Pirate Family

Chapter 1179: Choice

However, Lu Field, the god of fortune who is a big boss in the underground world, was arrested by Tezolo and imprisoned like a pig.

If this news gets out, it will definitely shock the entire sea.

And Lufield also seemed to be numb from the torture. In fact, he and Kaido attacked the Gulan Tezolo before, but after Tezolo himself escaped, he had expected his own day.

It's just that the Kaido Pirates were still strong at that time, and with Kaido's back, he didn't care about the revenge from Tezolo at all.

Even if Tezolo makes a comeback, he will be plundered by Kaido again without the strength to support him. This is the rule of the new world.

Without strength, there is no way to protect your wealth.

However, Lufield did not expect that the Kaido Pirates would lose to Lorne. Even Kaido himself died at Lorne's hands.

Having lost his backer, he could only turn his head around and curry favor with Lorne like a dog, but Lorne didn't seem to care about this former underground world boss, and even ignored Lu Field.

At the beginning, Lufield was still anxious. After all, Lorne wanted to eradicate him, which was no different from crushing an ant to death. However, after a long time, Lorne didn't do anything, as if he had forgotten about Lufield.

At this time, Lufield already understood that Lorne no longer regarded himself as his opponent.

But before Lufield was completely at ease, he was hijacked by a group of mysterious forces during a secret trip.

All the fighters he hired at a high price were knocked down, and he himself was caught in front of the opponent.

The person who attacked him was none other than Tezolo.

Lorne can ignore Lufield, because there is not much grievance between him and Lufield.

But Tezolo can't do it. It can be said that Kaido's attack on the Gulan Tezolo was caused by Lufield.

Now that the Kaido Pirates are destroyed, the only ones he can take revenge on are Lufield, these accomplices who are working for tigers.

Therefore, Tezolo took advantage of Lufield's secret trip, directly caught him and imprisoned him.

Then secretly took over the power of Lufield's underground world.

And several other bigwigs in the underground world seem to be aware of this, but due to Tezolo's strength and the Vinhill family standing behind Tezolo. Can only be silent.

"just kill me!"

Lufield, who was imprisoned in the pig cage, howled, but Tezuolo, who was soaking in the wine pool and enjoying the service of the waitress, didn't even open his eyelids, and didn't even look at Lufield.

At this time, a waitress came up, took out a piece of information, and presented it to Tezolo, and Tezolo was indifferent at first, but when he casually glanced at the contents of the information, he suddenly became serious .

"Lorne was actually attracted by this so-called small island where Roger's treasure is buried."

Of course he got the invitation, but Tezolo didn't take it seriously.

Because Roger couldn't give him what he wanted at all. ONE-OIECE has a fatal attraction to others, but to him, it has no meaning.

But he didn't expect that Lorne would be attracted by this kind of thing that looked like a scam.

"It seems to be interesting."

Immediately afterwards, he saw many pirates, attracted by the news, and drove towards the small island one after another.

His cloudy eyes regained their clarity, and he stood up directly from the wine pool, showing his strong and perfect figure in front of the two maids without hesitation.

"Since everyone is attracted by this so-called treasure, let me join in the fun."

After tearing up the information in his hand, Tezuolo said lightly.

Not far away, God of Fortune Lufield was still howling, and this sharp voice made Tezolo quite unhappy.

He frowned, then snapped his fingers.

The gold on the floor turned into liquid, rose up, and directly wrapped around Lufield's naked and fat body.


Lufield groaned and struggled, but it didn't make any sense. His body was quickly wrapped by this layer of golden locks, and his limbs were twisted.

His posture was fixed when he was struggling, like a golden pig that was constantly struggling in a cage.

Tezolo is not the first person to suddenly change his mind. Many heroes in the new world had the same idea as Tezolo at first.

Among them, several allies of Lorne also set off one after another, left their territory, and headed for this legendary island.

The addition of more and more heavyweights makes this event more and more valuable. Even some pirates who were skeptical at first have to start thinking about the authenticity of this matter.

Therefore, they also chose to set off, hoping to get a share of this pirate feast.


"Because of Lorne's appeal, many people believe that this island really hides Roger's treasure!"

In the new world, in the second half, on a small island. This small island was originally unknown, but a few days ago, it jumped into the sight of all the pirates in the new world.

Yes, this small island is the one where Roger's treasure is buried in the legend.

In a building in the center of the island, Jiabo looked at the information in his hand, turned his head and said with a smile to the tall man sitting behind him.

"This time, it can be said that the New World, and quite a few pirates, have gathered together."

"Even if some pirates have not left their territory, they still choose to wait and see."

Jiabo could hardly contain his inner excitement, this was the craziest event he had planned so far.

If this incident is successful, then his Jiabo name will be firmly engraved in history.

"If this is the case, if you are satisfied just at the beginning, then I should tell the boss whether it is right to cooperate with you."

Next to Jiabo, sat a man with an afro, smoking a cigar.

The man exhaled a big mouthful of thick smoke, and looked at Jiabo with some sarcasm.

"As a man who was as famous as me in that era, you have to show me what you call strength."

In the last era of pirates, there were two crazy pirates who enjoyed secretly planning wars.

The first one is Basefeto Giapo, known as the "war planner", and the other is Buena Festa, known as the "crazy festival".

The two pirates have no obvious strength, but they have a hobby of thinking, that is to plan crazy wars and tragedies.

And this time, these two crazy pirates decided to join forces!

Plan a real crazy festival that belongs to pirates!

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