Pirate Family

Chapter 119 Mutiny and Raid

Lorne held his wine glass and looked at Sid with a smile, without saying a word.

Of course the second prince knew that the priest in front of him was waiting for him to come up with some bargaining chips. If he could be persuaded by words alone, Sid himself would think something was wrong.

"Actually, I'm ready," Sid just said. A soldier hurried in from the door.

"What's so flustered?" Lawton III frowned, his interest in the banquet was disrupted by this soldier.

"Your Majesty Lawton! It's not good!" The soldier put on his helmet and knelt down on the ground.

"The pirates are attacking the city!"

"What!" Hearing this news, the nobles at the banquet panicked.

"Calm down." Lawton III said in a deep voice, "Which pirate group is attacking here?"

"I don't know either. We saw a large fleet appearing on the coastline. The flag of the leading pirate ship was a bloody skeleton."

"Blood Hand Oliver!" Ackerman III gritted his teeth. He will never forget this pirate flag that gave him shame.

"Ask the general of the kingdom to send Di, we will fight the pirates to the death!" Lawton III ordered.

The kingdom's general, Paddy, is his confidant, and he controls most of Aogehongmu's troops, enough to compete with Oliver the Bloody Hand.

At this time, another soldier rushed in. He was covered in blood and his face was dull.

"Your Majesty, General Paddy, he, he." The soldier panted.

"How is Paddy?" Lawton III said in a panic. This is his last line of defense, so don't let anything go wrong.

"General Paddy, he has betrayed!" The soldier buried his head on the ground, not daring to look directly into Luo Dun's eyes.

The news hit Luo Dun like a bolt from the blue. His eyes were darkened and he collapsed in the pool of wine. He didn't recover for a long time.

Ackerman III was also heartbroken at this time, why did he stay here, why didn't he leave earlier.

As long as you go back to Adela, there is still room for maneuver in all this.

Oliver is an extremely tall man with a blindfold on one eye, which is the trace of a previous battle with an old enemy. He lost his eye, and that enemy lost his life!

The bare upper body is full of battle scars, varying in depth and length. This is a man's medal, and it is Oliver's honor for coming out of the battle of blood and fire.

Under the support of Paddy, the inner ghost, he captured Aoge Hongmu without any effort, and arrived at the palace with ease, as if he had returned to his own home.

"I really enjoy it," Oliver the Bloody Hand said sarcastically when he smelled the smell of wine evaporating in the air as soon as he entered the hall. "This is our nobleman."

The pirates with swords couldn't hold back their emotions for a long time, and they swarmed in after Oliver.

If it wasn't for the fact that their boss was still present, they couldn't help but rushed forward.

"Paddy, why did you betray me!" Lawton III stared at the man with curly black hair and wearing military uniform next to Oliver. He still couldn't figure out why his confidant would betray him.

"Don't be an idiot, Lawton," the man with messy black curly hair said with a sneer, showing disdain.

"Oghongmu's treasury has long been emptied by your various luxurious banquets, and the weapons and equipment used by the soldiers are still eliminated before."

"How do you fight this?"

"Besides," Paddy said respectfully, bowing slightly to Oliver.

"Master Oliver is a real strong man, and he will make Oghongmu into a real strong country!"

"At that time, we will use Aogehongmu as our base to fight against the sea!"

"Thank you for your ignorance, Your Majesty Lawton!"

Luo Dun was trembling with anger, he looked around, only to find that the nobles were all forced into a corner by the pirates and trembling.

Did not dare to resist at all.

It's a group of wine bags and rice bags! Lawton III cursed angrily, he must use his hole card at this time.

Although I really don't want to face that drunkard.

"Your Majesty, are you looking for that big barrel of Bacchus Choate?" Paddy said with a smile. "We gave him a large barn of wine, and now he is probably sleeping in the barrel."

His inner thoughts were exposed, and Luo Dun felt a trace of coolness rushing through his body. Although it was midsummer, it felt colder than winter.

Are you at your wit's end?

He looked at his old friend, Ackerman III. At this time, the "Glorious Emperor" was also at a loss and hid in the wine pool, his legs trembling non-stop.

waste! Unreliable at critical moments! Lawton III cursed secretly.

But his look drew Oliver's attention to Ackerman.

"Yo yo, let me see who this is?" Oliver pretended to be surprised and walked to the side of Ackerman III, lifted him out of the wine pool with his hand,

Oliver was tall and muscular, a giant grabbing a ball compared to the bloated Ackerman.

"Isn't this our Adela's emperor? Are you the one who captured my two stupid sons?" Oliver put his face close to Ackerman III, "Am I right, 'Glorious Emperor'?"

"No, you've got the wrong person." Ackerman III denied it one after another.

Just kidding, this bastard pirate just hijacked his five hundred soldiers and forced himself to surrender the throne.

If he admits it at this time, the throne will be lost!

Moreover, the pirate Testerman brothers were also caught on their own territory, and this Oliver obviously took this account on himself.

will die!

"Did you recognize the wrong person?" Oliver smiled, "That means, it has nothing to do with you if I kill those soldiers in front of you?"

"Yes, yes." Ackerman III forced a smile and said reluctantly.

"That's good!" Oliver threw Ackerman III on the ground. "I am now giving an order to my subordinates to let them torture and kill those soldiers one by one."

"The desperate scream before dying is the most beautiful note, especially when you are betrayed by someone you respect." Oliver said intoxicated.

"Are you right? Your Majesty the Emperor of Adela."

"Sorry, I made a mistake, you are not Adela's emperor."

"Paddy, use the projection phone bug to record all this, and let the people of Adela know who killed their compatriots!"

"Yes, my captain!" Paddy had a cruel smile on his face, of course he knew Ackerman III.

If the video of Ackerman III ignoring those soldiers is spread, even if he does not do it himself, the people will spontaneously overthrow this incompetent emperor!

Paddy recorded all this with a special projection phone bug.

The projection phone bug is a kind of phone bug, which is divided into two kinds of bugs: mother and son. It has only one function, that is, the screen seen by the son will be transmitted to the mother for playback in real time.

At this time, a picture suddenly appeared on the big screen in the central square of Adela.

It is the palace of Aoge Hongmu!

One of Adela's underworld bosses, Quite was sitting in a building next to him with a weird smile on his lips.

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