Pirate Family

Chapter 1172 God Is Perfect

Lorne also showed a rare smile.

Although the possibility of evolution is lost, this ring that ate the castle fruit can be used as a storage space.

This will make it much more convenient for Lorne, who is used to acting alone.

Moreover, this ring has an incomparable advantage.

It was precisely because Vegapunk guessed Lorne's thoughts that he couldn't stop praising Lorne.

"What charades are you playing?"

Jia Zhi didn't know. But at this time, Lorne's clone walked in, and Lorne took the ring off his finger and handed it to the clone.

After the clone put on the ring, he raised his hand and pointed at Lorne's body, and then Lorne's body disappeared directly into the laboratory.

"With the cooperation of my body's perception ability, my strength is perfect."

Lorne gently wiped the ring on his hand, as if seeing a rare treasure.

At this time, Gage finally understood. Lorne actually hid directly inside the ring's castle space, remotely controlling the clone in the castle.

And use your own fruit ability to cooperate with the clone.

Although the clone has multiple abilities, many abilities cannot be used at the same time, and Lorne, who is hiding in the city ring, is like the clone's radar, continuously providing the clone with combat data.

Moreover, because there is no need to worry about his own safety, Lorne's body can fully release its own abilities to assist the clone, just like the clone has an uninterrupted perception fruit.

No opponent would guess that Lorne's weakness is not the heart and head of normal creatures, but the inconspicuous ring on his left hand!

More importantly, even if he encounters an invincible opponent, Lorne can let the clone body delay time for him, and then get a chance to evacuate.

In this wonderful way, Lorne fused his body and clone.

"I have to admit that your ideas are indeed unconstrained. Any devil fruit that falls into your hands may be able to play with it."

After figuring this out, Gage couldn't help sighing.

There has always been a proposition in the sea, which is often discussed.

Is it the fruit that makes the strong, or the strong makes the fruit.

Although the vast majority of people believe that no matter what ability a strong person possesses, they can develop it to the extreme. However, in this sea, those fruit-capable users who really stand at the pinnacle have no one's ability and are very weak.

Those who stand at the top, the abilities they possess, are all perverted. Powerful to the point of being almost incomprehensible.

Therefore, there are still a very small number of people who hold another point of view. Only the strong, with powerful fruits, have the opportunity to stand at the top. The two achieve each other and are indispensable.

Lorne was able to develop a fruit that could only strengthen the five senses at the beginning, to such an extent that Gage also had to admire Lorne's strength.

If Lorne had obtained a fruit with a higher starting point at the beginning, he might have completed his great cause of dominating the sea very early.

But, then again, if Lorne didn't have the fruit of perception, it would be impossible for Gaji and the others to complete the plan for ascension to the gods.

This is the so-called cause and effect. Or rather, fate.

As a scientist, Jia Zhi has never believed in fate, and firmly believes that everything in the world can be explained by science.

But now, he seems to believe it a little bit, as if somewhere in the dark, there really is a hand that can manipulate fate, secretly provoking fate.

"I feel now that if the dead body reappears, I will have no chance for him to practice releasing the Empire of Death."

Lorne felt the surging power in his body, as if every cell was alive, and his perception emanated from the pores of his skin. He felt that everything around him was under his control.

"This feeling is very comfortable."

After experiencing the power of combining the abilities of the main body and the clone, Lorne took a deep breath and left the laboratory.

This day is just a rather inconspicuous day in the chaotic sea of ​​the New World.

On the sea, the pirates who are intriguing for a little territory don't know it.

On this day, countless navy agents have infiltrated into the new world, ready to cooperate with the navy at any time to launch a general attack on the new world.

On this day, a young man who shouldered the fate of the revolutionary army left the Red Earth Continent and came to the chaotic new world, looking for the man who could end the rule of the world government.

On this day, a funeral was held on Mary Joya. The funeral was of a high standard, but only a few people knew about it. In a moment of solemnity, they put a piece of clothing into the coffin.

On this day, a god was born.


"Lorne, what a lunatic!"

New World, Loxor sea area, a small island.

A man wearing a gentleman's hat and wrapping himself tightly in a black coat pushed open the door and walked into the exchange in the underground world.

Under the gentleman's hat, the man has short red hair.

While walking, the man was still muttering.

He was Case who had been hiding in the New World for a long time.

The safest place is the safest place. Even Lorne made the low-level mistake of being dark under the lights.

Case didn't choose to flee away from the minions of the Lorne forces, but directly hid in the core area of ​​the Lorne forces, the Loxor sea area.

Case originally didn't understand why Lorne was so hostile to him, but after seeing the battle between Lorne and the shadow, he quickly reacted.

Lorne unexpectedly possessed a method to possess multiple abilities at the same time.

No matter how Lorne did it, Case could easily figure it out if he put himself in another place.

Lorne, who has this ability, will definitely choose to collect powerful devil fruits, which explains why the Vinhill family has been buying various devil fruits at high prices since a few years ago, and hunting down devil fruit capable users.

And after figuring this out, Case felt creepy.

Because, he was Lorne's best prey.

In this vast sea, there is no single ability user whose ability is more powerful and rare than his own.

Therefore, after taking revenge on the group of old guys who betrayed him, Case went into hiding directly to avoid being discovered by Lorne.

He never thought that he would one day become a prey.

The exchange of the underground world is a gray place jointly established by the giants of the underground world.

In a neutral position, not only pirates, but even some navies can get the information they want in this place.

Case came here with the same purpose

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