Pirate Family

Chapter 1188 Pirate Ceremony

In the center of Anjibela Island, a site with a diameter of several kilometers was shoveled out, and a wall was built around the site with stone bricks about half a meter long, enclosing the site in the middle of the wall.

On the top of the wall, a 20-30-meter-high staircase was piled up with the same stones.

Some pirates who just want to watch the fun sit on the stairs, but there are too many pirates here, and these stairs are full.

The entire venue is like an arena that has been enlarged countless times.

Seeing this scene, the pirates who came here already had guesses in their minds.

Is it through fighting to decide the ownership of this Roger's secret treasure?

However, after figuring this out, these pirates subconsciously looked towards the east.

There, stood a banner of the Misty Moon.

That, the legendary man, came to this place.

Are they really qualified to compete with which living legend for this secret treasure?

After all, Lorne's strength was obvious to all. No matter how proud and arrogant the vast majority of the pirates were, none of them dared to stand in front of the Vinhill family as their enemy.

A battle of equal strength can be said to be a duel between the strong, while a battle of disparity in strength can only be a massacre.

None of them was willing to be the one to be slaughtered.

And some other pirates who are also big forces, or all the famous and rebellious people who have just risen. They also looked in the direction of the Vinhill family with deep meaning.

However, these people did not intend to give up.

Those who have never climbed a mountain do not know how high the mountain is, and those who have never been to the sea will never know how vast the sea is.

People who have never seen God also cannot understand what God is.

In the eyes of these rebellious people, if you haven't fought, you will never be afraid.

However, Lorne, who had become the center of the audience for a moment, remained unmoved.

Garrett didn't care about the eyes of the people around her at all, or in other words, she didn't care about this banquet at all, she just lay on Lorne's shoulder and fell asleep soundly.

Lorne, on the other hand, was chatting with Miss Sha sitting next to him while listening to Garrett's gentle breathing.

He did remember that Miss Sha said that she would challenge him after she got to this place, and now is the perfect time.

As for the others, Lorne stroked the ring inlaid with black gemstones on his left ring finger. He didn't pay too much attention to it.

After all, the current him has no fear of any opponent in the sea.

"Now, Warring States should have gotten the news of my appearance here, and has led his troops to leave Marin Fando."

Even without the family's information, Lorne guessed the actions of the navy.

"It is estimated that it will not be long before the whole new world will know the news, and then the whole new world will be boiling."

Lorne looked at Miss Sha sitting next to him, and said with a smile.

What the new world will become, he doesn't care. Because his thinking is the same as that of the Navy and the Warring States Period.

That is the end of this chaotic world.

The only difference is that what Sengoku wants to end is the pirates, and what Lorne wants to end is the world government.

Therefore, after putting the navy into the new world, Lorne didn't really care too much about what the world would become.

However, in order to ensure that the navy does not go crazy, Lorne still left most of the family's troops in the Roxor sea area while he was attacking his own territory after he left Sdio.

Garrett was the only one who came out with him.

"That's a matter of course."

Miss Sha said calmly.

After all, normal people still make up the majority in this world, and there are only a handful of lunatics like Lorne.

At this time, her eyes looked towards the center of the venue.

"here we go."

In the very center of the venue is a cylindrical high platform made of unknown metal. The cylindrical salute is less than ten meters high, but it is nearly a hundred meters high, like a pillar of the sky, straight into the sky.

At the top of the cylindrical high platform, a short middle-aged man with a funny appearance came out, wearing a suit and smoking a cigar.

He opened his hands, as if feeling the gazes of the pirates below.

However, none of these pirates laughed at this man's funny performance.

Because he was the planner of this incident, Buena Festa, known as the "Crazy Festival", who was as famous as the "war planner" Basefeto Giapo.

Many pirates present knew that this grand ceremony was organized by these two legendary pirates, but they still came to this place without hesitation.

Because anyone who has ever fished knows that if you want to catch fat fish, the bait you prepare must also be precious.

Since Festa wanted to gather all the pirates in the new world together, he had to pay expensive bait.

So, the news that Roger's treasure is buried is almost certainly true!

These pirates all want to be the fish that took the bait but didn't take the bait!

"Cough cough,"

Festa coughed, stood on the high platform, and stretched out his arms slightly.

"Presumably everyone came here for the news of Roger's treasure."

"And now, I can tell everyone that this news is true."

"This place is really buried with Roger's treasure! And we have already found it!"

Festa said calmly, the pirates were silent, and the only thing that could be heard in the entire venue was the sound of heavy breathing and the pounding of the heart.

That's the sound of greed.

In the next instant, all the pirates were boiling.


The whole place boiled up.

Although it had been speculated that Roger's treasure was really hidden here, when they heard the news confirmed by others, they still couldn't stop their hearts from beating violently.

"This treasure is worth enough for all of you to live a prosperous life anywhere in this sea, and it will last for generations. But..."

Festa did not explicitly state the value of this treasure, but made a metaphor, outlining a beautiful life to everyone.

But these pirates didn't care.

Those who can make a name for themselves in the new world, no one will worry about money.

They all have their own industries, and the islands owned by these pirates are their cash cows.

The pirates in the new world are not short of money. What they need is something after the word "but" in Festa.

"However, this is not the most precious thing in this pile of treasures."

Festa said so.

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