" allows the capable person to become a civet, strengthening strength, physical strength, and speed.

With the multiple superposition of the two fruits, Lorne seemed to have opened the shackles of his body. He turned into a killing god, and directly slaughtered the shadow puppets on the field.

This is Lorne's real strength. Although many fruits cannot be used at the same time, the power of different fruits can be superimposed by other methods.

Lorne's physical strength was already close to the limit of this world. With the double superposition of the stimulant fruit and the civet fruit, his melee combat ability was almost invincible.

None of those powerful shadow puppets were Lorne's direct opponents. Almost instantly, they were dismantled into a skeleton by Lorne's claws.

"It's really powerful!"

The old man hid at the end and said calmly.

He had to admit that in the field of close combat, Lorne was the most powerful person he had ever seen.

Even together with the "fist" and "sword" which are one of the five old stars. Not necessarily his opponent.

But unfortunately, he met himself. It can be said that Lorne had already lost the moment his "Empire of Death" opened.

At this moment, Lorne looked ferocious, but his physical strength was being consumed crazily.

After all, in order to defeat these shadow puppets, one must devote 200% of his energy. The moment Lorne's physical energy is exhausted, he will fall down.

"It's been a long time since I've seen such a powerful material like you. I'm looking forward to whether you can make a perfect puppet if you make your body into a puppet."

The old man stared at Lorne, who was causing a bloody storm in the battlefield, and said gloomyly.

He once thought about taking action against Kaido, because Kaido has the most powerful body he has ever seen.

However, he was stopped by "that lord" on the grounds that history cannot be easily changed.

And now Lorne has obviously offended "that lord", so the old man can attack Lorne unscrupulously.

More importantly, the power displayed by Lorne at this time is not only not inferior to Kaido, but even better.

The old man believed that if he could make Lorne into a puppet, it must be his most perfect work.

Even, it is not necessarily possible to have power beyond oneself!


Lorne smashed the body of a shadow puppet with one punch.

Then, just as he was about to look for the next target, a figure appeared behind him and rushed towards Lorne.

Lorne's beast intuitively escaped this fatal attack and punched through the chest of the shadow puppet that attacked him, but left a claw mark on his back.

Lorne's speed has slowed down, this is a signal!

But the old man still had no idea of ​​making a move. Because once he was caught by Lorne, all previous efforts would be wasted.

With the fighting power Lorne displayed at this time, he would definitely be able to withstand the attacks of all the shadow puppets and kill himself by force.

So the old man waited, until Lorne was exhausted.

He has always been patient.

This claw mark was like a signal. Although Lorne still had the fighting power to crush the shadow puppets, these puppets were not without any ability to resist.

Before they were defeated by Lorne, they could desperately leave some scars on Lorne's body.

The scars on Lorne continued to accumulate, even though the recovery ability of Lorne's animal-type devil fruit was frantically healing Lorne. But his physical strength was also consumed crazily.

Finally, Lorne punched a shadow puppet, but this time it didn't directly penetrate the opponent's body. Instead, a fist-sized dent was blasted into the opponent's chest.

This kind of injury is a serious injury that cannot be ignored for any ordinary person, but for the dead shadow puppets.

It doesn't hurt.

After the old man saw this scene, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Here comes the opportunity.

Lorne not only slowed down in speed, but his fists also lost their previous power.

Now, the shadow puppets can hurt Lorne, even if they are still not Lorne's opponents, but the price Lorne needs to pay to defeat a shadow puppet is getting higher and higher.

Soon, it was time for Lorne to be unable to hold on.

And the old man, until this time, still has no intention of making a move.

This old and cunning fox will not reap the results until Lorne is completely down.

Now, it's not yet that time.

"What an old fox."

By this time, the effect of Lorne's "stimulant fruit" had disappeared, and his consciousness had returned to clarity.

Although the corpses of the shadow puppets piled up like a mountain, the shadow puppets surrounding him gathered outside, staring at each other, waiting for an opportunity to make a move.

Yes, Lorne is not as exhausted as he appears, he still has a hole card.

He originally wanted to show that he was on the verge of the limit, luring the old man to attack him, and then killing the old man. But the old man obviously didn't like this, and the opponent obviously wanted to wait until Lorne really fell before reaping the fruits of victory.

After confirming that Lorne's combat power had been reduced, the shadow puppets approached Lorne step by step.

Under the control of the old man, they are also very patient.

It's like a pack of wild wolves hunting a male lion, waiting for the male lion to reveal its fatal flaw.

"Then, I won't pretend."

Lorne sighed and exited the civet form, a green light flickered on his body.

"Healing Fruit" quickly restores its own injuries.

The wounds on Lorne's body began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye. Almost in the blink of an eye, the wound on Lorne's body was healed perfectly.

"Sure enough, you want to lure me to make a move."

After seeing this scene, the old man smiled slightly.

He was right not to make a move, and Lorne really still had his hole cards.

However, Lorne is indeed powerful. He is proficient in combining and using various devil fruits. Even many first-hand ability users are not as good as Lorne in the use of fruits.

Whether it is a combination of two transformed devil fruits. It is also very accurate in controlling the field of Piao Piao Fruit, the defense of Barrier Fruit, and even the timing of Healing Fruit to heal himself.

Such an opponent would be almost invincible if he obtained some other devil fruits to make up for his own shortcomings.

But the old man would not give Lorne this chance.

Because the old man is very clear that although Lorne's injuries have recovered, his physical strength will not recover, but will decline again due to the treatment of his injuries.

If Lorne knew what the old man was thinking, he would definitely praise this opponent's rich experience.

Indeed, after being seriously injured like this, he can only use the trick of the fruit to restore his own injury once.

In other words, it was the old man who took his second life out.

"However, you lost your best chance to kill me."

Lorne said slowly, his eyes turned red again, and then he directly turned into a civet.

"I'll kill you all the way and crush your heart."

Taking advantage of the opportunity to speak, Lorne once again used the combination of the stimulant fruit and the half-beast form of the animal civet fruit.

"It's just that it's lingering on its last breath, and it's just repeating the old trick."

The old man sneered. In Lorne's first life, he solved forty or fifty shadow puppets in one go, which is already quite an astonishing record. At least the old man changed to Lorne's position by himself. With his own strength, he could at most solve three or five shadow puppets before falling down.

However, there are more than 80 shadow puppets on the field, which means that even if Lorne's second life has exactly the same strength as the first life, it can at most solve ordinary shadow puppets.

Even if he can still have a third life, Lorne barely has the possibility of killing himself.

More importantly, can Lorne's physical strength support his third life?

The old man expressed doubts.

Unless Lorne also hides other hole cards, such as a fruit ability. Otherwise, the old man would not have imagined that Lorne would have any chance of making a comeback.

Moreover, the fruit that Lorne hides must have a very powerful ability to turn the tide of the battle. For example, the ability of the woman next to the lord.

But the ability of the time system is so scarce, does Lorne have it?

The old man didn't believe it.

The shadow puppets rushed towards Lorne one after another, not fearing life or death at all.

Or rather, they are dead. It was just fulfilling the greatest long-cherished wish of his life.

Although, at this moment, after knowing the true value of their existence, they may not want to fulfill this long-cherished wish.

Ironically, what killed them was not the pirates, their lifelong enemies, but their most loyal world government,

"Don't be stubborn, surrender to us, the strength you have shown is definitely qualified to stand shoulder to shoulder with us!"

Looking at Lorne who was fighting bloody battle, the old man began to bewitch.

His words did come from his own thoughts, but he still didn't say half a word.

That is, even if Lorne surrendered, in order to ensure his status, he must kill Lorne.

The position of the five old stars has not changed for hundreds of years, and there is no room for an irrelevant person, unless someone voluntarily gives up this position.

And the old man didn't want that person to be himself.

Compared with one more person who shares power with him, the old man still prefers to have one more obedient subordinate.


And Lorne answered the old man in this way.

"Haven't you realized that you are dying?"


"Everyone, go together and tear him apart!"

The old man snorted coldly, even though he didn't believe that Lorne still had the cards to turn the tables. But he still ordered the shadow puppets under his command to go together.

It doesn't matter even if Lorne's body is damaged, the big deal is that he slowly pieced Lorne's body back together afterwards.

However, the longer Lorne lived, the more disturbed the old man became.

But until now, the old man still has no idea of ​​making a move, he has been very cautious.

From beginning to end, he kept a fairly safe distance from Lorne.

All the shadow puppets, under the order of the old man, jumped towards Lorne together.

Dozens of shadow puppets surrounded Lorne, and Lorne was surrounded by enemies in all directions, and there was no way to avoid them!

The proud speed also lost the room to dodge.

There is no way to avoid it!

But at this time, Lorne suddenly raised his head, looked directly into the eyes of the old man across the battlefield, and chuckled lightly.

"It's almost time."

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