Pirate Family

Chapter 1176: The Pirate's Story

The new world is the new world of pirates.

Here, since ancient times, it has been the most chaotic sea area in the entire sea. Only the most powerful and craziest pirates can gain a foothold in this sea area.

After Roger's era ended, the three legendary pirates, Whitebeard, Kaido, and Charlotte Lingling, occupied most of the sea area in the new world. Those prisoners who had been imprisoned in the city for decades, and whose existence had been wiped out, forcibly tore off a large piece of land in the hands of the three legendary pirates.

None of the four big pirates could do anything to them. Gradually, other big pirates in the new world who could only linger under their breath gave these legendary pirates a common title.

Four emperors.

However, the powerful Four Emperors had only ruled the New World for ten years before they were broken by a more powerful young pirate.

This pirate named Lorne has killed two pirate emperors in a row and has achieved his reputation.

All the pirates believe that Lorne, who has risen with an invincible posture, will be another Pirate King in this sea after Roger.

The only thing that can stop him is time.

"This is the legend of Lorne."

A small island near the red earth continent.

An old man was sitting in the very center of the square, talking about Lorne's bloody rise with a passionate expression.

A group of people surrounded him, and the children seemed to be listening to a heroic story, with stars shining in their eyes.

"So, what's next?"

A little guy who looked about seven or eight years old sucked his snot, and then said excitedly.

The legend of Lorne is much more passionate than the heroic stories in the storybook, and he is still a living person, a big pirate living in the sea, not a paper man in the storybook.

Every little boy dreamed of being a hero when he was young. Ten years ago, some of them seemed to be the naval hero card who fought and killed the legendary pirate Rocks by himself. Lieutenant general. Some want to be the first adventurer to complete a great route in the last hundred years, with a group of trustworthy and legendary partners. However, at the peak of his reputation, he chose to surrender to the navy and use his own life to start a new era of Pirate World, Roger the Pirate King.

But now, there is only one hero that a young boy in this day and age wants to be.

That is the pirate among pirates, the villain among villains, and the hero among heroes.

With his own strength, the "demon" that crushed the entire sea and was almost breathless, Vennhill Lorne.

Lorne is the memory of young people in this era.

This era is called Lorne.

When the old man saw the light in the children's eyes, he shook his head secretly.

Because, decades ago, when he was still young, he had personally experienced that magnificent era. I saw those pirates who have become legends now, the madness of their youth.

If Lorne is the memory of these children, then Roger is their memory.

Now, Roger's prestige has been gradually replaced by Lorne. I'm afraid it won't be long before Lorne truly becomes the One Piece King. In this sea, not many people remember the man who started the age of voyage with his own life. Alright.

This may be a glorious era, the legend has not completely fallen, the new generation has grown its own fangs, gearing up.

But the old man didn't like that.

He doesn't like to forget.

Perhaps one day, the era of Lorne will pass, and then an unknown pirate will take Lorne's place.

Became the wave of the new era.

And Lorne will also be forgotten.

Just like the Rogers before them. No one likes this sense of powerlessness at the mercy of fate.

The same goes for old people.

But looking at the starry eyes of the children, the old man sighed helplessly.

He is a prodigal son who travels around, just like the bird without feet in the legend, who has been running around all his life. It only lands when it dies.

And the old man didn't know where he would die in the end. But as long as he is alive, he will keep going. This is the life he chose.

Storytelling is his means of earning a living.

Since others like to listen, then no matter how much he doesn't like it, he can only talk.

"Next, what I want to tell is that when Lorne just started to rise, the grievances and grievances between Lorne and the Shichibukai, who fell in his hands, are not much less than the Pirate Emperor..."

More and more people watched the old man tell the story, and soon the place where the old man was sitting was surrounded by water.

Among them, there are many pirates who have just arrived in the new world.

These pirates have experienced the hell life of being chased and killed by the navy in Paradise, and it is not easy to come to this paradise, the last paradise of pirates. Of course, they must understand what kind of people the Pirate Emperors who rule Paradise are.

And the old man's storytelling method is really interesting. He didn't mix any subjective guesses of his own, but restored the things that had happened, so that the audience felt as if they were on the scene.

Soon, some change piled up in front of the old man.

No one noticed that a young man who covered himself in a flaxen cloak was sitting in a remote corner, listening to the old man's stories with great interest.

Or, in the eyes of the onlookers, this person, like himself, is just a passerby.

It was not until dusk that the old man finished telling the last story, and the children left reluctantly. The onlookers also gradually dispersed.

At this time, the old man got up and prepared to sort out today's harvest.

This money is enough to support his next trip.

There were wrinkles on his old face.

At this time, a young voice stopped him.

"Old sir, wait a moment."

"What's the matter with calling me old?"

The old man turned around with difficulty, and he saw a man who covered himself in a flaxen cloak stopped him. Judging by the voice, this person is very young.

Quite young, not even more than eighteen years old.

But his tone was full of experience and vicissitudes.

Have you started your own journey at such a young age?

The old man seems to see his former self in the young man.

"Excuse me, in your eyes, what kind of person is Lorne?"

"An unquestionable villain, a downright devil, without him, this sea would not be so chaotic."

The old man thought for a while, maybe because this young man resembled him, he finally expressed his true thoughts.

"However, he seems to be able to change the whole world."

"A person who can change the world?"

The young man was stunned, and when he came to his senses, the old man had already walked away with the change.

A gust of wind blew his cloak off.

A rather youthful face was revealed.

Short blond hair fluttering in the wind.

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