Pirate Family

Chapter 1182 War Letter

"Do you know what it looked like when I first saw Whitebeard?"

Miss Sha blinked, and suddenly said with emotion.

"At that time, Roger had just died, and the whole sea was moved by the treasure left by Roger. At that time, Whitebeard was already the king of the new world."

"Quite a large number of people believe that after Roger's death, this era is called Whitebeard."

Lorne nodded. When Roger died, he was still imprisoned in the Advance City Jail.

At that time, the entire prison was a sensation. Countless prisoners frantically want to rush out, leaving behind their own legends in this era.

"After witnessing Roger's execution, I chose to go to sea, and then spent a few years building my own power."

Miss Sha began to talk about her past experience, while Lorne listened quietly.

"Later, the world government saw my potential and invited me to join the camp of King Shichibukai. At that time, I was full of ambition and thought that this era was my era."

Miss Sha said reminiscently.

"Even when I saw you when you were young, I still felt that I just saw a shadow following me."

Lorne nodded. He and Miss Sha once had a relationship in Paradise. Then, he chose to go to the sky island to find the strongest natural devil fruit Thunderbolt fruit, while Miss Sha chose to go to the new world , go on your own adventure.

Immediately afterwards, there were rumors that Miss Sha challenged Whitebeard.

"After entering the new world, I directly chose to challenge the most powerful pirate at that time, Whitebeard."

"At that time, Whitebeard didn't look so old. Although his strength was not as good as at his peak, the decline was not serious. The big ship group under my command fought fiercely with the Whitebeard Pirates for several months. After Whitebeard's Moby Dick joined the battle, the anxiety of the situation ended."

There was light in Miss Sha's eyes, and she seemed to be feeling emotional.

"At that time, a ship like a giant whale came from the end of the sea. Whitebeard held a big knife and stood at the front of the bow like a god. That kind of power, even if I didn't make a move, many pirates under my command I have lost the will to fight."

"Then, I single-handedly chose to challenge Whitebeard."

Lorne didn't speak, because he already knew the ending. Miss Sha suffered a disastrous defeat, and all her powers perished. She also drifted in the sea and was rescued by Xiao Jia who secretly escaped.

The horizontal cut on her face was left during the war with Whitebeard. Miss Sha, who survived by luck, turned into a walking dead as if she had lost her ambition. Later, after seeing Lorne, the two agreed to meet in the New World together.

Re-challenging Whitebeard can be said to be the idea that supported Miss Sha's survival. It took her several years to build up a larger force than before, firmly established in the underground world, even if she lost the identity of Qiwuhai, the king, she would still be an unshakable giant.

But now, when Miss Sha had another chance to challenge Whitebeard, she suddenly hesitated.

"But when I saw White Beard for the second time, I saw all kinds of needles inserted all over his body, and a group of doctors and nurses surrounded him, for fear that something might happen to his body. He is still very domineering, look After I boarded the ship, I directly asked my men to retreat, giving me a fair chance to fight."

"But I don't want to fight anymore."

Miss Sha said so.

"Even though, the aged Whitebeard still possesses terrifying fighting power, but I suddenly don't want revenge so much."

"Because in my eyes, Whitebeard at that time was more like an old man than a legendary warrior."

"The oil is exhausted, the lamp is dry, and the disease is entangled."

Lorne was silent. He had always known about the condition of Whitebeard's body. It was not a secret even to the World Government. The World Government even arranged several assassinations specifically targeting Whitebeard. It is said that the most recent one , Whitebeard has been hurt.

A few years ago, Lorne would have thought this kind of thing was a fantasy, but now, he believed it. Whitebeard suffered from chronic diseases caused by years of fighting when he was young, and his condition gradually deteriorated. His body is already exhausted.

In fact, over the years, Whitebeard has gradually withdrawn from the sight of the pirates in the New World, at least he will not take the initiative to participate in those big events.

Powerless. This is Lorne's evaluation of Whitebeard.

"So, did you decide to give up challenging Whitebeard because you didn't want to bully an old man who was seriously ill?"

Lorne looked into Miss Sha's eyes and said slowly.

"It's not."

Unexpectedly, Miss Sha shook her head. She also looked directly into Lorne's eyes.

"It's meaningless to challenge a legend whose strength is not at the peak. If I want to challenge, I will challenge the strongest."

"You want to fight me?"

Lorne was a little surprised, but he quickly relieved. For the proud Ms. Sha, maybe this is her true thought.

She has no enmity with Lorne, but she just wants to challenge Lorne.

Because, in this world, only the strongest is worthy of her challenge.

And Lorne was the strongest in her eyes.

"It's just, not now."

Miss Sha shook her head. She wanted to fight Lorne, but not now.

"After the destination this time, the rumored small island where Roger's treasure is buried, we will fight seriously."

"Don't hold back from me, I want to see, the strongest power in the world."


Lorne nodded, but at the end, he added something.

"If I win, will you lend me your little secretary for a while?"


After hearing Lorne's words, Miss Sha was stunned. What does it mean to lend him for a period of time? Can this kind of thing still be borrowed?

However, Lorne quickly realized that Miss Sha had misunderstood him, and explained in embarrassment.

"Don't get me wrong, I just want to borrow Miss Nicole Robin to help me translate information about the historical text."

Lorne paused, then added.

"After all, you should know that some time ago, I used the power of the entire Vinhill family to collect any clues about the historical text in the entire sea. During this period of time, I collected some historical texts."

"So, I need Miss Nicole Robin to translate for me."

"Is that so?"

Miss Sha breathed a sigh of relief, thought about it, and finally nodded.


"Then, happy cooperation."

Lorne stretched out his hand to Miss Sha, and when Miss Sha shook hands with Lorne, she suddenly had a strange feeling.

It seems that something is wrong.

Why, is this called cooperation?

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