Pirate Family

Chapter 122 Failure and the End

"Oh?" Lorne stopped, showing an interested expression.

"Yes, they are in my hands now, as long as I make a phone call, the lives of those soldiers are in my control!"

When Paddy saw Lorne stop, he suddenly recovered. He said proudly to Lorne.

"If you want to save the lives of those soldiers and your king, it's best not to resist!"

mean! Shameless! The villain succeeds!

This is what the spectators said about Paddy. But they were also curious about how Lorne would choose.

Will he give up the lives of the five hundred soldiers and Ackerman III?

In fact, Lorne doesn't care what the means are. There is only one law in this world, and that is winner and loser!

Moreover, Lorne didn't care about the lives of those soldiers, even Ackerman III!

This Paddy, threatened the wrong person!

However, there was something wrong, the mother-child projection phone bug he held in his hand was troublesome, no matter what choice Lorne made, the other end of the phone bug would be projected out simultaneously.

He didn't want his identity as the kind and benevolent Father Wayne, which he had worked so hard to create, to be flawed.

"Yes, Wayne! I order you not to resist! My life is the most important thing!" Ackerman III, who was pointed at by the gun, trembled, and he almost roared at Lorne.

After hearing this, Lorne really didn't move. Paddy smiled ferociously after seeing this scene.

Walking over, he punched Lorne heavily in the stomach, making Lorne bowed and unable to move.

"Aren't you very powerful? Why don't you resist!"

Paddy punched Lorne one after another, as if venting his fear of being frightened by Lorne just now.

But he didn't notice that there was a weird smile on Lorne's face at this moment.


At this moment, Adela fell into a deathly silence.

When Lorne stood up and crushed Oliver just now, the entire central square was full of cheers, and people were happy that their country had regained a hero.

Throwing the flowers in your hands into the sky is like having a festival.

Later, when Paddy threatened Lorne with the lives of those soldiers and Ackerman. The square was full of voices scolding Paddy for being shameless.

And in the end, when I saw Ackerman's greedy life and fear of death, and saw that he chose to sacrifice Father Wayne in order to save his own life, the entire square fell into a deadly silence.

The entire square was silent, and people didn't want to believe that their king was such a person who was greedy for life and afraid of death! Such a despicable and shameless person was on par with the person who hijacked him.

The flowers thrown into the sky fell down, but no one reached out to pick them up, allowing these beautiful flowers to fall to the ground.

After a long time, someone roared angrily.

"Ackerman III is not worthy to be king!"

"Such shameless bastard is not worthy to be our emperor!"

People roared angrily, at this time, I don't know who shouted.

"Let Father Wayne be our emperor!"

These words were like a thunderbolt splitting the sky, and the huge square fell into a brief silence. But after a while, people erupted like a torrent of sound.

"Let Father Wayne be our emperor!"

"Let Father Wayne be our emperor!"

What a mess! Quite, who was hiding in a restaurant, was about to run away after seeing Oliver defeated. But suddenly I heard people in the square roaring in unison. Confused.

At this time, the door of the room slowly opened. Quite saw a bald man with tattoos walking in with a tall, fat man.

There were malicious smiles on their faces.

"Can I say, is this all a misunderstanding?" Quite squeezed a smile on his face.


"Hahahaha, why don't you resist!" The villainous Paddy punched Lorne in the face, but was gently pinched by Lorne's hand.

"Enough is enough." Lorne said lightly, squeezed Paddy's bones with his hand.

"Ah, it hurts!" Paddy yelled as he was pinched. One hand drooped weakly, and Lorne's light pinch directly crushed his bones!

Paddy roared sternly. "Aren't you afraid that I will kill your emperor and those soldiers?"

"I think you may have made a mistake." Lorne used the "whisper" ability to "speak" in front of Paddy, "Actually, I don't care about their life or death."

"What?" Paddy was speechless in surprise, you don't care about their lives, so why do you let yourself fight? Masochist?

But he quickly reacted. Hastily began to look for the mother-child phone bug!

He was doing it to show off to the people of Adela! !

But Paddy searched all over his body, but found no trace of the mother-child phone bug.

"Excuse me, are you looking for this?" A middle-aged man's magnetic voice came from behind Paddy.

A man in a black suit with the appearance of a butler appeared in the hall at some point. He holds a phone bug in his white gloved hand.

The phone bug's eyes were downcast, and it didn't know when it had fallen into sleep mode.

"But the people in this hall know! It was you who killed your emperor and soldiers." Even at this time, Paddy still refused to give in. "Unless you can kill them all!"

"Hahahaha!" Lorne laughed loudly. That's why he used the "whisper" ability just now. Everyone present, except Paddy, no one knew what he said.

The nobles only saw that they suddenly counterattacked, grabbed Paddy's hand, and that Kofir stole the projection phone bug from Paddy's body.

Blue, blue, blue.

At this time, another phone bug on Paddy's body suddenly rang. His whole body's spirit suddenly lifted.

"The soldiers are doomed! You are ruined!" The call came at the right time! Because this phone bug connected to the place where Oliver's subordinates were in charge of guarding the captured soldiers!

Paddy took a step back, took the phone and smiled smugly.

"Hey, hello." A teenager's voice came from the other end of the phone bug.

"I want you to kill those soldiers," Paddy yelled at the phone bug.

But soon he felt a little creepy. Because of the voice from the phone bug, he didn't recognize it.

"Who are you?" Paddy said in horror to the phone bug. What was exchanged was the silence of the other party.

"My name doesn't matter," the voice over there had a somber tone. "All the pirates who stayed here were killed by me."

"Your plot is shattered."

How can it be!

Snapped! Paddy fell to his knees on the ground, completely dejected. He looked at Lorne in despair.

Plop! At this time, a black long knife passed through Paddy's back. Paddy looked down at the sword point on his chest, his face full of disbelief, and he wanted to say something, but he could only pout his mouth and was speechless.

"Boss, you are really in a mess." A lazy voice sounded behind Paddy.

Swordsman Moorman drew his knife, and the blood on Paddy's body flowed out like a fountain. But the body of the knife was as black as ink, but not a single drop of blood was stained on it.

This is the big sharp knife that Kofir spent 50 million Baileys to get, the famous knife Black Red Blood.

Mooreman wiped the blade like he was wiping the skin of his first girlfriend.

Lorne ignored Moorman's overstepping, in fact, it was what he secretly arranged.

Lorne squatted down and picked up the phone bug that Paddy had dropped beside him.

"Hello, Rob Lucci."

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