Pirate Family

Chapter 123 Rob Lucci

"Hello, Rob Lucci." Lorne's voice was calm, as if greeting an old friend.

In a cave on an isolated island next to Oghongmu, there is a black-haired boy in a bowler hat sitting on a rock, communicating with the opposite side with a phone bug.

A pigeon stood on his shoulder, cooing and cooing.

This place was one of Oliver's backhands. He thought that if he failed, he would threaten Ackerman III through this soldier in order to protect himself. But he didn't expect that the defense he thought was impenetrable would be breached by a young man alone!

Beside the boy, there were dozens of pirate corpses lying on the ground, with blood pouring out of their throats.

In the corner of the cave, there were hundreds of soldiers wearing the uniform of Adela Palace hiding in the corner and shivering, not daring to provoke the man in front of them, or the boy in the slightest.

It was really terrible, so many vicious pirates were tortured and killed in front of him with almost no ability to resist, and he showed a strange smile while cutting the throats of the pirates.

Simply a demon!

The other side was silent for a while, and then slowly spoke.

"I have fulfilled your request, what are you going to do now?"

"Father Wayne."

At this moment, a picture suddenly appeared in Lu Qi's mind. When I took a small boat to Oghongmu before, I once passed a royal ship.

On that deck stood a young priest looking at him from afar.

With a faint smile, he seemed to have seen through his identity.

As one of the top killers trained by the killer organization CP9, Rob Lucci has always been very careful.

As a killer, the most important thing is to hide your identity and kill with one blow at the most critical moment.

So just as he was thinking about whether to turn around and get rid of the priest, a voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

A slow but firm male voice.

"Hello, Rob Lucci," the voice paused, "I want to make a deal with you."


In the palace hall of Aughongmu, Lorne was silent for a while after hearing the words on the other side.

When he met Rob Lucci on the sea, a story that he had almost forgotten suddenly came to his mind.

The young Rob Lucci's battle for fame was to go to a kingdom alone and slaughter the pirates who had kidnapped 500 royal palace soldiers.

After that, he slaughtered the kidnapped soldiers together.

There is only one reason, that is, these soldiers were caught by pirates so easily, which led to a national crisis, so maybe the same thing will happen in the future.

It would be better to die now.

In Rob Lucci's world view, weak people have no right to survive.

So Lorne made a deal with him, letting him spare the lives of the palace soldiers.

Rob Lucci fulfilled the agreement, and now it's time for Lorne to pay the price.

What are you going to do? Lorne was silent for a while, and suddenly thought of Lu Qi's unique dark worldview.

"Then how about I give you the legal right to kill, the premise is to work for me."

Lorne heard the sound of breathing on the phone bug's side intensify a bit. For a strong man like Lu Qi who has a special homicide habit, this is almost an irresistible condition for him.

The current him has only just joined cp9 for a few years, and he is far from showing the power and courage of the strongest cp9 in the past 800 years.

No matter how strong his fighting power is, he is still just a boy after all. As a boy, he can't hide his desire.

There is only one time traveler like Lorne.

"I want to talk to you," Lu Qi paused, "in person."

"Okay," Lorne breathed a sigh of relief, "I'll wait for you on Adela's boat back home."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone bug. This Rob Lucci had already been hooked, and it was time for him to pick up the line.

If he can be subdued, or even penetrated into the CP organization through him, Lorne's power will take a qualitative leap.

A day later, Adela was on the ship returning home. Ackerman III narrowly escaped death, hurriedly bid farewell to Roton III, and then left Aughongmu.

The emperor of Adela regards Lorne as his savior, and he greets Lorne every day on the ship, saying that he will give Lorne a generous reward after returning, and even promises to make him a priest of a country!

Looking at Ackerman III's pretentious figure like a clown, Lorne could hardly help laughing.

The stupid emperor may not realize that all his ugly and cowardly postures are seen by the residents of Adela.

But Lorne didn't care about this at all at this time. He turned around and looked at the boy with black curly hair sitting in front of him. He looked about his own age, maybe even a little smaller than himself.

Lu Qi gently put down his teacup. As a killer, he must keep his mind clear at all times, so he never drinks.

"We can talk now." While Lorne was observing Lu Qi, the young killer was also observing the priest in front of him.

"I think you should already know about my power." Lorne said calmly, the intelligence capability of the cp organization is second to none in the world of pirates.

Lu Qi nodded. In fact, he had already obtained Lorne's information when he first set foot on the land of Aughongmu.

This apparently sunny and kind priest is secretly one of the rulers of Adela's dark world.

And there are many doubts about his past identity, which seems to be blank. Very mysterious.

This is one of the disadvantages of the incompatibility of information within the world government. If the Navy Headquarters gets this information, it will know it immediately.

This Father Wayne is probably the behind-the-scenes driving force behind the Prison Break in Advance City.

A super rookie with a bounty of more than 500 million Baileys.

Vinhill Lorne.

But this doubt is why Lu Qi decided to agree to Lorne. He hates unchanging plans.

"I can give you this right."

"The right to kill legally." Lorne said calmly, "In Adela, we are the law."

"It seems very interesting." Lu Qi tilted his head. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "If it's really what you said, I can think about it."

"Interesting, interesting." The pigeon on Lu Qi's shoulder repeated his master's words.

"But I hope you don't lie to me." Lu Qi gently raised his teacup.

"As you wish, you will not be disappointed." Lorne raised his glass, touched Lu Qi's teacup, and drank it down.

He looked at him as if looking in a mirror.

This day was horrified by the later pirates as the beginning of the disaster, because from this day, the shadows that have shrouded the sea for decades, the two most terrifying demons on the sea.

Gently shook his hand.

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