Pirate Family

Chapter 1203 Visitors from the Red Earth Continent

And the pirate emperors of the new world still haven't made a sound, but the white beard's fleet has been displayed on the edge of the giant whale sea, ready to participate in the battle at any time, and a pirate witnessed that the old one, the last era The legendary man, with medicine bottles hanging all over his body, appeared at the forefront of this battle line.

Charlotte Lingling had just finished her tea party, and the children of the Charlotte family gathered from all over the New World towards the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Nations. It seems that he is also ready to fight.

Shanks, the newly promoted Four Emperors who once fought Lorne, was still wandering in his own territory, as if he didn't care about all this.

However, judging by some clues, Shanks seems to be wandering between various forces during this time, trying his best to prevent this war from happening.

And the one closest to the navy, the Vinhill family, was unmoved. Even Lorne himself, the head of the Vinhill family, was still thousands of miles away on Anjibela Island.

He's the one who stays the most out of it.

What's weird is that even knowing that Lorne, the highest combat power of the Vinhill family, is not in its own territory, the navy still gave up such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and did not choose to make the Vinhill family, the root of the new world, the forefront. The nails are pulled out. Instead, troops were sent out frequently to wipe out some small pirate forces around the Vinhill family.

These pirate forces are not opponents of the navy at all. After the initial paper-like resistance was easily torn apart by the navy, they gave up fighting and hid in the territory of the Vinhill family. What order, once the opponent enters the Loxor sea area, they will give up the pursuit and let the pirates leave.

At this time, the pirates in the new world realized that the Vernhill family was deterring not only the pirates in the new world, but also the navy and even the world government!

This family has become the first barrier to intercept the navy in the new world!

But the pirates in the new world have not yet heaved a sigh of relief. They suddenly found that even if the navy has reached their doorstep, the Vinhill family still has no action. Regardless of the edge of the new world, entering the sea behind the new world.

For a time, the whole new world was surging. The pirates are all in danger.

A battle line spontaneously organized by the pirates blocked the pace of the navy's attack and intercepted them in a certain sea area.

And this sea area is impressively on the edge of the sea area of ​​all nations, that is, the vicinity of the Navy's G-2.

This, the naval base that was attacked by pirates not long ago, the only remaining base of the navy in the New World, has become the first battlefield for the navy and the pirates.

The two sides are fighting in this sea area. In this sea area, the wreckage of sunken ships and corpses floating on the sea can be seen everywhere.

For a while, this place became a hell like a meat grinder.

However, all of this has nothing to do with Lorne.

Lorne was on a silver-white warship, sailing towards the Loxor sea area.

At the end of the grand event on Angel Bella Island, he found Barrett and Giabo, and wanted to get clues of pure gold in their hands, in order to prepare for the battle with the woman above Marie Gioia.

Unfortunately, even Barrett, who had worked with Case before, could only helplessly shrug his shoulders. He knew nothing about this.

They did find the legendary huge lantern fish, and then Case found some pure gold from the belly cavity of the huge lantern fish, and they used the pure gold to forge a pure gold ring.

However, Case then used his own ability to teleport the giant lantern fish away, so even Barrett, an ally of Case, didn't know where the giant lantern fish was now.

The sea is really too vast. Finding a fish in this vast sea is actually not much different from finding a needle. Besides, the whole sea is connected together. This huge lantern fish Now it may not be on the great route, but it may be in any corner of the world.

Lorne can only give up. The energy spent on finding this huge lantern fish will not be much less than the energy spent on finding a time-based devil fruit, and Lorne at least has some clues about the latter. For the former, Lorne except According to historical legends, no trace of this huge lantern fish has ever been seen in person!

It's just that when parting, Barrett also challenged Lorne, because in the dream world, he didn't exert his full strength, and when the opportunity passed, he would use his peak strength to fight Oh challenge Lorne.

In this regard, Lorne just accepted it readily, and then left it behind.

After all, in this sea, there are too many people who want to challenge him, and Barrett is not alone.

So after bidding farewell to Barrett and his gang, Lorne boarded the return boat. After walking with Lorne for a while, Ms. Sha also bid farewell to Lorne, because she received news that some pirates took advantage of the chaos to rob and attack their territory while the navy invaded the New World, so she had to hurry up Go back and deal with these things.

But before leaving, she decided to fulfill her previous promise, and after arriving in her territory, she sent the person Lorne wanted, Nicole Robin.

But Lorne readily agreed that he was considering other things.

The reason why the family did not take any action against the navy was of course an order from Lorne.

Now Lorne's attention is not on the navy at all, but looking for the way of Ralph Drew and the way to deal with the woman above Mary Joa, so now he has no energy to fight the navy.

After all, his wish is to end this era, to be precise, to end this incompetent and corrupt world government.

After he had dealt with all these trivial matters, Lorne slowly played with the navy.

Angelbella Island is quite far away from the Loxor sea area, spanning almost half of the new world. Even after sailing for a while, Lorne has not yet reached the battle line between the navy and the pirates.

During the time on the ship, Lorne was not just killing time. When the navy launched a war, the agents of the Vinhill family sneaked into the paradise and began to search for the fruits that Lorne wanted. Information.

Then, he really found information about one of the suspected time-based devil fruits!

Lorne quickly asked the family's agents to continue the search. As long as he found the owner of this devil fruit, he would immediately go to that place through the door fruit, across the sea.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

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