Pirate Family

Chapter 1191: The 1173rd Siege (2)

"Sorry, seems to have caused something bad."

Miss Sha looked at the malicious pirates around, and said apologetically.

She just wanted to challenge Lorne upright, but she was misunderstood by the pirates present.

The opinions of these pirates quickly reached a consensus, that is, to quickly get rid of Lorne.

"Do you want me to help you get rid of these miscellaneous fish first, and then deal with the things between us."

To apologize, Miss Sha said lightly. It seems that he doesn't take all the pirates present in his eyes at all.

In fact, pirates who don't even have the courage to go one-on-one with Lorne really don't deserve to be put in her eyes.

"No, I just haven't been active for a long time."

Lorne twisted his neck, and put the blue card in the pocket of his cloak. Then he turned around, scanned all the pirates present, and said calmly.

"You guys, let's go together."

His words were very plain, just like Miss Sha, he didn't pay attention to these pirates at all.

It's just a group of miscellaneous fish.

And these are still there, after hearing Lorne's mocking tone, he became extremely angry.

The pirates present are all famous heroes from the New World. Does Lorne mean to make enemies of the pirates in the entire sea?

He is indeed very strong, and he can even be said to be the well-deserved overlord of pirates in this era, but none of the pirates present believed that Lorne would be the opponent of everyone present.

Fighting against all the pirates in the entire sea with one's own strength, this is something that has never happened even in the vast history.

He Lorne, why can he?

However, Lorne quickly gave an answer.

He stood facing the front, a pirate who was nearly ten meters tall, covered in a half body armor, and covered with strong muscles, like a giant raised his hand.

The next moment, his body appeared in front of the giant, and then, he aimed at the giant's abdomen and blasted over.

"You bastard!"

This giant's face was distorted. He had no ability, but with his natural brute force, he gained a firm foothold in the New World. The navy's bounty on him even exceeded 500 million Baileys.

By doing this, Lorne is undoubtedly telling him that the power you are most proud of is worthless in front of me.

I want to beat you where you are most proud! !

This feeling humiliated the giant.

With a roar, he raised his thick arm like a stone pillar, and slammed it down on Lorne's body.

"Pay for your arrogance!"

roared the giant. This punch contained all his strength, and it was the most peak blow since his debut.

The giant felt that even if there was a mountain in front of him, he could crush it with one punch.

Not to mention, what was in front of him was a human being with a mortal body.


Lorne's body was not even as thick as the giant's arms, and the arms of the two collided with each other, just like the comparison between a toothpick and a rolling pin.


However, the toothpick shattered the rolling pin's defense, and the giant felt a sharp pain in his arm, followed by the sound of bones breaking.

The moment his arm collided with Lorne, it was crushed to pieces!


The giant's arm twisted into an incredible arc, and then hit his chest heavily. A huge dent appeared in his chest, and then he flew upside down, hitting the wall made of stone bricks heavily.

There were cracks in the wall, and countless huge boulders collapsed. The giant leaned on the wall and looked ahead in shock.

He didn't believe that he actually lost in the competition of strength.

And lost so completely.

He wanted to say something, but he didn't have the strength to move his fingers again.

After blasting the giant away, Lorne, with the strength of his twisted body, kicked a skinny monkey next to him, with a red turban wrapped around his head and a dirty braid.

The pirate was caught off guard, suffered a heavy blow, suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and then flew out backwards. The companion standing behind him was also carried by him and flew out. With Lorne's kick, he actually directly cleared out a quite spacious field.

Lorne's body, after being strengthened by devouring fruits and devouring metals, has reached an unbelievable level.

Even in terms of pure physical strength, he can already compare to Kaido at his peak.

He and the pirates present are no longer at the same level in terms of strength. In other words, they are not even the same species after completing the mission of ascension to the gods.

One is human, while the other is... God!

"Let's go together, don't think about hiding your secrets, or all of us will die here!"

After witnessing that Lorne defeated the two strong men with thunder, the remaining pirates have already reflected.

The current situation is not when they join forces and can crush each other, and then save their energy to fight for the final blue card, but if they don't try their best, they may really die in this place!

As for Festa, who was standing at the top of the central high platform, seeing the messy situation below, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He turned his head and said slowly to the two people standing behind him.

"Now, the scuffle has already begun, are you still not ready to make a move to add fire to this feast?"

Because Lorne is so strong, they can't think of anyone in this sea who can defeat Lorne head-on, but being strong is not a good thing.

In this era, there is a mountain of Lorne pressing on the heads of these pirates, making them feel a burst of despair.

What the pirates need is not a single true god, but a combination of heroes.

They don't need the so-called One Piece!

Therefore, Festa and Jiabo joined forces to design this event. The purpose is to use the power of the pirate heroes of the new world to surround and kill Lorne!

And Lorne seemed to have guessed their purpose, but this man was too conceited, he didn't care that this was a trap, and walked in resolutely.

"It's not that time yet. Now, it's not even a warm-up."

And Barres sat in the back and said lightly.

The pirates who are attacking now are just some miscellaneous fish. The truly powerful heroes were still standing behind, without making a move.

However, Barrett could feel the desire to make a move in the hearts of these heroes.

They may not care whether the overlord of this era is Lorne, but after feeling Lorne's incomparable strength, these real heroes can hardly restrain their desire to fight.

This kind of opportunity to fight heartily with the pinnacle of the era is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

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