Pirate Family

Chapter 1170 Lorne's New Guess

"Although I can't prove it, I speculate that Director Ken's rebellion should have something to do with his experience in Marie Gioia." Domino said with a sigh of relief.

Although this was just her guess, she still wanted to tell Lorne all the information she knew.

"What did he see, or did he know?"

And Lorne also began to think about it, but now that Jhin is dead, and the Kaido Pirates are also destroyed in his hands, he has no way to know the real reason for Jhin's rebellion, so he can only guess.

It's not like Marie Gioia hasn't been there before, and the ruler of this world lives there, the group of pig-like Tianlong people.

And Ken, as the Director of City University Promotion, is also considered a high-ranking member of the world government. It is impossible for him to be unaware of the secret filthiness of the Tianlong people. Therefore, it is likely that Ken could not accept this dark fact for a while, so he rebelled.

So, did he meet someone, or did he know something?

For some reason, Lorne remembered the thin man in black robe he had seen on the top of Pongle Castle.

All the mysteries point to Pongle Castle again, but that is the only place that Lorne is afraid of at this time.

Another stalemate.

At this time, Lorne thought of another person, who was also a high-ranking member of the world government, and then at almost the same time as Ken, defected from the world government, and now the leader of the revolutionary army, Long.

Lorne didn't have much contact with the Revolutionary Army, but now perhaps only through him can he know the truth.

"I see."

Lorne called Violet, the secretary and maid who had been serving behind him, and said softly.

"Send an order to find clues of the Revolutionary Army. I want to talk to Long."

Violet was slightly taken aback, but quickly reacted.

Master Lorne has his reasons for everything he does.

However, the Revolutionary Army has always acted cautiously, and Lorne did not expect that he would soon be able to find the Revolutionary Army that the World Government had been tracking for ten years.

This matter can only be temporarily put on the agenda.

However, Lorne didn't know it at this time, and the revolutionary army noticed him at the same time.


At this moment, the phone bug inside Violet's clothes suddenly rang. After listening to the report of the phone bug, she said softly.

"What the young master ordered before, to search for those specific devil fruits, has already yielded results."


Lorne did not expect that at this time, Violet actually gave himself a big surprise.

"Which one is it?"

What Lorne asked the family agents to find before was extremely rare, and it was also the devil fruit he needed very much now.

Whether it is the mysterious time-type devil fruit of the gluttonous girl, or the control-type devil fruit controlled by Xie Nianhuo, Erinnis, and Samu-kun, and Mikawa Qi's lock-lock fruit that can block the opponent's ability, All Lorne desperately needed.

Obtaining any one can greatly enhance Lorne's strength.

"Xihai, the castle fruit controlled by the gang godfather."

Violet replied.

"Now, the agents who went to the West Sea have returned to the Sky City through the Void Gate, and now the fruit is in the hands of Mr. Vegapunk."

"Castle fruit?"

Lorne was a little disappointed, because this devil fruit did not significantly improve his strength. The wall-like defense that the castle fruit is most proud of is actually not the same as Lorne's body after being strengthened by devouring the fruit. Too much of a fundamental difference.

The reason Lorne wanted this devil fruit was because it had another use.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Lorne appeared at the door of the laboratory on the southwest side of Sky City SKY.

Vegapunk and Gage are still conducting their own experiments.

Although the Ascension to the Gods long-term plan has been completed, it has not achieved the most perfect effect in the minds of these two scientists.

They are still trying their best to optimize Lorne's "God's Body". After all, Lorne's current clone still has one of the biggest flaws that has not been resolved.

That is physical fitness. The multiple devil fruits consume Lorne's physical energy at the same time. Even if Lorne's physical fitness exceeds that of ordinary people, he cannot afford to fight for a long time.

This is Lorne's only flaw at this time, and it is also a problem that Vegapunk and Gage want to solve.

"You finally came."

After seeing Lorne's arrival, both Vegapunk and Gage raised their heads at the same time, and Gage greeted excitedly.

"Your subordinates have already sent that devil fruit, what are you going to do?"

"Did you think of any interesting tricks?"

Gage has now fallen in love with working for Lorne, and Lorne's wild imagination provides them with ideas.

After completing the Ascension to the Gods long-term plan, every devil fruit that Lorne is looking for is full of purpose. Except for this castle fruit.

So, he wanted to know why Lorne wanted this devil fruit so much.

As a scientist, Gage's curiosity and desire to explore the unknown will never stop.

"Hey, why did you come from the main body?"

At this time, Vegapunk on the other side also noticed the clue. What Lorne came here was not a clone that could eat multiple devil fruits, but the main body.

"I'm looking for the castle fruit, but I don't want to eat it."

And Lorne said slowly.

"But I want to confirm one of my guesses."

Lorne picked up the fruit that was on the table.

The fruit is off-white, and there is a layer of masonry mosaic traces on the surface, like a city wall that has been shrunk countless times.

"This should be the fruit of the city wall."

"What speculation."

At this time, Gaji also became interested.

The ability to develop devil fruits, to put it bluntly, is the collision of imagination. Only those who are full of imagination can develop the power of devil fruit to the extreme.

Lorne, on the other hand, has never lacked imagination.

"Humans are not the only ones who can eat devil fruits and have the ability to eat devil fruits."

Lorne smiled.

"And animals and dead bodies."

And Gage added.

Animals that ate devil fruit are not uncommon, and some time ago, they also developed a method to make corpses eat devil fruit.

Lorne was momentarily at a loss for words, but he seemed unable to refute Gage. So, he decided not to sell it anymore. Instead, he put the devil fruit in his hand on the table, and handed it to Vegapunk.

"This conjecture, I would like to ask Mr. Vegapunk to confirm it for me."

"Use your technique."

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