Pirate Family

Chapter 1175 Fleeing Frantically

If someone stood in the air and looked down at the sea from a bird's-eye view, he would definitely see a figure flickering tens of meters above the sea.

Every time he appears, he advances several nautical miles in a certain direction.

As for the bottom cabin of the cruise ship, Lorne could only smile helplessly.

Case's ability should be one of the most powerful abilities he knows. Not only does he have the most powerful offensive ability, space smash, but he also has the almost unsolvable escape ability, space transfer.

Especially when a strong man like Case is determined to escape, perhaps no one in this sea can catch him.

However, Lorne shook his head.

Now that he has made a plan. He even did not hesitate to use his relationship in the underground world to directly intercept the information of the leader of the underground world, Deep Ocean Current-Umit. He also hypnotized the captain and drove the ship into such a sea of ​​death. Of course, he had a murderous heart for Case.

He wouldn't let Case leave the New World alive.

His gaze turned towards a certain direction, which was the direction from which Case's breath came, and it was also the direction of the nearest island from this sea area.

Lorne knew very well that Case, who had been arrested for too long, had not mastered the ability to fly.

Even after breaking out of prison, Case mastered the "moon step" in the six forms, but without enough physical strength and sufficient proficiency to support the moon step, it is impossible to fly too far.

Therefore, after the space transfer, Case's body will fall towards the sea level under the action of gravity.

In order to avoid falling into the sea, Case could only use space transfer continuously.

And this deserted island was a trap prepared by Lorne for Case.

Because, the Death God Sea Territory deserves to be the Death God Sea Territory. The nearest small island is more than 100 nautical miles away from the location of the cruise ship.

This is also the only island that Keith can reach through continuous space transfer. As for other islands, even if Keith is exhausted and dies from exhaustion, it is completely impossible to reach.

This place was prepared by Lorne, Case's real cemetery!

A void gate appeared behind Lorne, and it could be vaguely seen that on the other side of the void gate was an island with a radius of only a few kilometers, covered with dense jungle and uninhabited.

Then, Lorne slowly stepped into this void door.

The long-distance movement speed of the space fruit is still too small compared to the door fruit that can directly connect the two places.

Case would never guess that while he was still desperately fleeing, Lorne was already at his destination, silently waiting for him.


"Bastard Lorne!"

Case's body emerged in midair, and in the next moment, he appeared several nautical miles away.

The continuous use of the ability to transfer space without any rest time caused his physical fitness to decline rapidly. Case even felt his consciousness begin to blur.

It's like an ordinary social animal who has worked twenty-four hours in a row, and the tiredness that just came home and lay on the bed surged up.

Case felt that he would fall asleep the next moment.

This is the consequence of physical fitness and too much energy consumption.


At the moment when the drowsiness struck, Case directly broke one of his fingers. Severe pain spread all over his body, and only then did Case suddenly wake up.

He is now on the surface of the sea, absolutely cannot fall asleep, otherwise, he will fall into the sea.

When he was just looking at the map, he noted that there was a deserted island in this direction. As long as he could reach this deserted island, he would recover his physical fitness and get another chance to use space transfer to escape.

He remembered that this deserted island was about a hundred nautical miles away from the location of the cruise ship. Even if Lorne took the fastest boat to chase him immediately, it would take several hours, which was enough time for him to restore his physical strength to the best status.

And by that time, he was no longer there!

Lorne, that idiot, will never be able to catch himself in his life!

In Case's mind, Lorne's face appeared as if everything was an ant, and nothing could attract his attention, and a trace of hatred appeared on his face.

He has never been forced to such a point before, even if it was decades ago, he was surrounded by the design of the navy, it was because he was too arrogant, underestimated the strength of the navy, and directly stepped into the trap of the opponent .

Even so, the navy paid a painful price to catch itself.

But now, Lorne forced himself to run away desperately by himself, and he couldn't even fight head-on.

This kind of humiliation kept Case in mind.

This kind of humiliation, sooner or later, he will return it!

The real battlefield between myself and Lorne should be in Ralph Drew, the ultimate place for all pirates!

He'll be waiting for Lorne at Ralph Drew!

A small island appeared in Case's field of vision, and Case suddenly felt a little sluggish.

In the next instant, the sesame-sized island became about the size of a soybean. Case knew that he was getting closer and closer to the only foothold.

After a few breaths, Case finally appeared above the island, and then his body fell limply. Make a big hole in the island.


The flocks of birds flew in fright, and the beasts hiding in the dense jungle lurked.

Case felt that his physical strength had exceeded the limit, and even moving a finger was an extravagant hope.

He had never run away in such a mess before.

It is a shame for any pirate to use all his physical strength to escape instead of fighting.

But Case couldn't help it. Because there is only one result of fighting Lorne, and that is to be crushed mercilessly by Lorne, and then his own ability becomes one of the bait to help Lorne become the One Piece King.

He is not reconciled!

As Keith, he was ambitious, betrayed the Golden Lion Shiki, and even directly led to the destruction of the Shiki Pirates. He was unwilling to end his life with such an ending.

He wants to live.

I don't know how long it took, an instant or a year, Case finally felt his body regain consciousness.

He felt a wetness on his face, a wolf licking his body.

But the other pack of wolves looked around, not daring to go forward.

Are you treating yourself as prey?

Case laughed bitterly, then struggled to stand up, and kicked the wolf away in front of him.

"Is this how you repay the person who saved your life?"

But at this moment, a voice Case never wanted to hear sounded behind him.

"You're too slow, Case. I've been waiting too long for you."

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