Pirate Family

#1195 invincible ability (2)

"Hehehehe, it's been a long time since I have fought so happily."

Lorne held his injured head and laughed maniacally. As he laughed, a green light circulated in his body, and after a few breaths, all the horrific wounds on Lorne's body recovered completely.

Heal the fruit, consume stamina, and restore your own injuries.

Lorne's other ability was effective at this time, and these horrific injuries were insignificant to him!

And this kind of pain from the soul made Lorne's consciousness even more insane.

"This is so cool!"

"You guys, come together!"

Lorne raised his hand, and the entire Angelbella Island began to tremble violently.

Countless stone pillars suddenly protruded from the ground, moving all the onlookers towards the middle of the battlefield.

"What a madman."

Seeing Lorne doing this, Raleigh was a little helpless.

Just four strong men are so terrifying, and Lorne wants to challenge the whole world. However, he could only relax.

Because, precisely because of this madness, Lorne is Lorne.

Lorne was originally a lunatic.

"Although I really don't want to fight with you, but I and I are very curious about how strong you are now."

Tezolo smiled helplessly, jumped down from mid-air, and came to the center of the battlefield.

The gold in his hand turned into a liquid, and then condensed into countless finger-sized golden balls in midair, flying slowly around him. This is a once-in-a-century prosperous age. In this era, if you can't fight against the peak of this era once, then it will be a great regret for any strong person present.

At this time, everyone has forgotten their identities. The so-called pirates, the so-called enemies, and the so-called allies are all unimportant at this moment.

They have only one identity now,

That's warriors.

Warriors who challenge everything!

And the middle-aged man with long braids and sunglasses snorted coldly and jumped onto the battlefield.

Black domineering, covering his crossed arms. Although silent, the man was ready to fight.

"It turned out to be Jabba!"

Someone recognized the identity of the middle-aged man and exclaimed. They looked at the middle-aged man with shocked eyes.

Roger's left arm, Jabba the King! A strong man comparable to Rayleigh.

And now that Jabba has shown up, where is Rayleigh? Everyone began to search, and sure enough, in a corner, they saw a white-haired, bohemian old man.

"Pluto Rayleigh!"

The left and right hands of the former Pirate King Roger have reunited in this way at this moment today.

"I feel that you are here."

Barrett looked at Jabba who suddenly appeared, and said calmly.

He did feel a familiar aura before, but he couldn't find them when he searched the island.

Unexpectedly, these two old guys still did not escape Lorne's search.


And some other strong men still have no desire to make a move, just watching with cold eyes.

More and more strong men gathered here, and Lorne felt the blood in his body getting hotter and hotter.

That is, the desire to fight.

"I know your ability."

Lorne walked over slowly, looked at Wu, and said slowly.

"Your ability is the sun."

In this world, many fruit abilities are relative. For example, if there is a "shiny fruit" that represents light, there must be a "dark fruit" that represents darkness, a "frozen fruit" that represents water, and a "burning fruit" that represents fire. Burn the fruit".

And the Blood Pope Ariel possesses the "Moon Fruit", so there must be a "Sun Fruit" corresponding to the "Moon Fruit" in this world!"

After Lorne saw through his fruit ability at a glance, Wu was not surprised.

"My ability is the sun that can burn everything. Any enemy that gets close to me will be burned to ashes by the hot flames of the sun."

Wu said lightly. When Lorne's phantom clone approached him before, it was ignited by the scorching sun before he could make a move. After a few rounds, it was burned to ashes. Wu is the sun, he doesn't even need to make a move, some enemies can't even get close to him!

Moreover, until now, Neo has never made a move, and has never exposed his fruit ability. Wu, who possesses such a terrifying ability, all praises Neo's ability, so what exactly is his ability?

"Is that so?"

And now Lorne doesn't want to pay attention to these things at all, he just wants to fight heartily now!

The space around him twisted in an instant, and in the next instant, he appeared in front of Wu, with an armed and domineering fist aimed at Wu's head, and smashed it down hard!

And Wu just wanted to raise his hand, but it was too late, and Lorne's fist had already reached his chest.

The scorching flames wrapped Lorne's domineering fist in jet-black armor, shining red.


Lorne punched Wu's chest directly, but what came out was not blood, but hot flames.

"It's useless, my body is made up of pure flames. Even an attack wrapped around domineering will have no effect on me!"

Wu shook his head and said lightly.

In this world, there is a concept of high-level fruits, and fruits with similar effects have a clear distinction between upper and lower levels. And his "Sun Fruit" is the highest level of the flame system. In this regard, even Admiral Akainu Sakaski's "Lava Fruit" can't compare!

Even if he doesn't know physical skills, even if he doesn't have mastery of armed domineering, Wu is enough to stand on the top of the sea just by relying on his own ability.

This is, the powerful devil fruit ability.

And this fruit has only one weakness, but Wu has never told anyone about this weakness.

Lorne would never find out.

Lorne didn't even have time to feel the heat coming from his arm, and his arm was burned to ashes by the scorching sun.

I can't even pull it out.

But at this time, several other strong men also reacted, and rushed over directly, a heavy punch wrapped in armed domineering, hit Lorne's back, blasting him into the burning black hole in the body.

Almost instantly, Lorne's body was burned to ashes, leaving only a black ring.

Lorne died like this?

Any strong person present would not think so.

On the floating island, a certain pirate watching the battle suddenly had his pupils dilated and jumped down towards the ground. A black ghost emerged from his body and flew towards Lorne.

These ghosts flew over Lorne's burnt body, and Lorne's body began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye. It took almost a few breaths for his body to recover like this.

This is the signature ability of the once strong man, Ghost Hand Yaze.

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