Pirate Family

Chapter 1173 Case

Perhaps because of his arrogance, Lorne has never interfered with the affairs of the underground world.

It also gave Case a chance.

He wants to leave the new world through the forces of the underground world.

Because he has grasped an important piece of information, that is, the end of the great voyage, the final island, the land of legends, the island that symbolizes the end and the beginning, Ralph Drew, is not in the new world.

Or in other words, a certain entrance of Lovedrew is somewhere in the paradise.

So Case wanted to go to Paradise first. While evading the hunt of the Vinhill family, look for clues to Ralph Drew.

Case, who had been betrayed twice, would never trust any companion again. This time, he was ready to go it alone.

"I want a boat."

Case directly found a man with a black turban on his head, and his identity was an intermediary in the underground world.

"Where does it lead?"

The intermediary asked with an emotionless face.


Case replied without hesitation. This kind of business is the boss of the underground world. Sea Freight King - Umit involved in the field.

And the most important thing is that Umit and Lorne have always had grievances, so Case is not worried that his whereabouts will be exposed.

As long as he can reach the paradise, no matter how long Lorne's hand is, it is impossible to stop him.

"Right now, the ships that want to go to the Paradise from the New World have basically stopped. Any ship that passes through the Chambord Islands will go through three layers of inspection by the Navy, so it is difficult for us to take you there."

The middleman sized Case up and said lightly.

Difficult, not impossible.

Case wasn't an idiot, so he picked up on the intermediary's overtones.

You have to pay more.

As the great pirate of the previous era, he was a powerful figure in this era, and even almost influenced the trend of the era. When had he ever suffered such humiliation?

Don't talk about this middleman, even the few underground world bosses standing behind him, Case didn't take it to heart before.

But now he has something to ask of others, but he can only give in.

"As long as you bring me there, the price doesn't matter."

Case said so. A pirate like him doesn't care about money anymore.

Money can't buy life.

"I like a rich and powerful boss like you,"

The middleman said with some joy.

"We happen to have a ship that can sail to the vicinity of the Red Earth Continent. After arriving on the Red Earth Continent, we use special machinery to board the Red Earth Continent, then cross the Red Earth Continent and arrive at Paradise."

The middleman directly stated their route.

"Please go to this place after three days."

"Just remember to bring money."

Then the middleman left Case a note and turned away.

Case secretly wrote down the address, then snapped his fingers casually, the space wrinkled slightly, and the paper disappeared in an instant.

The people in the underground world exchange were extremely noisy, and no one noticed this trivial detail.

Three days later, at a pier on a small island.

Case followed the address on the note and came to this place.

A cruise ship docked at the port. He boarded the cruise ship with forged documents, and waited for about two hours before the cruise ship finally moved.

"The direction is right."

According to the navigation pointer, Case judged that this cruise ship was indeed heading in the direction of the Red Earth Continent.

The speed of the cruise ship wasn't that fast, after half a month, Case was able to reach the foot of the Red Earth Continent.

This cruise ship sailed slowly on the boundless sea alone, like a lonely passenger.

However, no one noticed that there were many ships approaching the cruise ship in all directions.

It's like surrounding a cruise ship.

And on these ships, the pattern of the misty moon is hung.

However, due to the distance, these ships did not appear in the line of sight of the cruise ship.


Case woke up from his sleep. For some reason, he always felt uneasy.

It was as if he had fallen into a trap.

He is a very cautious person, so Case quietly left the cabin.

He decided to take a stroll on this cruise ship and leave here once he found any clues.

He has a space fruit that can teleport instantly, and can teleport directly to nearby ships or islands.

But after walking around on the boat, Case didn't find anything amiss, as if the uneasy feeling was just his own illusion.

"Is it my illusion?"

Case stood on the deck and watched. His intuition seldom goes wrong. Before, in the last era, before he was trapped on a small island by the navy's tricks, he also had such a dangerous feeling.

But this time, the sense of crisis was even stronger than before.

But Case couldn't find the source of the crisis.

As night fell, Case looked at the endless sea around him, as if he had thought of something, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration!

He immediately found the sailors on board and asked where he was now.

The sailors didn't know what to do, but still based on the principle of customer first, they told Case that the ship had already sailed to the edge of the Loxor sea area, and after a while, it would be able to reach the vicinity of the red earth continent.

And Case didn't care how long it would take for them to reach the vicinity of the Red Earth Continent. Instead, he directly found a sea chart, and then looked for his current location on the sea map.

"Sure enough!"

After confirming his current position, Case finally knew the source of the previous sense of crisis.

Because, he is now impressively in a sea of ​​death. What is the God of Death Sea Territory, that is, there are no islands near this sea area. Once a ship sails in this sea area, if any accident occurs, it will be like the God of Death coming to claim his life, and there is no possibility of escape.

But this is not what Case cares about. Of course, a strong man of his level can't care about such small things as the sinking of a ship.

Rather, being in the Death God Sea Territory also means one thing.

Case's space transfer has lost its effect. Unless there is a ship nearby, no matter where Case transfers to, it will be an icy sea.

But when a capable person falls into the sea, there is only one result. That is death.

"I fell into a trap!"

Case realized this in an instant, and a chill ran down his back.

In this world, there are many people who will attack themselves, but there is only one person who is most likely to do it.

That's Lorne.

I was being targeted by Lorne!

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