Pirate Family

Chapter 1193: Siege (4)

Lorne looked at Neo and frowned.

It's not because of how powerful Neo is, but because Lorne has never discovered how Neo appeared!

Yes, Lorne's knowledgeable and domineering aura has always shrouded the entire battlefield, and the body hidden in the black gem ring has also been using its own perception ability to monitor the entire island.

However, Lorne did not find any traces of Neo's existence before.

It's as if it appeared out of thin air!

There is no doubt that this is a kind of fruit ability, and it is also that kind of devil fruit that is extremely weird.

Lorne has collected devil fruits in the sea for so long, until now, he has only five fingers of powerful devil fruit abilities in his hands.

Unexpectedly, now, he suddenly saw two fruit abilities at the same time.


Wu seemed to see through Lorne's thoughts, and said slowly.

"When I first met Neo, I thought the same as you."

"His ability can even be called a god."

Wu said without hesitation. And Lorne's expression gradually became serious.

Wu's ability is already extremely powerful, and the sun that can burn everything is quite difficult even for him to deal with, but in Wu's tone, his ability is not worth mentioning compared to Neo.

So, what kind of ability does Neo possess?

Lorne completely restrained his interest in playing around. Facing this kind of opponent with unknown and extremely terrifying abilities, he had to be serious.

"Just the two of you?"

Lorne looked at Wu and Neo, and said lightly.

But at this time, a figure suddenly descended from the sky and hit the ground heavily.

A burly man several meters tall and wearing a black military uniform jumped down from the high platform in the center of the field and came behind Lorne.

"Now, it's interesting."

Barrett twisted his neck and looked at Lorne.

The battles of those miscellaneous fish just now were not even a warm-up. Only after Wu and Neo appeared, Barrett became interested.

Moreover, U and Neo were not the only ones interested in Lorne. Barrett knew that there were still some monsters hiding among the crowd, waiting for a chance to make a move.

They may not have any malice towards the Vinhill family, but for a powerhouse of their level, it would be a pity if they missed the opportunity to fight against the pinnacle of the era like Lorne.

They missed Lockes decades ago, Whitebeard, Roger, and Caesar in their prime. But now, they met Lorne who was no weaker than those few people.

They don't want to miss it again.

"Things are getting interesting."

Lorne smiled faintly, if it was just the scene just now, then it wouldn't be worth Jiabo and Festa's joint planning for so long. The wish of these two people is to plan a prosperous world that can shock this era.

The scene just now couldn't even be regarded as stuffing teeth!

It wasn't until now that Wu, Neo, and Barrett had played, that Lorne felt his blood start to burn.

That is, the desire to fight that I haven't felt for a long time!

Not only these pirate heroes, but even Lorne himself is eager for a battle.

A hearty battle that challenges the whole world with one's own power!

"This venue is still too small."

At this time, Lorne spoke.

He snapped his fingers, and the surrounding stone walls moved.

Together with the spectators who sat on the rocks and didn't want to participate in this battle, they flew up towards the sky.

"Ahhh! What happened!"

"Why did the stone start to float!"

The pirates shouted in panic.

As for Lorne himself, his expression was as usual.

Together with the trembling pirates standing in the field, and the edge of the island, the aborigines of the island, the floating land, were drawn into the air.

These huge stones floated to a height of hundreds of meters, and then pieced together to form a suspended island.

Everyone stood on this suspended island and looked down in panic. From the edge of the island, they could clearly see what happened on Angelbella Island below.

Lorne, using the fluttering fruit's ability, sent all the irrelevant personnel to the sky, and the only ones left on Anjibela Island are some pirates who he thinks are qualified to intervene in this battle.

"What a madman."

On the far side of the venue, on a golden chair, Tezolo shook his head helplessly. The men around him were all sent to the sky by Lorne, but he stayed here. Lorne's meaning was obvious.

That is, in this prosperous age, there is no way for him to stay out of it.

However, he also understood what Lorne meant, whether he helped him or besieged him, Lorne didn't care.

This lunatic just wants to have a good fight!

"I didn't expect that even I would be counted."

On the other side, Lei Li, who was hiding in the corner, was helpless. He was not sent to the sky by Lorne, which meant that in Lorne's eyes, he was also his enemy.

The old man smiled helplessly. He actually didn't want to interfere in this matter. The reason why he came here was just to tell Lorne something he knew.

The other pirates who were left in the ground quickly realized Lorne's intentions. It's just that these strong men didn't directly choose to join the battle, but snorted coldly, still watching with cold eyes.

At this time, Lei Li suddenly saw a thin figure wearing a bamboo hat in the distance, and he let out a surprise.

Raleigh didn't expect that even this guy came here.

Rayleigh used to be the deputy captain of the Roger Pirates, the "Pluto" Sirbaz Rayleigh who was known as the "Pirate King's Right Wrist". In addition to the talented monster Barrett, there is another man who is evenly matched with Rayleigh.

That is the "King of Heaven" Jabba who has the title of "Left Arm of One Piece"!

Unlike Raleigh, who has a bohemian personality, Jabba's personality is much more rigid, and he only obeys Roger's orders.

So this time, he came here to see if the person who got Roger's treasure in the end was qualified, it was a matter of course.

However, Jabba is not the only one who is hiding in the dark and who has not made a move yet!

Rayleigh looked around and suddenly smiled.

Lorne, this time, can be said to have challenged the whole world!

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