Pirate Family

Chapter 1174 This is a trap

Although it is not known when Umit, the deep ocean current, hooked up with Lorne, but now, Case is sure.

He should have been betrayed.

There is not a single island in the surrounding sea area, and there are even pitifully few hidden reefs emerging from the sea.

But Case quickly regained his composure. He secretly walked towards the side of the cruise ship.

Generally speaking, several lifeboats will be installed on this large cruise ship, in case of any accident, for people to escape.


The sound of a heavy object being launched into the water attracted the attention of everyone on the deck, and only then did the sailors see a lifeboat sailing forward with the fastest horsepower under the cover of the night.

It can be vaguely seen that there is a man who covers himself under a black cloak, standing above the lifeboat.

"Guest, please don't go too far away from us!"

The sailors stood on the side and shouted, but the man ignored it and drove the boat away.

There is no way, the sailors can only ask the captain for instructions. If any accident occurs to the guests, they will also be jointly and severally liable.

Such a large ship wanted to turn the bow very slowly. By the time the cruise ship turned to the direction where the lifeboat was leaving, the lifeboat had disappeared into the night.

At this time, some people hiding on the boat looked at each other, then walked to the side of the remaining lifeboats, jumped onto the lifeboats, cut the ropes hanging from the lifeboats, and drove the lifeboats towards Chased forward.

"Guests! Please come back quickly! The sea in the new world is more dangerous than you imagined!"

The captain stood on the deck and shouted hoarsely, but no one responded to his shout.


In the cabin, Case looked at the lifeboats going away, a sneering smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He was the one who fled in the lifeboat at first, but after the lifeboat disappeared from everyone's sight, he set the speed of the lifeboat to the fastest and drove towards the direction where he perceived the least danger. Then use the ability to return to the cruise ship.

By the time the group of people chasing him caught up with the unmanned lifeboat, the cruise ship had already left the sea of ​​death.

At that time, no one in this world will be able to catch themselves.

Case didn't expect all the pursuers to leave the cruise ship, but as long as no one found him hiding here, then it was equivalent to him escaping.

It was very simple for Case to prevent others from finding out where he was.

"When you get back from Ralph Drew, be sure to beat Umit."

Case said to himself, when did he suffer such humiliation, and was betrayed by an ant-like scum, and then used this embarrassing and no dignity method to get away.

The boss of the underground world? Case snorted coldly. For ordinary pirates, this kind of guy may be an unattainable boss, but for him, he is no different from an ant.

Since the other party betrayed himself, there is only one ending to welcome him.

That is, death.

But at this moment, a man's plain voice suddenly came from behind Case.

"It's time like this, do you still have the heart to beat others?"

Case felt a chill down his back.

This voice, he will never forget in his life.

"How could you be here?!"

Case turned around and saw a man in a black cloak standing behind him. His right hand was gently wiping a ring inlaid with black gemstones on his left ring finger. With a smile.

"Don't you think this sentence is redundant?"

Lorne said lightly.

"I thought, why I am here, as you who have the fruit of space, it should be very clear."

Case was at a loss for words for a moment. He had already guessed that Lorne was hunting devil fruit capable users to plunder their abilities. He was just a little flustered just now, so he didn't react.

"Do you think you must eat me?"

Case sneered, the matter has come to this point, he knows that a battle is inevitable. No matter what method Lorne uses to strip the devil fruit from the capable person's body, one thing is certain, that is, this method is not a good thing for the capable person itself.

There is no point in begging for mercy, not to mention, with Case's pride, it is impossible for him to beg for mercy with a junior like Lorne!

He is a proud big pirate!

"You are just a piece of trash who possesses many abilities, but has not been able to develop any of them to the extreme!"

"Ten thousand rubbish abilities are not as good as one ability that has been developed to the extreme!"

Case roared, and the space in front of Lorne began to distort.

The distorted space directly shattered Lorne's body, but

"Whether I have developed my ability to the extreme, you can give it a try."

The phantom fruit can create a phantom similar to the main body.

The next moment, Lorne walked out directly from behind Case, and slammed down on Case's back fiercely with a heavy fist covered in armed domineering.


Case felt a chill in his back and turned sideways subconsciously, but Lorne's fist still hit the joint of his arm.

Click click click.

Case could even hear the sound of his bones breaking.

What a terrible power!

A look of shock flashed in Case's eyes.

Lorne's strength, this punch, far surpassed most of the powerhouses he knew, and only a few people with extraordinary talents and who controlled the power-enhancing fruit could match it.

Coupled with the unknown number of devil fruit abilities that Lorne has mastered, Case felt timid for the first time.

I am definitely not the opponent's opponent, if I continue to fight, I will die!

Case made such a judgment in an instant, and then gritted his teeth, his body suddenly blurred.

"Now is not the time for us to fight! Your enemy is not me!"

As one of the top pirates, Case actually chose to run away when he was in a life-and-death battle with his opponent!

Case's body suddenly disappeared, and in the next instant, he appeared in mid-air several kilometers away. Under his feet was the boundless sea, and under the action of gravity, his body fell towards the sea involuntarily.

For any capable user, falling into the sea without anyone's support has only one result.

That was death, and Case was no exception.

But at the moment when he was about to touch the sea surface, Case used the ability of space transfer again.

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