Pirate Family

Chapter 121 Priest Fighting Technique

"Armed color domineering, you are not the only one who knows it!" Oliver snorted coldly, his hands were dyed jet black by the armed color, and the black was more pure than Lorne.

This is one of his trump cards in the sea for more than ten years!

"Then try it." Lorne said indifferently. It's useless to talk too much. When two warriors meet, they can only use their own fists to reason.

Two black fists collided together, this is a contest of strength. Lorne and Oliver actually chose the most tragic close combat at the same time.

Boom boom boom!

The fists of the two kept colliding, making a Hittite sound. The punch was like lightning, quickly producing afterimages.

The nobles watching the battle and Oliver's subordinates only saw the fists of the two people on the scene constantly colliding.

But vaguely, Oliver gradually began to gain the upper hand.

"Isn't your ability to dodge very powerful?" Oliver swung out a fist, which was as fierce as a raptor, and hit Lorne's back-defending arm, knocking him into the air.

This time, it seemed that Oliver had won the duel.

"Why give up your own advantages and confront me head-on?" Oliver tilted his head, "But no matter what, you have to pay for your arrogance!"

He was bare-chested, and the blue veins on his strong muscles were exposed, forming a stark contrast with the thin Lorne.

He bent down slightly, his calf suddenly exerted force, and his whole body rushed towards Lorne like a wild beast.

"No matter what legendary priest you are, no matter how brilliant your future will be."

"Your story will end here!"

"Because you met me!"

He jumped up high and fell from the sky towards Lorne. Like a tiger pouncing on food!

In Adela's square, more and more people gathered here to watch the live broadcast from Oghongmu.

People cheered when Lorne knocked Oliver into the air with one punch at first.

Adela needs a hero since Wobo died! And Lorne, a young priest, just met people's expectations of a hero.

Strong and loving.

And Oliver stood up from the ruins as if nothing happened, and the people of Adela sweated for Lorne.

They were worried that their hero would not be able to defeat the devil-like pirate.

Especially when Oliver and Lorne won their first match and knocked Lorne into the air.

People even started praying.

If praying to the Holy Truth can make our hero safe, we are willing to convert to the Holy Truth!

Such a scene appeared on the central square of Adela, with countless people clasping their hands together and closing their eyes slightly. Saying prayers at the same time.

Just pray for one person!

Ariel sat aside, her white veil couldn't stop her anxious heart, she stood up and stared at the big screen, unwilling to let go of any details related to Lorne.

Is he hurt? Will he be in pain?

At this time, Ariel regretted that she did not prevent Ackerman III from taking Lorne away.

"Father Wayne will be fine." Agatha next to him comforted in a slow voice.

But her fists were clenched tightly, and a faint mist emitted from under the table.

Her heart is not at peace either.

Lorne, who fell on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes, stood up abruptly, grabbed Oliver's arm, and threw him to the ground next to him by the weight of his falling from the sky.

The huge force smashed the ground into spider web-like cracks.

"Ahem." Since the start of the war, it was the first time that Oliver suffered such serious injuries, and he suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Finally succeeded, Lorne's pupils flashed with a strange light. When he was fighting with Wei before, he suffered a lot from his Tai Chi flow.

This technique of countering the enemy with the strength of the enemy is really too shameless. If Wei had used other tricks instead of Tai Chi flow.

Lorne and the others might not give up so much effort.

So after that battle, Lorne has been coveting this Tai Chi style. Through the imitation of Weiqi, as well as my own pondering over the past few years. Lorne finally got his hands on a little fur!

In the fist-to-body fight with Oliver just now, Lorne finally combined this Tai Chi style with the self-confident burying technique and the old Bach's extreme aesthetics of violence.

Create your own genre.

Unload the opponent's power, and bury it in the opponent's body with his fierce attack. Surge continuously as the battle progresses. Finally explode at the same time!

Lorne called this technique the Priest Fighting Technique!

"How is this possible!" Oliver wiped the blood stains on his body. Unbelievable. How did this priest who was completely suppressed by him suddenly possess such great power?

"You can keep trying." Lorne said calmly, as if Oliver in front of him was no longer worth mentioning.

"Arrogance!" Oliver yelled as he received such contempt for the first time in his debut decades. Then he threw himself at Lorne again.

Oliver charged Lorne with a punch in the face, but was easily blocked by Lorne with his palm. A huge force came from the part where the two were in contact, and the severe pain almost made Oliver scream. There was a sound.

I'm Bloody Oliver! How could it be possible to admit defeat to you brat!

Oliver gritted his teeth and continued to shake his fist at Lorne. He wanted to defeat this arrogant priest with absolute strength!

But the crazier Oliver was, the more relaxed Lorne was. His hand waved lightly, blocking Oliver's punch after punch, like walking in a garden.

In the end, Oliver's fist, which was thrown with all his strength, could be blocked with a single wave.

"You lost." Lorne said calmly, as if stating a fact.

But at this time Oliver was completely insane. His fist didn't stop at all.

At this moment, Lorne shook his head suddenly, then took a step back abruptly. Turned around and walked towards Ackerman III.

This is the opportunity! Although Oliver didn't understand the significance of Lorne's move, he would never let go of any chance to kill the enemy.

He yelled loudly, raised his right hand high, and suddenly hit the back of the head on the ground. This punch gathered all the strength in his whole body.

This Father Wayne is absolutely impossible to resist!


Lorne didn't look back, and stretched out a finger casually, just touching Oliver's killer fist.

Then, this ferocious pirate felt as if countless explosives were detonated in his body at the same time. Bang bang bang bang.

"What did you do..." Oliver knelt down slowly facing Lorne. That not tall figure seemed so far away to him.

"You, you, don't come here!" The traitor of the country of wine, General Paddy watched Lorne slowly approaching, feeling extremely panicked.

Two of his men hijacked Ackerman III, but this did not give Paddy the slightest sense of security.

He didn't expect that Oliver would be so useless, and would be solved so easily by this young priest.

But Lorne didn't seem to have heard Paddy's words, and didn't stop at all. This made Paddy even more flustered, but he suddenly thought of one thing.

"I, I, I have those five hundred hostages in hand. If you come here, they will die!"

I just found out that a big guy who was in the same period as me had left. He wrote much better than me, and his grades were much better. I feel it is a pity.

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