Pirate Family

Chapter 1192: Siege (3)

Lorne fought in and out wantonly among the pirate crowd.

None of these majestic heroes in the New World was Lorne's one-hit enemy, and was easily defeated by Lorne.

This cannot even be called a battle, but should be called a "massacre".

A massacre of 10,000 people by one person.

After Lorne once again blasted a pirate with a bounty of hundreds of millions, there was no longer a standing pirate within 50 meters around him.

These, the pirates who besieged Lorne were afraid, and they retreated subconsciously.

They are not cowards, if they see a chance of winning, they will attack without hesitation, but they can't see it.

Their attacks could only cause some minor wounds to Lorne, as insignificant as the abrasions of ordinary people.

This is also the case that Lorne did not use the armed domineering to wrap his body to defend against attacks, and these wounds healed automatically in a very short time.

They see no hope of winning at all.

Therefore, these pirate heroes are afraid.


A pirate looked at Lorne standing in the center and muttered to himself.

In his eyes, Lorne is a demon, a murderous demon.

Everyone looked at Lorne with fearful eyes.

Just when they were about to give up, Lorne suddenly smiled.

He looked in a certain direction. A pirate was about to beg for mercy from Lorne, when his body was suddenly set on fire.

Red flames continued to burn on his body, and he rolled desperately on the ground, but it didn't help.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, this pirate was burned to coke.

All the pirates felt the scorching heat behind them, and subconsciously gave way.

A young pirate with blond hair and a warm smile like sunshine walked towards Lorne step by step.

After walking to the front of the crowd, the pirate stopped. The next moment, his blond hair suddenly floated upside down, and then burst into flames.

All his hair turned into a golden flame burning on his head. The temperature of the air suddenly rose by several degrees, and the pirates could feel the temperature of the flame even at a considerable distance.

As for the young man himself, as if he hadn't noticed it at all, he raised his golden eyes and looked at Lorne calmly.

"He is the sun!"

Finally, a pirate recognized the identity of this young man, a newcomer who had only become famous in the new world in the past six months.

A man known as the "Sun".


After the navy declared war on the pirates all over the world, the navy blocked the waterway of the paradise, and there were very few pirates who could complete the adventure of the paradise and reach the new world.

And the best of these newcomers, without exception, are the strongest of the strongest, one of the strong contenders for the pinnacle of the sea.

Among them, there are three pirates who are the most eye-catching.

"The Sun" Wu, "Riddler" Franco Di Neo, and Shadow.

Among them, Shadow, with his character of a lone ranger, coupled with his surly behavior of drifting freely on the sea and destroying a small island every time he arrives, has attracted the attention of most pirates in the new world.

Some forces, even if they haven't fought against Shadow yet, still regard him as one of the most peak opponents in this sea, and it is the kind of opponent who has no chance of communication and negotiation at all.

But now, the shadow is dead, and he died at Lorne's hands.

The sea does not remember the dead, so the legend of the shadow is gradually forgotten.

However, this does not mean that Francodi Neo, who was concealed by the prestige of the shadow, and the riddle, is the kind of vulnerable weakling.

In fact, their prestige was gradually formed by stepping on the heads of famous and powerful people in the New World one after another.

Riddle Neo is known for being mysterious, except for his name, no one knows Neo's abilities, age, or even gender.

As for the Sun Crow, it is based on his powerful strength and that terrifying fruit ability.

His ability is like the sun hanging in the sky, burning everything, and all those who are against him will be burned to ashes by this hot flame.

"These cowards don't deserve to be called pirates at all."

And Wu didn't answer Lorne's words, but glanced around, and said lightly.

"Since I have lost the motivation to move forward, let's leave the sea as soon as possible while I am still alive."

"The weak who have been eliminated by the times have no way to survive in the wave of the new era."

Wu's voice was very soft, but it hit the hearts of all the pirates present. Perhaps when they were young, they were still as passionate as Wu, but the pampered life after becoming famous made them gradually lose their passion for fighting.

They have gradually lost their original determination to bite off a piece of flesh from the enemy even if they die.

Times have changed. Decades ago, they stepped on the heads of those famous and powerful to rise up. Now, younger pirates are springing up like mushrooms after rain. Whether it's the former king's Qibuhai, or Xie Nianhuo and Erinnis who have been in the sea for a while, or Lorne and Shanks who are still active in the sea.

Even after the navy declared war on the pirates, the pirates of the new era who rose up, they are all young people.

But this time, these long-established heroes have become the background boards of these young people.

"I've heard about your deeds."

Lorne looked at Wu in front of him and said slowly.

Even tens of meters away, Lorne could still feel the heat wave released from Wu's body.

The current Lorne is almost invincible. Only some top powerhouses, relying on their perverted to the extreme devil fruit ability, have the possibility of being their enemies.

And Wu's fruit ability is obviously one of them.

"It is my honor to let the overlord of this era, the man with the title of devil, remember my name."

Wu bowed lightly to Lorne. This is a newcomer, a respect for the pinnacle of this era.

"But this time, I am not the only one who challenges you."

Wu said lightly. At this time, a man wearing a white mask and a suit suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Riddler" Franco Di Neo!

Now that Wu has appeared, how could Neo, who is as famous as Wu, miss this golden age?

He walked up to Wu and stood side by side with Wu. The cold eyes were exposed from the holes in the mask. He looked at Lorne calmly.

This time, he will join hands with Wu to challenge the pinnacle of this era together!

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