Pirate Family

Chapter 120 Oliver's Ambition

As early as ten years ago, when the hero of the country of flowers, Geoffrey Wobo, disappeared strangely, Oliver had set his sights on this country.

And Quite is a seed he planted in this country.

Now that this seed has taken root and germinated, and it has become a pivotal figure in Adela, it is time for Oliver to reap the harvest.

Today, he wants to win the two countries of Adela and Aogehongmu in one fell swoop!

His ambition is definitely not limited to this, he has seen the strong in the new world, and he wants to use these two maps as the foundation to develop a huge force that radiates the entire paradise.

When the time comes, compete against the tyrants of the new world!

Now there is a saying in the new world that the four most powerful pirates in the new world are called the four emperors.

Whitebeard Edward Newgate!

Golden Lion Shiki!

Beast Kaido!

BIG MOM Charlotte Lingling!

If I, Oliver, can occupy a paradise comparable to the entire New World, can I also be on an equal footing with those people?

"It seems that our transaction has to be terminated." Lorne said with a smile to Sid, who was beside him with a livid face. Then he patted the clothes together and got up and walked towards Oliver.

A strange picture suddenly appeared on the large screen in the central square of Adela, causing a commotion. People saw Ackerman III who was lying on the ground and stopped, wanting to know what happened.

"Look, isn't that Father Wayne?" A crowd of onlookers exclaimed.

"Yeah, what is Father Wayne going to do? He walked towards that fierce man!" A little girl said worriedly.


At this time, Ariel was drinking afternoon tea with Ms. Agatha, an important donor of church funds. When he saw Lorne suddenly appearing on the screen, he felt a sudden tug in his heart, clasped his hands together, and began to pray.

The tall man in front of the screen is not a good person at first glance, Lorne appearing there is extremely dangerous!

At this time, she suddenly remembered that when she was shopping with Lorne, she met a little flower girl. The flower girl sold them a blue enchantress.

And the flower language of the blue enchantress contains such a line.

Life and death.

There must be nothing wrong! For the first time, Ariel felt that she had prayed so sincerely.

"Who are you?" Oliver, who was immersed in the dream of conquering the paradise, frowned when he saw Lorne walking slowly. He hated being disturbed.

Paddy obviously knew the legendary priest of Adela, and walked to Oliver's side and whispered something to him.

"So it was you who deceived my two stupid sons." Oliver's eyes gradually became colder. "Then how are you going to deal with my anger?"

"It's just what you deserve." Lorne said piously. "Sinners should be punished. This is the justice of God."

"Sinner, punishment?" Oliver laughed angrily. He pointed at Ackerman lying on the ground and said mockingly. "Then you know more about the crimes committed by Emperor Ackerman than I do. My Lord 'Father'!"

Oliver bit the word "Father" very hard.

"But isn't he still there? What about your so-called justice?"

"It's the Lord's business to judge whether it is good or evil," Lorne bent slightly. "And my business is to send him to see the Lord!"

Lorne charged at Oliver like a cannonball. After the Battle of Advancing City, he hadn't really made a move.

He really wanted to know how strong he was now. This Oliver happened to be a good opponent.

The bounty is as high as 97,000,000 (ninety-seven million) Bailey. Although his strength is not as desperate as those monsters, but also because of decades of wandering in the sea, his experience is far away. Much richer than the little fledglings who have just entered the great route!

Except for the injured former director of prison Wei, this Oliver is the strongest opponent Lorne has ever encountered!

"Hmph! I don't know how to live or die!" Seeing that Lorne dared to shoot at him, Oliver snorted coldly, drew out his short gun and shot three times at Lorne.

He is one of the rare gun masters in this sea. What he likes most is to suddenly pull out his favorite gun during the battle, and shoot a few shots at the stunned opponent.

Most of the opponents didn't react, and fell on Oliver's cold gun with hatred, and were gutted out by him.

This Father Wayne is no exception!

"Die!" Oliver yelled.

While running, Lorne suddenly closed his eyes,

The interval between the three shots was 0.03 seconds, although they were fired together. But Oliver's hand trembled slightly when the bullet was discharged.

The bullet would eventually hit Lorne's left leg, heart, and right eye.

Although this method of dispersing firepower can minimize the possibility of opponents dodging bullets, it also leaves a gap between bullets.

Big enough for one person to pass through!

When Lorne opened his eyes, the speed of the bullet seemed to slow down a lot!

Lorne had entered this state before in the decisive battle with Wei.

This is a usage of the fruit of perception that Lorne discovered. It confuses his sense of time, as if the flow of time around him suddenly slows down!

Lorne named this ability, "Time Lag"!

The black armed color condensed on Lorne's right hand. Lorne lowered his head slightly and turned sideways, narrowly dodging the three fatal bullets. Then he suddenly punched Oliver on the proud face!

boom! The huge force knocked Oliver into the air, leaving a big hole in the wall.

"How is this possible!" All the people present gasped. They didn't expect that this powerful pirate, Oliver the Bloody Hand, would be easily knocked into the air by Lorne, an inconspicuous young priest.

Especially Paddy, who had betrayed Aoge Hongmu, his face was extremely ugly, because he put his chips on Oliver, and he had no way to retreat.

Although the priest had some prestige in Adela, he was still so young.

Looking at his immature face, he is only sixteen years old.

Now that he is so powerful, his future is unimaginable!

"Hehehe." Oliver smashed a hole in the wall of the palace, and a man's voice came from the ruins.

Oliver stood up slowly, wiped off the blood stains from the corner of his mouth, a strange arc appeared on his face.

"I haven't been injured for a long time, you are very good." Oliver patted the dust off his body. "I'm going to dig out your heart."

"I'm curious what your heart tastes like."

Only then did the nobles remember Oliver's nickname. That bloody hand that is used to digging out other people's internal organs!

They couldn't help but sweat for the young priest in front of them. Must win!

"Let me show you the real power!" Oliver said indifferently to Lorne.

His hands gradually turned black.

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