Pirate Family

Chapter 1165

The floating land has already left the previous battlefield.

The old man looked around, as if he was standing above the nine heavens, and the surrounding clouds were so close that he could touch them with his hand.

"You, think, can you still make a comeback?"

While the old man suppressed the panic in his heart, Lorne should be waiting for himself to show his flaws.

He won't be fooled, as long as Lorne is not given a chance to get close to him, Lorne has nothing to do with him.

"Can't you?"

At this time, Lorne's voice sounded from behind the old man. The old man turned around in shock and found that Lorne appeared behind him at some point.

He was sitting on a quaint mahogany chair, holding a cup of tea, he didn't look like a pirate in a bloody battle, but more like a nobleman enjoying afternoon tea.

"What about you?"

The old man said in shock.

He didn't find out when Lorne appeared behind him, and he didn't even feel the slightest aura of knowledge and domineering.

Cold sweat continued to flow from the old man's forehead. If Lorne wanted to attack him just now, he would have nothing to do!

For the first time, the situation was out of the old man's control.

"However, you still lost. Your arrogance ruined everything."

Although he didn't know how Lorne managed to hide from his perception and teleport behind him, the old man would not give Lorne another chance.

As long as he is in the empire of death, the old man is absolutely invincible!

"Haven't you found out yet?"

At this time, the old man heard a voice that shocked him again. Lorne's lazy voice came to mind again behind his back.

The old man turned around and found that Lorne was standing in the very center of the battlefield, surrounded by a group of shadow puppets, looking at him mockingly.

There are actually two Lornes!

Only then did the old man realize that it was not that Lorne had the ability to teleport, but that there were two identical Lornes.

Lorne, who was surrounded by his own shadow puppets, did not move from the beginning to the end.

"Now, you should understand, right?"

Standing behind the old man, Lorne, wearing a black cloak, casually put the cup in his hand on the table. Stand up slowly from the chair.

"You've already lost."

"How can it be!"

The old man quickly recovered from his shock. He looked at Lorne and sneered.

"So what if you have two bodies, in this empire of death, you are definitely no match for me!"

"Your only result is to be consumed alive by endless soldiers of death!"

Half of the shadow puppets were separated and protected around the old man.

So what about the two Lornes, it's not impossible to beat himself!

The old man sneered. As long as Lorne doesn't defeat him, then he will be able to get two peak-level materials. At that time, even a few other guys may not necessarily be his opponents.

The five old stars are not in harmony. In fact, as the overlord pirates of different eras, they even had grievances and grievances in that place, but because everyone surrendered to that man, they formed the five old stars. .

"It seems that you still don't understand."

Lorne in the black cloak shook his head. Walked towards the old man.

"go to hell!"

The old man roared, and the shadow puppets around him rushed towards Lorne. He would never give Lorne any chance to get close to him.

The old man could even imagine that in the next instant, Lorne would be torn to pieces by these puppets!

Lorne was expressionless and didn't even make any defensive moves, but died with a slight sigh.

A shadow puppet was the first among them, jumped high, and smashed down on Lorne's head with his thick arms.

However, it was very strange that his fist did not hit Lorne's body, but instead missed him one meter away from Lorne.


The old man said in shock. This kind of mistake cannot happen to the shadow puppet.

Immediately afterwards, all the shadow puppets rushing towards Lorne passed Lorne as if they hadn't seen him.

Lorne walked over by himself, as if strolling in the garden.

"My ability just restrains you."

He walked to a place ten meters away from the old man and stopped his steps.

"How can it be!"

The old man yelled in disbelief, how could his abilities be restrained!

He couldn't imagine that there was any ability to restrain the fully unfolded Empire of Death, but the fact was right in front of the old man.

At this time, Lorne in the black robe on the other side also got rid of the entanglement of the shadow puppet and walked towards the old man.

The two Lornes, one behind the other, completely blocked the old man's escape route.


The half-beast Lorne rushed directly behind the old man, charged up a punch, and slammed down on the old man's back.

The old man wanted to avoid it, but his consciousness was in a trance for a moment, and then, the black robe Lorne punched the old man's back hard, directly piercing the old man's chest.

Compared with other manipulative fruit ability users, the old man's body combat power is definitely not weak, but it is a pity that he met Lorne, who was almost at the peak of this sea.

The old man coughed up a big mouthful of blood, raised his head in disbelief, and saw a strange smile on the corner of Lorne's mouth in a black cloak.

"The biggest shortcoming of the puppet you made is that it will equally divide the two-color arrogance of your body. That is to say, the arrogance that is equally distributed to each puppet is actually not strong."

Lorne in a black cloak spoke slowly.

"Of course, this defect will be made up for by the strong physical quality of the puppet itself. The high-strength body can show offensive and defensive capabilities that are not inferior to the armed arrogance, and the beast's intuition can make up for the lack of knowledge and arrogance. "

Lorne pointed out the weakness of the old man's shadow puppet.

This meant that the shadow puppets clearly possessed almost legendary destructive power, but Lorne was sure that in a one-on-one fight, these shadow puppets would never be the opponent of any legendary powerhouse.

Because, they can only fight with the beast-like fighting instinct, which is easy to find fatal flaws.

In fact, one thing Lorne didn't know was that when they were on Broccoli Island, Bee Parker and the others relied on the fatal flaw of the shadow puppet to defeat it.

"This kind of defect is very subtle, especially when you are in the empire of death, the beast of the shadow puppet feels that it has been fully compensated. Many people, even if they find out, have nothing to do."

Lorne said slowly.

"But, that doesn't include me."

"Because my ability happens to be manipulating perception!"

In Lorne's eyes, the shadow puppets who fight with their five senses are no different from beasts.

At best, they are nothing more than some slightly stronger beasts.

To deal with beasts, Lorne only needs a "Distorted Illusion" to plunge these beasts into an abyss beyond redemption. Because there is no domineering reason. These shadow puppets will never find a flaw in the illusion for a lifetime.

Without Lorne's permission, these shadows would never be able to get out of the illusion.

The moment Lorne's clones discovered the fatal flaw of these puppets, Lorne knew that this five-old star was determined for himself.

In fact, if Lorne's body wasn't in the same place as Sanchuan Road at that time, he could have come here directly through the void gate on Sanchuan Road, then the old man would have failed faster.

"Is that so?"

The old man coughed up a mouthful of blood and said unwillingly.

He didn't expect that his invincible ability was restrained by Lorne's ability, and it was such a deadly restraint that he had no ability to resist at all.

When Lorne was speaking, he tentatively issued orders to the puppets who had fallen into the illusion, but unfortunately, none of the puppets could respond to him.

"I can not be reconciled!"

The old man raised his head and looked at Lorne, with a trace of resentment and unwillingness flashing in his eyes.

If, if I knew Lorne's ability, I would never be careless!

He has ten thousand ways to force Lorne to kill Lorne if he can't find a chance to use his ability or discover the weakness of his shadow puppet.

"So, you lost."

Lorne snapped his fingers and said slowly.

"I said, I will come to you."

Lorne looked at the old man and said slowly.

The moment he discovered the old man hiding behind the shadow puppet that attacked Sdio, Lorne had already sentenced the old man to death.

"It's just that I don't want to kill you now, your ability is still useful to me."

Lorne's punch seemed to have seriously injured the old man, but in fact it avoided the heart, and it just made the old man lose his fighting power.

This fruit that can create dead bodies and replicate its own combat power is so powerful that Lorne is unwilling to let go of this devil fruit.

"Want to make me your nutrient?"

The old man smiled helplessly. He already knew he had lost, and there was no failure to resist.

Originally, he wanted to kill Lorne and take away his powerful body, but he didn't expect that Lorne was also peeking at his fruit ability.

"It's just that it's a pity."

But at this time, the old man still did not admit defeat.

"I recognize your strength, no matter how many times you fight, I will never be your opponent."


The old man paused, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

"I'm not alone!"


Lorne looked shocked. At this time, two tall, masked people had arrived on the floating land at some point.

The strongest unit directly under the Five Old Stars, CP-0!

"Do you think that two CP-0s can save you from here?"

Lorne looked disdainful. Although he doesn't know how the two CP-0s found this place. However, he wasn't too flustered.

With just two CP-0s, it is impossible to take this old man away from him!

This is not arrogance, but self-confidence, the self-confidence that controls the power that is close to God.

Lorne in the black robe pulled his fist out of the old man's chest, and then casually threw the old man back.

Lorne, who was wearing a black cloak, took the old man's body and stepped back dozens of steps.

This battlefield does not belong to me, and my clone can easily solve it.

The two CP-0 agents looked at Lorne, then looked at each other with helpless eyes.

They, half a month ago, got a special order from above to let them squat here.

After the task was completed, the higher authorities promised to set them free.

But I didn't expect that this mission would have something to do with Lorne. If they had known earlier that this mission would involve the Vinhill family, they wouldn't have come here anyway.

"It seems that your rescue is not very reliable."

The black-robed Lorne held the old man hostage and stood on the edge of the battlefield.

People from the world government don't think that just two CP-0s can snatch people from themselves, right?

"Give you a chance, surrender to me, and I will let you live."

And Lorne also saw the hesitation of the two CP-0 agents, and said lightly.

From his sister, he learned about the origin of these CP-0 agents. Most of them were prisoners who had advanced into the city. They were threatened with their lives by the world government, so they had to work for the world government.

The reason they wear masks is also to conceal their former identities.

If there is a chance to get out of the control of the world government, these CP-0 agents will be the first to turn back.

"I can help you release the collars that bind you."

The method used by the world government to coerce this group of CP-0s is very simple. Most of them put a bomb on them, and as long as the remote control is pressed, the bomb will explode.

Lorne's words obviously moved the two CP-0 agents, they hesitated for a while, and finally gave in.

It is also much better to be a dog, at least the dog of the Vinhill family, than the dog of the world government.

The latter, at least has dignity.

"How can it be!"

After the old man saw this scene, his eyes widened.

He didn't expect that these two people who should have come to save him would suddenly betray him.

"You must know the consequences of what you do! If this matter gets to other people's ears, there is only one end for you, and that is death!"

The old man struggled and shouted at the two CP-0 agents.

And those two CP-0 agents had already made up their minds, ignoring the old man's orders at all, and directly submitting to Lorne's command.

"Now, then, tell me who directed you to come."

Lorne still asked his last question.

You know, this is at an altitude of several thousand meters. The place where the family's battleship meets the old man's warship is completely random, and the location of his own body is also uncertain.

Lorne drives the earth to find his own body along the shortest distance. The location where the two meet is also unknown!

How did these two CP-O agents find this place? Lorne must know the reason.

"Half a month ago, another five-old star gave an order."

A CP-0 agent said respectfully.

"So, what's the order?"

Lorne asked in a low voice.

"The order is..."

The two CP-0s hesitated for a moment, but decided to answer their new master's orders anyway. They pointed to the old man held hostage by Lorne, and said in a deep voice.

"kill him!"

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