Pirate Family

Chapter 1190: Siege (1)

With a distance of 50 meters and the speed he was proud of, the pirate who made a sudden move was delighted in his heart.

In his eyes, this blue card was already in his pocket.

And his companions had already prepared explosives. The moment he got this card, they would detonate the explosives that had been hidden everywhere in the venue, and then escaped here while taking advantage of the chaos.

Pirates are the most unfettered people in this world. They only see benefits. If the so-called rules cannot bring enough benefits, they will trample on the rules without hesitation.

However, just as the pirate's fingertips were about to touch the card, Lorne moved.

He stood up and snapped his fingers lightly at the pirate.

The space around the card distorted slightly, and then the card disappeared out of thin air, appearing in Lorne's hand.

The space fruit obtained from Case, after a period of training, Lorne has been able to use it proficiently.

Although he couldn't teleport a distance of a few kilometers like Case did, moving an object within 50 meters was still a simple matter for him.

But the pirate didn't catch the card that was close at hand, fell from the air, and fell heavily on the ground. And the moment he landed, he rolled and quickly fled to the other side of the field.

Regardless of whether this shot was successful or not, the moment he was about to intercept Hulon, he had already become the enemy of the Vinhill family.

He has long heard of the madness and vengeance of this family.

Therefore, after the failure to cut off the Hu, there was only one thought left in his mind.

That is to escape!

As long as you escape, then everything in the future is full of possibilities.

However, Lorne didn't want the pirate to leave here so easily.

He waved his hand slightly in the direction where the pirates were fleeing, and then everyone present felt the earth tremble slightly.

The next moment, a rock arm stretched out from the ground, tightly holding the fleeing pirate.

The pirate tried to struggle, but the rock, which could have been easily crushed, was now as hard as steel, no matter how hard he tried, the arm holding him remained motionless.

The rock arm moved slightly, and caught the pirate in front of Lorne.

"you are very brave."

Lorne looked at the pirate and said calmly.

"But in this world, many things cannot be solved by courage. If you do something, you must have the awareness to bear the consequences."

The pirate panicked. This was the first time he confronted an overlord pirate like Lorne head-on, and it might also be the last time.

His body began to tremble slightly, and he was just about to say something to beg for mercy. The rocky arms holding his body began to shrink.

Then, crush his whole body into minced meat.

After doing all this, the rock arm returned to the earth with the pirate's body, and the ground became flat again.

Only the arms seeping out of the mud on the ground can prove that there was once a brave pirate who died here.

The entire venue was silent, and everyone looked at Lorne in shock.

This is the strength of the Pirate Overlord.

Can they really take this blue card from this terrifying man?

And at this moment, Miss Sha who was sitting next to the flag of Vinhill suddenly got up, and then applauded lightly.

"It's wonderful."

While applauding, Miss Sha slowly walked towards Lorne.

"You have become a lot stronger."

Just the strength Lorne showed just now is enough to compete with any legend in this world, and all of this is not even Lorne's full strength.

As one of Lorne's allies, Miss Sha is very clear.

That is, Lorne has quite a lot of devil fruit abilities, and the two devil fruits displayed at this time are just the tip of the iceberg of his many abilities.

However, the more so, the more excited she became.

Miss Sha felt that the blood in her body that had not flowed for a long time suddenly burned.

She was eager to confront the strong, but after seeing the old appearance of her old enemy Whitebeard Newgate, she lost her direction for a while.

What's the point even if you can beat the aging peak?

But now, she saw Lorne who was perhaps even stronger than the peak Whitebeard.

She felt her breathing quicken.

She wanted to fight so desperately.

I want to fight Lorne in front of me, and see what the world's peak power is like.

"Are you ready to challenge me now?"

Lorne looked at his ally in front of him and said lightly.

The other pirates present suspected that they had heard it wrong.

None of them are strangers to Miss Sha, because she is the famous sand crocodile, Crocodile!

However, everyone knows that apart from the identity of Shichibukai, Miss Sha has another identity, and that is one of Lorne's original allies.

These pirates never dreamed that the first one to stand up to challenge Lorne turned out to be his own ally!

All of a sudden, all kinds of suspicions surged into the hearts of these pirates, and the retreat just now gradually dissipated.

However, Lorne was not surprised. Because before that, Ms. Sha said that after she came to Anjibela Island, she would challenge herself to see the world's most powerful force.

Since there is the first, there is the second and the third.

More and more pirates stepped forward and looked at Lorne solemnly.

They did not speak, and all meant clearly.

Since one-on-one is not Lorne's opponent, there is only one choice for all of them.

That is, first work together to solve the biggest obstacle of Lorne, and then fairly decide the ownership of Roger's secret treasure.

Under the banner of the Vinhill family, the clone fighters did not move at all. They were ordered to protect Miss Garrett, so they would not take any action until they received a new order.

Even if the senior members of the family, or even Lorne himself died in front of them, it was the same.

At this time, Garrett just woke up from her sleep, and found that Lorne, who was supposed to be sitting next to her, suddenly disappeared.

She rubbed her sleepy eyes, and began to look around for Lorne, and soon, she saw Lorne standing in the middle of the field.

In the surrounding area, some pirates with evil plans gradually approached Lorne, vaguely surrounding him.

"Are some idiots who don't know how to live or die?"

Garrett said helplessly, she yawned, but she had no intention of helping Lorne.

Because, in her eyes, these pirates are nothing to fear!

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