Pirate Family

Chapter 1194 Invincible Ability

The other strong men who were left on the island also reacted quickly.

Some of them stood on the sidelines, and some sneered, but none of them chose to make a move. These people took a step back tacitly, and made room for a few people in the center of the battlefield to open up a large enough battlefield.

For a powerhouse of this level, the aftermath of their battle can easily destroy a small island. The battlefield of just a few kilometers before was not even considered as a gap between the teeth.

At this time, Garrett also woke up from her doze, and she was also sent to the small island floating in the sky by Lorne. She stretched lazily, of course she understood what Lorne meant, he didn't want him to be involved in this battle.

"It's a big deal."

At this time, Wu Cai sincerely admired. Lorne's move was like a miracle.

"This should be the Piao Piao fruit ability of the golden lion Shiji. I didn't expect it to fall into your hands in the end, and when you use it, it is no worse than Shiji back then."

Wu Ru looked at Lorne, showing a smile as warm as the sun.

"So, your ability won't be able to obtain the opponent's ability after defeating the opponent?"

Wu tentatively asked,

"If this is the case, then in this sea, all the strong people with the ability to surpass fruit should be your prey."

"Should I be afraid?"

After all, Wu's own fruit ability can be called abnormal. But Wu's words reminded the other people present, so maybe it could explain why Lorne had multiple devil fruit abilities.

However, at this moment, a creepy thought appeared in the hearts of everyone present.

That is, they coincidentally thought of the names of those devil fruit capable users who died in the hands of Lorne.

Among them, there are many strong men with extreme perverted abilities.

How terrifying would it be if these abilities converged on the same person?

They couldn't imagine that maybe what Wu said was the truth, and only in this way could Lorne be made such a nearly invincible powerhouse.

Lorne didn't speak, Wu only guessed half right.

His purpose of besieging those with fruit abilities is indeed to seize their abilities, but the way Lorne seizes abilities is not his own perception of fruits, but the effect of awakening through swallowing fruits.

However, for these ability users, there is not much difference.

"Don't you need to warm up?"

Lorne twisted his head and said so.

Then in the next instant, countless white fluff appeared in his pores.

This is his most powerful normal fighting form. Through the half-beast transformation of the civet fruit, his already extremely perverted physical fitness has been strengthened once again.

Then, a shadow emerged from Lorne's body.

The phantom fruit can create a clone whose strength is slightly inferior to the main body.

The moment the two Lornes appeared, they began to act. Lorne rushed directly in the direction of Barrett and Miss Sha, while the phantom clone rushed towards Wu and Neo.

"Are you coming after me?"

Barrett snorted coldly, his strong muscles burst out suddenly, and a layer of jet-black domineering aura instantly covered his body.

Even if he doesn't use his own fruit ability, Barrett can stand on top of this sea just by relying on his own physical strength and arrogance.


Lorne's speed was too terrifying. After acquiring Case's space ability, his speed was almost teleported. Almost instantly, Lorne rushed in front of Barrett.

The fists of the two met in mid-air, and the shock wave directly tore the entire battlefield apart! The pirates standing on the floating island can clearly see that a huge gap has been torn apart in the center of Anjibella Island, and the sea water of the island's inner lake is frantically irrigated towards this gap.

After the punch, the bodies of the two people retreated a few steps at the same time.

And Lorne reacted first, his body disappeared suddenly, and then he used his space ability to appear behind Barrett.

Clenching his right hand, he blasted towards Barrett's burly back.

At this time, a sand curtain invaded from the side, blocking Lorne and Barrett on both sides. Lorne slammed his fist firmly on the sand screen.

A huge hole was blasted out of the entire sand curtain, the mad sand fell, and Barrett's fist suddenly appeared in this hole!

At this moment, his body had already adjusted, and his fist, as strong as a hammer, hit Lorne's head heavily, blasting Lorne hundreds of meters away!

Trees, rocks, buildings.

Lorne's body collided with these objects blocking him, cleared the ground into a long gully, and hit a slope tens of meters high before Lorne's body stopped. It's just that the soil bag also collapsed, and countless sand and stones buried Lorne in it.

The power of one punch is so terrifying!

The pirates on the floating island watched the power of Barrett's punch and secretly swallowed their saliva.

Is this the battle between the peak powerhouses? They imagined that if they replaced themselves with Lorne, if they took this punch forcefully, there would only be one result, death and death.

Even if Lorne himself had an armed and domineering defense, he wouldn't feel too good after this ruthless punch. At this time, Wu and Neo also eliminated Lorne's phantom clone. They walked towards Barrett, but there was no joy of victory on their faces.

On the small island, the expressions of the other onlookers were as usual. If Lorne only had this kind of strength, then he wouldn't have the confidence to challenge the world.

This is just a warm-up!

Boom boom boom!

From the pile of buried soil, an arm stretched out from it, and then, Lorne's bruised body emerged from it.

The bones of Lorne's upper body, especially his head, were all broken, and his face was almost distorted, like a ghost.

Barrett's punch hit him solidly. This terrifying power was conveyed to his head in an instant.

"Is that all?"

Among the crowd of onlookers, a middle-aged man with sunglasses and long braids frowned. Although one against four is indeed a bit exaggerated, if Lorne's strength can only be concealed, then he is indeed not qualified to inherit Roger's treasure.

The person Roger waited for with his life was not Lorne.

However, at this time, Lorne, who was covered in bruises, suddenly smiled.

And in the sky, Garrett, who was watching what happened under her feet, had a normal expression.

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