Pirate Family

Chapter 1189

When Festa mentioned the monetary value of this pile of treasures, Lorne didn't even raise his eyelids.

There are countless industries under his name. It can even be said that the Loxor sea area under his command can already form a large kingdom. In the Loxor sea area, all materials can communicate and be self-consistent.

Not to mention, Lorne's other identity is none other than the largest arms dealer in the sea.

Money, to Lorne, has long since lost its meaning.

And last night, he also met one of the parties who buried this treasure in this place, Roger's deputy, Pluto Rayleigh.

Knowing what is in this treasure, among them, there is only one thing that can arouse Lorne's interest.

That is, the permanent pointer that recorded Roger's previous trip to the island of Lovedrew, and the logbook at Lovedrew written by a sailor on Roger's ship.

This thing is the only thing Lorne wants among this pile of treasures, and it is also something he must have.

"However, this is not the most precious thing that Roger left behind in this pile of treasures."

Festa deliberately sold a pass, and after everyone's appetite was suspended, he said slowly.

"Among this pile of treasures, the most precious thing is a pointer."

He paused, then spoke slowly with a louder voice.

"It records the end of the great route, the location of Ralph Drew, the eternal pointer!"

Festa's voice echoed in the center of the venue.

When all the pirates reacted, there were only shocking sounds one after another in the venue.

"My God! How is it possible?"

"Has Ralph Drew's position finally appeared?"

"I'm going to take ONE-PIECE!


In front of Roger's real treasure, ONE-PIECE, this precious treasure has become a dispensable foil.

All attention is focused on this permanent pointer that records the location of Ralph Drew!

It has to be said that Festa's skills have not regressed in the slightest. Many of the pirates present willingly got into it even though they knew it was a trap.

After all, in front of ONE-PIECE, which symbolizes the glory of pirates, life seems to be an insignificant thing.

"However, it symbolizes the glory of pirates, and only the most powerful pirates can have it."

Festa paused, and said pointedly.

"This is the highest honor of pirates. For this honor, are you ready to die?"

Festa's words cooled down the enthusiasm of many pirates who had heard the news of Ralph Drew. They subconsciously looked at the direction where the flag of the misty moon was flying.

If you want to fight for this thing, you have to be an enemy of that man.

The pirates asked themselves, are they really ready to be an enemy of that man? Do you really have the courage to make an enemy of that man?

Among the pirates present, there were only a handful of them who could give themselves an affirmative answer.

However, none of the pirates chose to retreat.

Pirates may not be the most powerful people, but they must be the most courageous people. When they stand here, it is equivalent to making their own decisions.

"Very good," Festa nodded in satisfaction, and he took out a blue card from his clothes.

"The card has the address of the location of Roger's secret treasure, but this address is written with special paint. Only after three hours, we can clearly see what is written on it."

"Now, even I don't know where Roger's treasure is hidden."

Festa said lightly, but everyone's eyes were on the thin card in his hand.

That is, the highest glory of pirates!

"In other words, whoever owns this card after three hours, then Roger's secret treasure will belong."

Festa's next words made the hearts of all the pirates present jump into their throats.

Even some heroes can't calm themselves down.

They subconsciously looked at the black-haired man sitting under the banner of the Misty Moon.

Everyone asked themselves a question at the same time in their hearts, that is, even if they snatched this card and successfully guarded it for three hours, then, after three hours, the person who has been acting as a bystander The man got up, ready to do something to himself, and reap the final fruits of victory.

Do you really have the ability to protect this card?

No one can give himself a definite answer.

"And the first owner of the card is of course the most famous pirate present."

But Festa's next words exceeded everyone's expectations, and even Lorne frowned secretly.

He thought it was placed on the high platform column in the center of the field, so that all pirates could compete fairly. This is also the idea of ​​many pirates present.

But now it seems that they seem. All misunderstood.

"Then now," Festa looked in the direction of the misty moon.

"Its first owner was, of course, the legendary pirate, the king of pirates, the overlord of pirates, a man with the title of devil."

"The Vinhill family!"

The moment he finished speaking, Festa threw the card towards Lorne.

The distance between the two sides is hundreds of meters, but this distance, for the strong present, is not much different from face-to-face.

The card flew towards Lorne along a straight line.

Lorne, who was sitting on the edge of the field, frowned slightly.

He finally understood why Jiabo asked him to come forward.

Because, whoever gets this blue card will definitely become the target of the pirates present.

And the first target of public criticism in their plan is themselves!

But the corner of Lorne's mouth evoked a faint smile.

He wanted the pirates present to play casually, and then come forward when the time was about to end. Get this card directly, and then give the previous winner a heavy compensation.

Only in this way can he show his courage as a pirate overlord.

But since Festa sent this card to himself, Lorne has no reason to refuse.

He stood up slowly, ready to catch the card that fell from the sky.

For a moment, Lorne and this card became the focus of everyone present!

But at this moment, a pitch-black figure flashed by and rushed towards that card.

A nimble pirate tried to intercept Hulon's card.

"Whoever wants to play this kind of boring game like a ring with you, I will flee this island immediately after I get the card!"

This black shadow didn't intend to let the banquet go on in a proper manner.

He was very confident in his speed, so he decided to use his speed advantage to grab the card and escape from here!

His speed was faster than the flying speed of the card, almost instantly, his hand almost touched the card.

At this time, Lorne was still fifty meters away from the card!

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