Pirate Family

Chapter 1183 A Little Adventure Story

Those who are sailing towards the mysterious island where Roger's treasure is buried in the legend are not just those famous pirates in the new world.

Some unknown people at the bottom of the new world became even more crazy about this news.

They originally went to sea for wealth, fame, power, these alluring things, but after the new world passed, they realized that their strength was too weak.

If you just want to live well in the new world, you must do your best, not to mention asking for these illusory things.

Even during this period of time, the old pirates in the new world have fallen one after another, leaving a large piece of unclaimed land. These low-level pirates can only see those powerful pirates fighting each other. They didn't dare to go out until their battle was over, to see if they could pick up some leftovers.

Therefore, they are extremely eager to seize this opportunity, as long as they get the secret treasure left by Roger, then they can turn around.

They have had enough of being bullied.

A pirate ship with a wine barrel skeleton is sailing slowly in the sea of ​​the New World.

Their captain is Gulas made of "big wine barrels". The bounty of 157 million Baileys is not too high in the new world. Therefore, they can barely survive by plundering merchant ships.

After hearing the news that Roger's secret treasure appeared in the world, Gulas immediately decided that he must go to that mysterious island to see. This is their chance and their chance to turn around.

Even if they didn't get Roger's secret treasure, those pirates vying for the secret treasure would definitely suffer losses. After their power was weakened, Gulas could take advantage of the fire to rob.

Yes, his target is not Roger's secret treasure, but those pirates participating in the competition for the secret treasure.

Moreover, Gulas is sure that there are not a few pirates who have the same thoughts as him in this sea. As long as he and others join forces, they may not be able to get a share of this incident.

This is a rare opportunity for bottom pirates like them!

"Why are you moving so slowly!"

In the cabin of the Wine Barrel, a young man with short blond hair was kneeling on the floor, carefully wiping the floor with a damp rag, but at this moment, a strong drunk man came over and kicked on this young man.

The young man gently put the rag on the ground, then slowly stood up and looked at the strong man.

"Please apologize."

"Hahahaha, you little boy still want me to apologize?"

As if insulted, the drunk pointed at himself and laughed loudly.

This young man was the crew they recruited on the last island. After the other party learned the purpose of his trip, he chose to board the ship without hesitation.

The young man didn't know that his daily job, apart from wiping the deck clean and spotless, was to endure the beatings and insults from other crew members.

The days at sea are too long and boring. Bullying new crew members is one of their few joys. And Gulas himself acquiesced to this.

After all, compared with the old subordinates who have followed him for many years, the new crew members are not so important. After going through the initial difficult period, the new crew members will gradually become old crew members and join the old crew members. in camp. Keep bullying the newer crew.

The sea is endless. For any normal pirate group, old crew members will continue to die, and then new crew members will be added.

Over time, this has also become a default rule on the Gulas ship.

The other crew members also put down their work and looked at the young man and the strong man with a smile on their faces, but no one came over to help persuade them to fight.

Because, they have experienced all these things before, but now, they have become the sadistic party.

"Did you know? On this ship, there is only one person who can order me, and that is Captain Gulas!"

The strong man smashed the wine bottle on the corner of the table, the wine bottle shattered and the wine splashed everywhere. He pointed the sharp glass in his hand at the young man's head.

"I didn't hear clearly just now, please say it again, what do you want me to do?"


And the young man didn't seem to realize that the strong man was threatening him, or in his opinion, it was not a threat at all. He just looked directly into the strong man's eyes and said lightly.

"Please apologize."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"I'm sorry."

The brawny man laughed, with a sarcastic smile on his face. The next moment, the sharp glass in his hand aimed at the young man's neck and stabbed it down.

"It's just that you shouldn't have a chance to hear it..."


Gulas was awakened by a painful, sharp cry. Beside him was a litter of wine bottles.

As his nickname suggests, Gulas was a heavy drinker.

"It must be the group of bastards in the cabin who made a fuss."

Gulas said to himself, but his face was extremely gloomy. This is the natural anger that comes naturally to anyone after being woken up. He casually picked up a wine bottle next to him and drank heavily.

He likes to drink, and only alcohol can make his consciousness a little clearer. And anyone who is familiar with Gulas knows that when Gulas drinks when he is in a bad mood, it also means one thing.

That is, he wanted to kill someone.

The cabin is where the sailors live, and Gulas is not unaware that his crew likes to tease those new crew members. It can even be said that this is his tacit approval.

Those thorny crew members can't stand it at the beginning, and then quickly conflict with the old crew. And Gulas can also take this opportunity to clean up these thorns.

And leave some obedient crew members, so that the rest of the people can only obediently obey his orders because of their fear of themselves.

This is how he weighs this pirate group.

This is not the first time that old and new crew members have caused trouble. Gulas decided to find out the thorn, and hang it on the flagpole for three days in the sun, as a warning to everyone else.

But when he pushed open the door of the cabin, what appeared inside was not the scuffle he had imagined.

Instead, a blond young man was sitting in the cabin, playing cards alone. And under his feet is a subordinate who has followed him for many years.

His subordinates were kneeling on the ground, wiping the wine stains on the floor with a rag, while the other crew members looked at the young man in fear, not daring to speak.

"In the end what happened?"

Gulas felt that something was wrong and reprimanded loudly. But at this time, none of the crew members stepped forward to answer him, which made Gulas feel that his majesty had been challenged.

His face was getting redder and redder. I don't know if it was because I was drunk or because I was angry.

"Tell me, Saab crew." He looked at the young man with a gloomy face.

The young man stood up, showing a flawless smile.

"there is nothing."

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