Pirate Family

Chapter 1181 Yangmou

"Don't you worry, after you leave Sdio, will the navy take this opportunity to invade the new world?"

A silver-white pirate ship was sailing on the sea, a woman in a black cloak looked at the cigar, glanced at the man sitting in front of her from the corner of her eye, and said lightly.

She was also attracted by the rumored news of Roger's treasure, so she set off for the mysterious island. On the way, she met her old friend, so she decided to meet her old friend. friend.

"Whether you want to admit it or not, in the eyes of quite a few New World pirates, your Vinhill family is the gatekeeper of the New World and the first barrier preventing the Navy from entering the New World."

"As an old friend who hasn't seen each other for so long, it's a bit inappropriate to mention this as soon as you open your mouth."

Lorne opened the champagne that the woman put next to him, and the aroma of the wine overflowed, and then he poured himself a glass.

"How many years have we not had a drink together? Three years, or five years? Miss Crocodile."

The woman sitting in front of Lorne was none other than Crocodile the Sand Crocodile, one of the Shichibukai under the king. It's just that, in this era, the identity of Qi Wuhai under the king is already in name only, and can only be regarded as one of the labels on her.

"How many years?"

Miss Sha frowned, she seemed to be remembering something, and then said seriously.

"The last time I drank with you was probably at Charlotte Lingling's tea party, but you crossed the sea and came to Cake Island, defeated Kaido's envoys, and stopped the crazy Charlotte Lingling, Engaged to little Garrett."

"We only drank together at the celebration banquet later."

"Later, it was time for the Qiwuhai meeting, but at that time, we didn't drink alcohol."

"Has it been that long?"

Lorne said in a daze. Although the two have always been allies, they have never had the opportunity to meet in private due to various reasons. He didn't expect that he hadn't had a drink with Miss Sha for so long.

"However, you still haven't answered my question."

After seeing Lorne swallowing his priceless champagne like plain water, Miss Sha didn't care at all, but instead asked questions of her own concern.

"I don't believe it. You would not have guessed that the reason why the Navy has not invaded the New World is because they are afraid of you who are guarding the entrance of the New World."

"You leaving Sdio in such a big way is equivalent to giving the navy a chance, a chance to attack."

Ms. Sha frowned. Compared with her label "Qiwuhai", she still prefers "Hero Pirate" and "Underworld Boss". The angle of the thief.

The new world is already quite chaotic, and once the navy officially enters the field, the future of the entire sea will move in an unknown direction.

"I know."

Lorne put down the goblet in his hand, exhaled some alcohol, and said lightly.

"But I don't care."

"Could it be that since I've been sitting in Steou, the Navy won't dare to enter?"

The navy declared war on the pirates all over the world with great fanfare. Now that the pirates in Paradise and the Four Seas have been cleaned up, the only thing the navy wants to clean up is the new world.

Sooner or later they will invade the new world, so in Lorne's view, there is no difference between a day earlier and a day later.

"So, you did it on purpose?"

Ms. Sha was a little surprised and said that although she knew Lorne was a pretty crazy person a long time ago, she still didn't expect Lorne to be so crazy.

He puts the navy into the new world. Isn't this obviously going to start a war?

Once the navy enters the new world and stands firm, then the war between the navy and the pirates will completely break out, and no one can stop this scene.


Lorne said lightly. One of his reasons for leaving Sdio this time is to allow the navy to enter the new world.

As for Roger's treasure? He doesn't care.

"What a madman."

Miss Sha complained without hesitation.

"What a complete lunatic."

"Only lunatics can live well in this world." But Lorne didn't care.

Although the current navy will not dare to launch a general attack because of fear of fraud, but Lorne knows that the old guy in the Warring States Period will soon guess his intentions.

And when all the navy entered the New World, they did not dare to rashly attack the Vennhill family's territory, because Lorne did not take away the main force of the Vennhill family during this trip, and the navy knew that it was in control. The fruit of the door can return to Sdio from thousands of miles away at any time.

Therefore, in order not to compromise its own strength, the navy can only endure this breath.

This is an out-and-out conspiracy.

Lorne's purpose is to pierce the last layer of film and let the war between the pirates and the navy break out completely.

Only the most chaotic method can bring this chaotic sea to an end. Only crazy people can break out of this chaotic situation and establish a new order.

What can't be broken can't be built.

Lorne believed that he was the craziest person.

"It's just that I heard that you challenged Whitebeard again a while ago? What was the result?"

And after Lorne explained his motivation, he mentioned another thing inadvertently.

The guards behind Ms. Sha's expressions all froze. They knew that the name White Beard must never be mentioned in front of Ms. Sha.

Because, many years ago, Miss Sha once challenged White Beard. In that battle, she not only lost all her companions, but also left this ugly scar on her face.

It can be said that Miss Sha's biggest goal in life is to defeat Whitebeard, the man who holds the title of "the strongest".

However, unexpectedly, Miss Sha didn't have any strange expression on her face, but smiled lightly.

"As expected, it is the intelligence capability of the Vinhill family. Even their own allies are under its surveillance."

She nodded, and then said slowly.

"I did go to see Whitebeard some time ago."

"But I didn't fight him."

"Oh why?"

Lorne suddenly became interested. Based on his understanding of Miss Sha, he should not give up any chance to challenge Whitebeard. After all, Whitebeard is her lifelong enemy.

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