Pirate Family

Chapter 1171: A Genius Idea

Gage and Vegapunk used to work in an overseas illegal research team when they were young.

Both are talented scientists, but their research directions are slightly different.

Gaji has researched the mysterious "bloodline factor" of the human body, while Vegapunk's research direction is much more complicated.

Among them, the weather maker, the interior of the navy, the rudiment of the combat machine pacifist, and the method of crossing the windless belt that can leave the naval warship unscathed, all come from that period.

It's just that he was caught by the world government in Vegapunk. After being forced to work for the world government, these technologies have all fallen into the hands of the world government.

However, what Lorne wants now is not these technologies of Vegapunk, but another one, which is little known, but no less than the former technology.

The technique of letting non-living bodies eat devil fruits!

"So, do you want non-living bodies to eat this castle fruit?"

Vegapunk was slightly surprised.

The technology Lorne mentioned was indeed involved. However, his previous experiments were to allow non-living bodies, such as swords and guns, to eat animal devil fruits and turn them into animal weapons that can fight autonomously.

It is not impossible for non-living bodies to eat this kind of superhuman devil fruit, but non-living bodies have a considerable disadvantage, that is, there is no way to actively release superhuman abilities.

In this way, he fell into a deadlock, that is, if he clearly grasped the ability of the devil fruit, but found a way to release it, then it would be no different from not having mastered it.

However, after a little thought, Vegapunk understood Lorne's thoughts.

"What a genius idea."

He praised without hesitation, no matter whether Lorne's idea can be realized or not, when Lorne thinks of this, his understanding of Devil Fruit has reached a level that normal people can hardly imagine.

"Use it on this ring."

Lorne took out an exquisitely crafted ring inlaid with black gemstones, and handed it to Vegapunk.

He actually has another ring, but it is the engagement ring with Xiao Jia, even if there is only a one-ten-thousandth possibility, he is not willing to have any discrepancies with that ring.

"What kind of charades are you playing!?"

At this time, it was Gage's turn to be confused. He clearly understood every word Lorne and Vegapunk said, but he just couldn't figure out the meaning of these words.

"You'll find out later."

Lorne said slowly.

And Vegapunk took the ring in Lorne's hand without hesitation, and walked directly towards his exclusive laboratory.

Inside Vegapunk's room. There is a metal cube about three or four meters long. Just looking at the dust on the cube, one can tell that the cube has not been used for a long time.

"Is this made of Hailou stone?"

And Jiazhi is also well-informed, and he can distinguish the material of this cube in an instant.

"The method of making a non-living object eat a devil fruit is actually not complicated. It is even somewhat similar to the method of extracting a devil fruit from the inside of the human body."

Vegapunk said slowly while operating to open the metal cube.

He put the devil fruit and Lorne's ring into the cube. Then close the lid.

The machine started to run, and everyone could vaguely hear the sound of something being broken and stirred.

The ground shook slightly.

About ten minutes later, Vegapunk nodded and said.

"it is ready."

"So simple?"

It was also the first time for Gage to see Vegapunk demonstrate the technique of letting non-living bodies eat devil fruits. He originally thought that this technique would be very complicated, just like he created clone soldiers, and every step needs to go through strict procedures. calculation.

However, Vegapunk is as simple as putting breakfast in the microwave while preparing hot milk. When the milk is warmed, a delicious breakfast is ready.

"This machine will automatically crush the devil fruit, and then soak another object in the juice and pulp of the devil fruit."

"After the fruit is crushed, the devil hiding in it will naturally escape, but since the surrounding is a closed space completely surrounded by sea stones, the devil has no way to escape, so he can only possess the only one in the space. On objects that do not have sea stone elements."

"This is the way to let the non-living body eat the devil fruit."

The theory of this technology is very simple, but if you want to experiment, you must go through countless rigorous experiments. Vegapunk was able to research it on his own, and he deserves to be known as the man who has controlled technology 500 years beyond human beings.

Vegapunk opened the cube, and then took out the ring that was still stained with pulp. After washing. Lorne noticed that there was a wall-like gap on the surface of this ring.

It's just that these gaps are hidden under the light of the gemstone and are difficult to detect.

"Now, you can prove your idea."

Vegapunk handed the ring in his hand to Lorne, and after receiving the ring, Lorne diverted his mind into it.

The perception extended like tentacles, and he felt that the ring was vibrating in a wonderful rhythm, and Lorne responded to the vibrating rhythm.

The moment he combined his rhythm with this ring, Lorne's consciousness fell into darkness.

Then, he saw the space inside the ring!

The ability of the castle fruit is to turn the capable user into a castle, where he can hide his soldiers inside his body, and his body will be as indestructible as the walls of the castle.

However, since the ring is an inanimate object, its internal space is not as huge as a castle for a human capable user. According to Lorne's observations, this space is only about 20 square meters.

But that's enough.

He put this ring on the middle finger of his left hand. Then he pointed at Vegapunk in the room.

In the next moment, Vegapunk disappeared directly into the room.

"what happened?!"

Gage asked in shock, what about such a big living person? Why did it disappear all of a sudden.

And Lorne took a deep breath, and then waved his left hand lightly, and Vegapunk appeared in front of Gage again. The former seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and there was no panic on his face.

"It's a huge step in the history of technology, and it's a genius idea."

And by this time, Vegapunk was still nothing more than a compliment to Lorne's idea.

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