Pirate Family

Chapter 1180 Conspiracy

The two of them had never teamed up before.

But this time, they decided to make a big event.

"There is still a period of time before the celebration begins, and I have completed what I should do as agreed."

Festa exhaled a big mouthful of thick smoke, looked at Jiabo who was still browsing the information, and said lightly.

"Then, next, let me see that your ability is as famous as mine!"

In fact, he planned this celebration a long time ago, bringing together the craziest pirates in the entire new world, and then launching an earth-shattering war.

A war involving the whole new world.

It's just that the new world has become more and more chaotic in recent years. The pirates, the navy, and the revolutionary army are wrestling with each other. Even he can't make the situation more chaotic.

Therefore, this plan could only be shelved. Festa originally thought that he would never have the opportunity to use this plan again. But some time ago, Jiabo found him.

And Jiabo uttered a crazy plan, the two hit it off and decided to join forces. Create this feast that truly belongs to pirates.

"as you wish."

Jiabo couldn't hold back the excitement in his tone, he had never planned such a crazy thing, if it was successful, this incident would definitely make them famous forever!

"After all, since the treasure of Pirate King Roger was used as bait to lure all the pirates to this place, then, let's take advantage of this opportunity and make a big fuss!"

Jiabo said slowly. After finding Festa, he already knew that the plan was half successful.

Because, the information provided by Festa on the island where Roger's treasure is buried is true!

They actually found the treasure that Roger once buried there!

Of course, this treasure is not the one-piece that Roger said, but another cruelty left by Roger, but this gimmick is enough.

He wants to plan a feast that can change the history of pirates.

And the people attending this feast are the heroes of this era.

Everyone is his pawn!


The Navy also sensed this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and began to act.

At this time, the eyes of all the pirates are attracted by this small island where Roger's treasure is buried. They also have the opportunity to send troops and return to the new world.

A naval warship docked neatly in the port of Marin Fando. All the naval officers and soldiers looked up into the distance, their eyes shining with anticipation. They were waiting for an order.

All it takes is an order from Sengoku, and these warships will sail towards the new world, fighting to the death with the most vicious pirates in the entire sea.

As the Navy, they are not afraid of death.

"Wait first, don't worry."

But Warring States pressed the opinion of the impulsive faction inside the navy, and he frowned, as if he was thinking about something.

The Vinhill family sits at the front end of the New World. Like a door god, guarding the entrance to the new world.

And the navy is also afraid of the power of the Vinhill family, so they dare not attack the new world rashly, because once their actions are discovered by the Vinhill family, the two sides will inevitably start a fierce battle at the entrance of the new world.

It is hard to say that the navy fighting across the sea will be the opponent of the Vinhill family with its strong supply force.

Moreover, taking a step back, even if the Vinhill family is not the navy's opponent, as long as they hold the navy for a certain period of time, then the other pirates in the new world will react.

At that time, the navy will be even more difficult!

To put it simply, if the navy wants to attack the New World, it must use something to attract the attention of the Vinhill family, and then take advantage of this opportunity to directly capture the sea area at the entrance of the New World and establish a base.

Through the continuous supply of supplies from the rear, the navy has the ability to eat away at the New World pirates. The "shadow" that appeared in the Loxor sea area for unknown reasons was once an opportunity for the navy, because according to the character of the shadow, he would definitely wreak havoc in the Loxor sea area. But Zhan Guo didn't expect that Lorne was so powerful that he could easily wipe out the shadow.

But now, Lorne was attracted by this so-called Roger's treasure, and left his lair on his own initiative, which made Zhan Guo feel a little unbelievable.

Because he couldn't imagine what Lorne still lacked now.

wealth? The Vinhill family monopolizes the arms business of the entire sea, and their wealth is incomparable. fame? Although Lorne has not yet won the title of One Piece, the entire sea, including their navy, believes that as long as Lorne does not fall, the title of One Piece will be in his pocket within a few years. strength? As far as Lorne has shown, the ability to control multiple devil fruits, even Sengoku has no confidence in defeating him. What's more, Lorne is too young.

He has just turned twenty years old, and he is still in the rising stage of his own strength. In a few years, when he is old, no one in the navy will be able to sanction Lorne anymore.

Warring States did not expect that the so-called Roger's treasure had any attraction for Lorne. Lorne's simple departure made Zhan Guo feel suspicious.

"The so-called Pirate Festival will start in about half a month."

At this time, Lieutenant General He, an old colleague from the Warring States Period, suddenly spoke. Of course she understood what Warring States was hesitating about.

"As long as Lorne shows up in that grand ceremony, then the navy will immediately enter the new world!"

Although Lorne's subordinates have the ability to travel between the two places, it is absolutely impossible to react quickly and deploy a defense.

"This should be the safest way."

Warring States sighed helplessly. When would the Navy be so afraid of a pirate and have to speculate on the other party's thoughts before they could continue their actions.

This is a disgrace to the navy, but also a disgrace to justice.

But the Warring States Period only had deep helplessness.

There is no way. The Vinhill family is too strong. If they fight bloody battles with the Vinhill family when they enter the New World and suffer heavy losses, then the navy will no longer have the possibility of conquering the pirates in the New World.

Those pirates who smelled blood will definitely swarm up and attack the navy. At that time, the navy can only retreat to the paradise, and even the paradise that has finally stabilized the situation will not be able to defend.

The soldiers of the Warring States Period are not afraid of death, but it is also the responsibility of the Warring States Period to be responsible for the lives of these soldiers and justice.

The word "marshal" represents much more weight than a hero.

So, he decided to wait.

He had a hunch that he wouldn't wait long.

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