Pirate Family

Chapter 1184 I have to go

And just as the pirates headed to the fantasy island where Roger's treasure was buried, the navy also began to act.

Numerous naval warships left the port of Marin Fando and gathered in the Chambord Islands.

As long as they get the news, these warships will immediately invade the new world, and cooperate with the navy's G2 branch that is still stationed in the new world to help the navy's large forces gain a firm foothold in the new world.

And the next thing is a long war.

This is a long war of attrition. Even if there are terrible pirate heroes like Lorne in the New World, the pirates in the New World are rootless after all. After all the pirates in the Four Seas and Paradise were suppressed, the New World There is no longer a channel to replenish the source of troops.

Warring States believes that in his lifetime, he will be able to clean up the pirates in the new world. End this chaotic era once and for all.

This is his realization as the admiral of the navy.

At this time, the Warring States is waiting. Wait until Lorne shows up at the pirate banquet.

The entire Navy is waiting.


Of course, Lorne didn't know that Warring States was waiting for his news. He was also surprised that the navy hadn't moved for a long time. He had already left Sdio, and they still didn't dare to attack aggressively.

Are you planning something?

Lorne couldn't figure it out, so he simply didn't think about it.

And at this time, a person she didn't expect contacted him.

"I didn't expect that you would contact me at this time."

Lorne said lightly to the phone bug,

"Jiabo, there doesn't seem to be any special friendship between us, right?"

The person who contacted him was Jiabo from the previous Grudge Trial, but now, as the leader of the Grudge Trial, Keith had died in his own hands. This seemingly unlimited potential force could only go to extinction.

"Or, do you want to avenge Case?"

Lorne only thought of such a ridiculous possibility, otherwise Jiabo would have no reason to contact him.

"Of course not," came a hearty male voice from the other end of the phone bug. Jiabo laughed out loud.

"Case and I parted ways a long time ago. In fact, I didn't agree with Case's philosophy early on. After leaving Case, I was even hunted down by Case, so I didn't want to help Case at all. Thoughts of revenge."

Jiabo said that, he was not lying, even if he had a little friendship with Case, but this friendship has long since been wiped out.

"So, what do you want from me now?"

Lorne asked suspiciously.

"I learned that you are on your way to the legendary island where Roger's treasure is buried." Jiabo said directly.

"And this time the incident was planned by me."

He didn't intend to deceive Lorne, because Lorne was the most important protagonist in his plan this time.

He had to let Lorne appear on the scene, and he appeared willingly!

"I know what you want."

Jiabo said so.

"Roger's treasure is indeed buried on this small island. Although it is not ONE-PIECE, it has another important piece of information, that is, there is a secret about the location of the end of the great route!"

Jiabo is very confident that he can convince the other party, because he is very clear that the Vinhill family has collected clues to the historical text with great fanfare some time ago, and Lorne is quite interested in the location of Ralph Drew.

"And this treasure is prepared for you."

Jiabo said without hesitation, he paused, and then added in a passionate tone.

"In other words, this feast of pirates is just for you."

Lorne was silent, and after a while, he smiled.

Then he said calmly to Jiabo on the other end of the phone bug.

"I see."

The two parties hung up the phone, and all this was clearly heard by Miss Sha next to her.

"I thought you'd say no."

Miss Sha said lightly, in her eyes, Lorne is a person with a rebellious mentality, and the thing he hates most is becoming a pawn in other people's schemes.

"I'll be there."

Lorne just shook his head.

Because he had roughly guessed what Jiabo's so-called grand ceremony was.

This is the most glorious era of pirates, and truly belongs to the era of great voyages of pirates.

And this era began with the death of Roger and flourished in the escape of Lorne and Skee into the city. But now, Shi Ke and Roger are dead, the people who created this chaotic era with their own hands, only Lorne is still alive.

Jiabo wanted Lorne to put an end to this era.

"This is where I have to go."

Lorne said so.


Anjibela Island was originally an unknown island in the New World. Although it is on the three main waterways of the New World, because there have been no famous events, no special properties, and no famous people, so , this small island has been unknown in the New World.

However, today, Anjibella Island is known to everyone in the New World.

There is only one reason, that is, according to the legend, Roger, the pirate king, buried part of his treasure on this small island.

Countless pirates rushed towards this small island.

The port of Anjibella Island is full of all kinds of pirate ships, and all the pirates are looking forward to it, waiting for the arrival of the grand ceremony that really belongs to the pirates in a few days.

But in the same way, there are also some pirates with crooked ideas, wanting to find the treasure buried here by Roger before the grand ceremony begins. They called their friends and searched the entire island.

Jiabo and Festa, who are the organizers, have no intention of stopping all this. It seems to acquiesce to the sneaky actions of these pirates.

Because of a very simple reason, it is impossible for these pirates to find Roger's treasure.

Compared with these miscellaneous fish pirates, Jiabo and Festa are more concerned about another matter.

A muscular man in a black military uniform sat in the monitoring room, as if he was meditating, without saying a word.

At this time, Jiabo had just finished talking with Lorne. He hung up the phone and nodded to Festa next to him.

"Lorne will definitely come."

Although Lorne did not promise him, Jiabo knew that Lorne would definitely come.

Because he is Lorne.

And at this time, the burly man in a suit sitting behind Jiabo seemed to have heard Jiabo's words, and took off his earphones with a serious face.

"Finally, is it time to start?"

He has been sitting here since Jiabo and Festa started planning all this. After waiting for so long, this so-called grand ceremony is finally about to begin.

He has been waiting for a long time.

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