Pirate Family

Chapter 1178 Roger's Treasure

Half of the reason for the rampage of this era is because Lorne and Shiki released the vicious prisoners who were imprisoned in the city of advancement, and the other half is because Roger used his own life to open the of this turbulent era.

The age of great navigation.

It is no exaggeration to say that a considerable part of the pirates in the new era chose to go to sea after pursuing the treasure left by Roger.

And just one day before, an invitation letter was sent to the tables of many pirates in the New World at the same time.

There is only one address written on the invitation letter, and this address is located somewhere in the second half of the new world.

It is an unnamed island.

This was originally a very insignificant matter, perhaps someone's prank, many people will throw it aside after seeing this invitation letter.

But a piece of news that followed blew up the emotions of the pirates in the new world.

Roger's treasure is buried on this island!

Is this island the Ralph Drew?

All the pirates had such a question in their hearts, but after hearing the news, they could no longer maintain their previous unmoved appearance.

Countless pirates sailed towards the mysterious island according to the address on the invitation letter.

"This place should not be Ralph Drew."

Lorne also got this invitation letter, he looked at the address above, and said lightly.

He has been searching for Ralph Drew for so long, and even the main text of the history is only missing the last piece. Of course, he has a certain understanding of this place.

That place will definitely not be Ralph Drew.

"So, it's a hoax?"

Violet said suspiciously, cheating the pirates in the whole new world is something that crazy people can think of. If he is discovered, he may be torn to pieces by the angry pirates.


Lorne shook his head again.

"Perhaps, it is not certain that Roger really left any treasure there."

Who said that there is only one copy of the treasure left by Roger?

"So, what should we do with this?"

At this time, Violet raised her own doubts. Lorne's attitude determines the attitude of the Vinhill family.

And the attitude of the Vinhill family can influence the thinking of most people in the New World.

"Go? Why not?"

Lorne asked back.

"Since it's something Roger left behind, why can't I go and see it?"

He doesn't care about the treasure left by Roger, nor what the so-called ONE-PIECE is. The only thing he cares about is Ralph Drew.

And in that place, there may be news of Ralph Drew.

In the early morning of the next day, the fleet of the Vinhill family left the port of Sdio, and headed towards the middle and second half of the new world to pick up.

This news quickly spread to the ears of many people. Countless people began to speculate, did the Vinhill family get any information? Is this news true?

For a while, the pirates became even more excited, and even many pirates who were indifferent to this matter were also aroused their interest, gearing up and heading towards this mysterious island.

These young pirates are very clear that they are in the same era as Lorne, and they have no chance to compete for the overlord of this era.

However, One Piece is not the same as the overlord of the era. One Piece is a real pirate, a pirate among pirates, who has completed the voyage of the great route and is recognized by everyone.

As long as they find Ralph Drew before Lorne, then their name will be in front of Lorne.

Every era has a pirate overlord, but not every era has a pirate king.

Perhaps many years have passed, Lorne has long since died, and the Vinhill family has gradually declined, so no one will know how powerful this family was once. When people mention this magnificent era of great navigation, the first thing people think of is Will be the One Piece of this era.

Although there is a possibility of crazy revenge from the Vinhill family afterwards, not everyone is afraid of death.

Roger lured them with wealth, fame, power, power, and all the desires of this world, so these pirates are going to get these things!

If anyone guessed what these people were thinking, they would think they were crazy.

But this is pirates.

A new world, a certain sea area.

A golden cruise ship is sailing on the sea. At the top of the golden tower in the center, there is a huge pool. The pool is not filled with water, but filled with rose-red liquid.

That is, expensive red wine.

A man with a strong figure and short emerald green hair was soaking in the wine pool, and two women with enchanting figures and scantily clad clothes lay beside him, teasing this man as best he could.

This man has a famous name in the ocean of the New World.

Golden Emperor, Gilder Tezzolo!

He was indeed defeated by Kaido, but for Tezolo, who has the golden fruit, as long as he is not dead, it is only a matter of time before he makes a comeback.

What's more, Tezolo hid his main wealth and didn't stay on the Gulan Tezolo, which was attacked by Kaido.

So, after finding the hidden wealth, Tezolo soon rose again and established a golden city again.

The scale of this golden city is even larger than that of the Gulan Tezolo. It is extremely luxurious, and under the bright lights, there are people living a corrupt life everywhere.

This place is like heaven.

It took Tezolo two years to return to his previous position and once again established his own golden empire.

However, this sea has long been changed. Kaido, who attacked him at the beginning, also died in the hands of Lorne. Tezolo couldn't even find a target for revenge.

Therefore, he can only get drunk all day long and numb himself with a dreamlike and false life.

The most terrible thing for a person is to lose his pursuit. Tezolo is betrayed by his companions. Having lost his loyal subordinates and the target of revenge,

It all made him numb.

And not far from the wine pool, there was a huge cage, and inside the cage was a naked, obese man.

The man was imprisoned in a cage like a pig, and his body was covered with marks from being whipped.

If someone could see this pig's face clearly, they would be shocked, because this fat man who was abused was indeed one of the big bosses in the underground world, a man known as the God of Fortune.

Lucky God Lufield.

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