Pirate Family

Chapter 1169

"With the power currently controlled by Lorne, I'm afraid he doesn't like us at all."

Long smiled lightly.

"His pride is exactly the same as his father's. If he has no value, he will not touch us."

Long once had contact with Lorne's father, the great pirate Caesar, for a while, and then helped him find clues to the historical text.

In the end, in order to repay the dragon, Caesar specially sent a clue after arriving at the legendary island of Ralph Drew.

Warn the dragon not to play Ralph Drew's idea.

Lorne only cooperates with valuable people, and the current dragon seems to really have nothing to impress Lorne.


"Unless I tell Lorne about that."

Long thought about it, and said.

And the shemale king Ivankov obviously understood what Long said, what he was referring to, his eyes widened, and he said in disbelief.

"Are you sure? Dragon Boy."

"You should be very clear about how that incident will affect the world government and the entire sea after it is spread. And Lorne may not believe what you said. Are you really sure you want to tell the news to Lorne?"


The dragon nodded.

"It is precisely because the news is so crazy that Lorne believes what I say."

Seeing Long's persistent appearance, Ivankov obviously had no reason to dissuade him.

But he still hesitated.

Because this news was too shocking. If Long hadn't told him himself and swore with his own glory, Ivankov would definitely have taken this news as a fabrication.

Moreover, this news also involves a very critical inside story. That is, ten years ago, after the prison escape incident in Advance City, why, as the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, the son of the hero Garp, the promising Dragon suddenly rebelled against the World Government, and why, as the director of the Advance City Prison, Ken, will eventually become Jhin.

Is it really just because they are afraid of taking responsibility for the escape in Jincheng City?

Obviously not.

However, Long also decided to leave the world government after he knew the news, and established a revolutionary army to overthrow the world government.

Now, he decided to share this news with Lorne.

"But now, someone must pass this news to Lorne."

Long Ru said, however, now, the commanders of the several major armies within the Revolutionary Army have important tasks,

And now the new world is no longer the new world a few years ago, allowing them to enter and exit at will. The current situation in the new world is too chaotic. Once they go to the new world, they are likely to be dragged down by the chaotic situation there and never have a chance to come back. The dragon can't afford it.

Therefore, the person who conveys the news must be a trustworthy person, and even if he cannot return to the Red Earth Continent for the time being, he will not have any influence on the situation in the Red Earth Continent.

And it just so happened that there was such a person by Long's side.

"Call my adopted son over."

Long ordered to the subordinates beside him.

A few years ago, he rescued a child in a fire. This little guy was very talented in fighting, but he lost his memory due to excessive fright. I don't know who I used to be.

Long adopted him as his adopted son and devoted himself to training him. The little guy learned quickly, and in just a few years, he grew into a middle-level cadre within the Revolutionary Army.

Now, Long wants to entrust him with this task, which is also his trust in the other party.

That little guy's name is Sabo.


"At the beginning, after we escaped from the city of advance, what happened to you?"

Steo, the Black Iron Castle.

Lorne sat on a chair, looked at his sister, and asked solemnly.

For some reason, he suddenly remembered this matter, and he had a premonition that this matter was very important.

So, after the battle with the old man was over, as soon as Lorne returned to Sdio, he went to find his sister, who was one of the parties involved in the incident of advancing the city, and Domino asked.

And the girl Domino obviously didn't want to recall this sad past, but she still cared about her brother, so she thought about it and recalled it.

The experience she narrated was basically the same as what she narrated when she met Lorne again in Fishman Island.

During this experience, she didn't need to deceive Lorne. After all, she regarded Lorne as her family from the very beginning.

Family members will not deceive family members.

"I don't doubt you."

And Lorne said so.

"However, I always feel that there is something wrong with this incident."

Lorne mused. First, a strange woman rescued Domino from the prison, and then made her turn and transform into a mysterious CP-0 agent rabbit.

Then, who is the woman who rescued Domino, and why did she do it.

There were several doubters in Lorne's mind, and the most suspicious one was the CP-0 agent who had met him once in Wan Guo, and then personally sent his father Caesar's letter to him. Dude, "Queen of the Red Light District" Stracey.

But until now, Lorne didn't know the other party's position, and why she wanted to help herself.

"By the way, do you know why Jhin, who was the director of Advance City before, suddenly rebelled?"

Thinking of Wan Guo, and Stracey, Lorne thought of his old enemy, Yan Calamity Jin, who had fought to the death with him in Wan Guo and finally died in his hands.

Before he died, he seemed to have seen through everything, and Lorne still remembered the unwilling curse.

"I'm...in...hell...waiting for you."

This was originally a normal exit speech when the loser exited the field. Lorne originally thought that Jhin knew that he died at his own hands, and Kaido would definitely help him avenge him.

But now that I think about it, that doesn't seem to be the case.

Until his death at the hands of Lorne, Jhin also retained his respect for his teacher, the former Director of City University Promotion, Wei. He even threatened to scatter Lorne's ashes in front of Wei's grave to avenge Wei.

What exactly did such a man go through to make him suddenly betray the world government?

"I don't know much about Ken."

Domino shook her head. At that time, she was also convicted and imprisoned in a large prison, so she didn't know much about Ken.

However, after thinking about it, she still said a word.

"However, I heard that at that time, in the city prison, all the high-level officials were convicted, and then they were taken to Marie Gioia for the final trial. Director Ken, together with Deputy Director Magellan, and Deputy Warden Hannibal A series of high-level officials, including the Warden of Shiliu of the Rain, were escorted to Marie Gioia."

"It's just that they were sent back soon, and then resumed their original duties, responsible for the operation of the new city."

"It was not long after that that I heard the news of Director Ken's rebellion."

This paragraph is repetitive and will be changed later,

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