Pirate Family

Chapter 1204 The Destruction of a Fleet

"On the route ahead, a fleet was spotted."

Lorne was studying his ability combination in the cabin, but a soldier suddenly walked in and reported.

Lorne stepped out of the cabin, and following the direction of the watchman, he saw a fleet.

An unknown pirate flag is flying on this fleet, and the hull is full of cracks, as if it has experienced a fierce battle. The leading flagship was in tatters, as if it might sink at any time.

Lorne knew that he should have reached the front line of the battle between the navy and the pirates. So he waved his hand and ordered lightly.

"Leave them alone and move on."

This fleet should have been defeated and fled after fighting the navy at sea, and it is estimated that there will be navy pursuers behind them. Sure enough, after continuing to sail for two hours, Lorne saw a silver-white naval fleet, and the naval flag hanging above the fleet made Lorne miss it very much.

"I didn't expect to be able to see the navy's fleet in the depths of the new world."

Garrett next to him said lightly.

Even more than ten years ago, when the navy was at its strongest, their fleets did not dare to go deep into the New World, because once they were separated from the support from the rear, these warships would be swallowed by the pirates in the New World, and there would be no scum left. . But I didn't expect that after so many years, the navy would be so strong after its comeback.

They are ready to fight to the death with the pirates of the new world!

"This is the awareness of the Warring States Period, and it is also the awareness of the Navy."

Lorne said lightly.

"After they decided to enter the new world, they have already made up their minds to die here, and what they want to do is to try their best to return to the pirates in the new world before they die."

His tone was calm, without any emotion, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

"Report! A new pirate ship has been found ahead!"

At the forefront of the naval fleet, a naval watchman spotted Lorne's ship and immediately reported.

A tall man with long hair and a shawl, wearing a helmet with a double-headed dragon pattern on his head, said indifferently with a fierce expression.

"If you find pirates, just defeat them."

He took out a huge machete from his waist, wiped it gently in his palm, and looked fierce.

"After all, we came to the new world to get rid of these pirates!"

"But... Lieutenant General Ghost Spider!"

The navy soldier in charge of the report seemed to hesitate a bit. He walked up to the vice admiral who was called the ghost spider, his tone hesitant.

"What's the problem? You're hesitating. Are you afraid of these pirates?"

The ghost spider roared. He frowned and stood up from his seat. He was tall, standing in front of this navy soldier, like a giant.

He lowered his head and stared at the sailor coldly, and the sailor swallowed. He felt a terrifying aura enveloped himself.

The thing that Lieutenant General Ghost Spider hates the most is weaklings without courage!

He wanted to speak, but it seemed like something was strangling his throat, making him unable to breathe.

After a while, he finally said what he wanted to say.

"But...that's no ordinary pirate!"

"There are no ordinary pirates in the new world!"

Ghost Spider frowned, his tone gradually turned cold.

The navy is the army after all, and the soldiers of the army only need to do one thing, and that is, obey.

"Ready, shelling."

And the ghost spider didn't continue to waste time here, but turned around and yelled at his soldiers.

The fleet's naval guns slowly rose and aimed forward, while the ghost spider narrowed its eyes slightly.


The navy's naval guns adopt the world's most advanced technology, which is the technology left by the previous scientist Vegapunk, and has been optimized by Caesar, who was once Vegapunk's assistant and also mastered super-era technology.

Every cannonball is comparable to a full-strength blow from a vice admiral, and can easily devour the ships of the pirates.

This is one of the reasons why the naval fleet is invincible in this battlefield.

The artillery shells of the entire fleet have already aimed at the pirate ship that looks like a sesame seed, and the ghost spider can already imagine the picture of the pirate ship being blown to pieces.

Boom boom boom boom!

Countless black cannonballs were fired from the gun holes of the naval battleship.

"Are they crazy?"

Lorne frowned slightly as he watched the cannonballs shot towards him like a sky. He never thought that there would be a navy that would dare to attack him. Don't they really mind pulling him into this war? in?

It's just that Lorne thought too much, the ghost spider didn't even know that the person he attacked was Lorne.

"Protective barrier!"

Lorne snapped his fingers, and a translucent protective barrier appeared in front of the Crimson Rose, blocking the barrage of shells on the other side of the protective barrier.

And his face became gradually colder. Lorne snapped his fingers, and his figure gradually became unreal.

In the next instant, he had already appeared in mid-air hundreds of meters away.

Space to move!

Lorne's body flickered continuously, and he flew towards the navy fleet at a fast speed.

"Report to Lieutenant General Ghost Spider! There are enemies ahead moving towards this direction at a fast speed!"

shouted the lookout.

"He is only five kilometers away from us, three thousand meters, one thousand meters..."

"No need to report, I've seen it!"

The ghost spider looked at the small dot that was constantly enlarging in front of him, and pulled out his saber.

He is ready to fight.

But when he saw the comer clearly, Ghost Spider's expression froze.

"I thought it was the navy that gathered its highest combat power here and was going to ambush me."

Lorne stood in mid-air, looked down at the ghost spider standing on the deck under his feet, and said coldly.

"I didn't expect that there is only one lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters on this fleet. Did the Warring States think that you can deal with me by yourself?"

The ghost spider didn't speak. He never expected that Lorne would appear here. The sea in the new world is too vast. He never thought that he would collide with Lorne on the sea.

"But it doesn't matter."

Lorne raised his hand to the naval warship below.

"This is your punishment."

Then, his hand pressed down slightly.

Then, the entire naval fleet seemed to have endured a thousand tons of gravity, the ships were torn apart, and all of them sank into the sea.

A naval fleet, destroyed!

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