Pirate Family

Chapter 124 The Uncrowned King

The residents of Adela do not have the habit of getting up early, they like to wake up to the sunshine and the fragrance of flowers.

All the more so since the mysterious morning mist began to appear.

But at this time, before dawn, the residents of Adela gathered in Donggang. Looking forward, as if waiting for something.

"Look, everyone! A boat has appeared!" At this moment, a sharp-eyed person suddenly shouted. A richly decorated ship was seen appearing on the horizon.

At this time, the sun has just risen, and the ship just overlaps with the rising sun. Against the sun, looking from a distance, it seems to be coming from the sun!

Lorne stood on the deck, filled with emotion. At this moment, he suddenly remembered that when he first came to Adela three years ago, he also arrived at dawn.

But at that time, Adela was like a beauty who just woke up, ignoring herself.

Who would have thought that now, all the citizens are waiting for their return?

"Hahahaha! I'm finally back!" Ackerman III also stood on the splint. He dragged his bloated body and greedily breathed the air of Adela. Only after losing it did he know how to cherish it.

He cherishes it now.

"Your country is good." Lu Qi stood beside Lorne and commented lightly. This caused Ackerman III to be proud for a while.

He didn't really like this young man who got on the boat halfway, because he always looked like someone owed him hundreds of millions of Baileys, but since he claimed to be Father Wayne's friend, he could barely forgive him.

At this time, when he heard the boy praise his country, Ackerman III suddenly felt that his unflattering face was pleasing to the eye.

Lu Qi didn't pay attention to Ackerman III, which wiped out the trace of Ackerman III's hard-won affection for him.

Instead, he lay on the railing and continued to look at the small island ahead. Suddenly thought of it in my mind.

It must be very comfortable to kill legally in this country, right?

The ship docked and the sailors fixed the anchor. Ackerman III impatiently stepped off the boat.

"Adela, your emperor is back!" Ackerman III opened his arms, pretending to be close to the people and hugging the residents.

The citizens on the shore voluntarily moved out of an open space, ignoring Ackerman III's pretended kindness.

"Why, don't you care about your own emperor?" Ackerman III was a little embarrassed, with a hint of displeasure in his tone. "I want you..."


Before Ackerman III finished speaking, a rotten tomato was thrown on his face.

"Who is it! How dare you!" Ackerman III said angrily, the smell of rotten tomatoes made him very unhappy, and he wanted to find out who did the stupid thing. How dare you offend the great emperor!

When he finished wiping his face, he saw countless rotten eggs, rotten tomatoes, and banana peels thrown at him.

"You cowardly emperor! How dare you come back!"

"Go away! Adela doesn't need an emperor like you who abandons his subjects!"


The residents held the garbage in their hands, smashed it at Ackerman III, and cursed at the same time.

"It's reversed, it's reversed. These fools are going to rebel," Ackerman backed away in fright, and ran to his guards.

"Soldiers, help me take down these rebels." He ran into the boat, but bumped into a tall figure.

It was the Kingdom Knight Commander Hans.

"Hans, you came just in time, help me kill all these rebels." Ackerman III cursed.

"Huh? What did you say?" Hans pushed Ackerman to the ground and said indifferently.

Behind him, hundreds of newly rescued soldiers looked at him coldly.

There was hatred in his eyes.

Ackerman III looked around, but could no longer find Father Wayne and his men.

In the Manor of the Wayne family, Lorne sat on the sofa and listened to the reports of his subordinates.

"You mean, Quite is a nail that Oliver pushed in?" Lorne asked suspiciously. But turned relieved.

This Quite clearly possesses a powerful force, but he has not shown the courage and ambition that force should have. There must be something wrong with him.

"Yes, boss." Jody sat aside and poured a glass of wine. "We caught Quite in a building next to the central square. He connected the mother bug of the mother-child phone bug to the big screen in the square, and played the battle between the boss and you in Aoge Hongmu."

"I saw the whole process, boss, your fighting skills have improved a lot."

"You clearly said that Oliver was a piece of trash, and you let him hit him with one hand." Fat Tiger complained while eating a donut.

"..." Lorne suddenly felt that it was a wrong decision to let these two idiots participate in this meeting.

This will leave a bad image for newcomers.

"By the way, I forgot to introduce you." Lorne pointed at Moorman who was standing beside him wiping the famous knife Black Red Blood.

"This is my newly recruited combatant, Moorman, a good swordsman."

Mooreman nodded slightly. Fat Tiger didn't care, and Jody had a combative gleam in his eyes.

"This is Anxi, an excellent doctor and navigator." Lorne took Anxi's little hand and said softly.

"Big, big brothers, hello." Anxi was a little scared, the big brothers in front of her didn't seem like good people!

Pulling on Lorne's clothes, he dared not let go.

Fat Tiger and Jody exchanged glances, confirming their inner thoughts.

The boss turned out to be a lolicon!

"You forgot to mention me," Lu Qi said indifferently while sitting on the sofa.

He stood up and said lightly to Fat Tiger and Jody.

"My name is Rob Lucci, and I'm a killer."

Not bad strength! Fat Tiger and Jody both felt the powerful power contained in Lu Qi's body. If it wasn't for Lorne's presence, Jody couldn't help but want to compete with him.

"There are still some people who are not here, and I will introduce them to you later." Lorne smiled.

His power finally took another big step forward!


In the summer of 1506 in the lunar calendar, the residents of Adela overthrew their cruel and incompetent emperor, and wanted to support Father Wayne, who had a reputation for benevolence and fraternity in the country.

However, the priest said that he had dedicated his body and mind to the Lord, so he was not suitable for this position. Also recommend Ackerman III's niece, Adela's princess Agatha.

This beautiful rose soon conquered the citizens of Adela, and it is justifiable for her to inherit the throne with Adela's royal blood.

And she is a devout believer of the Holy Truth, and has made great contributions to the development of the Holy Truth.

Plus Father Wayne's recommendation. Agatha ascended the throne smoothly.

Titled the Queen of Mist. Because of the mist, Adela at this time has vaguely known as the island of fog and flowers. The people didn't feel anything wrong with the comparison.

But everyone on the upper level of Adela knows it. The real masters of this country.

It's Father Wayne!

They don't know what kind of future Lorne will bring them, but they know one thing, Lorne's rule will last for a long time.

Because he is too young.

This year, Lorne just turned sixteen.

This year, he conquered a country.

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