Pirate Family

Chapter 1212 Besiege and kill legends!

Marco's boat left the Mobidigo as planned, and this information was quickly spread to a certain battleship in the sea area of ​​the giant whale.

"It's time to act."

After receiving this information, an old man sitting in the command room of the battleship issued such an order.

At this time, the battleship was only a day's voyage away from the Moby Dick, which meant that even if Marco on the boat got the information, it was too late to rush back.

"This battle means the outcome of this war, and it also means the future pattern of the sea, so please take it seriously."

The old man who gave the order turned his chair around, and this man was the admiral who had disappeared for a long time, the Warring States of Buddha!

Sitting in front of him was a high-level figure in the navy.

The three admirals of the navy are Akainu Sakaski, Kizuru Polusalino, and Aokiji Kuzan.

The legendary naval vice-admiral hero Garp, the naval think tank, Vice-Admiral Crane.

And the elite navy lieutenant general headed by Lieutenant General Weasel.

Almost all the main battles of the navy were carried out on this small ship.

The reason why they have not appeared on the frontal battlefield of the new world is just to seek greater strategic value.

Kill Whitebeard!

After losing the white beard, the pirates under his command must be leaderless, even if they join the war because of hatred, it will not help the war.

Moreover, just in case, Sengoku also used the lives of two captains of the navy squadron to lure away the number one combat force under Whitebeard, the phoenix Marco.

Yes, the force that captured the two captains was none other than the navy. As a pirate, Marco never imagined that the person who used the life of his companions to negotiate terms with him was not a pirate. But the Navy!

This is his misunderstanding of thinking. It is believed that after the navy catches a valuable pirate, it will definitely choose to execute, but in the view of Sengoku, the two captains of the squadron are far more valuable than death.

Whitebeard cherishes his family, and so do the pirates under him. This also created the invincible Whitebeard Pirates, so that the pirates in the new world dare not provoke this terrible force at all.

But, now, this so-called advantage is also the root cause of Whitebeard's death!

Warring States has already learned a piece of information through his agents, that is, the current white beard is not in good health, combined with various things that have happened at sea in the past few years, he has confirmed that this incident is not just a rumor, so he At the risk of great danger, she allowed Charlotte Lingling to lead her subordinates to stir up trouble in the naval battlefield, with the purpose of besieging and killing Whitebeard.

As long as Whitebeard is besieged and killed, the navy is fully capable of freeing up its hands to deal with Charlotte Lingling, and by then, even if Lorne reacts and joins the battlefield, it will be too late.

The general situation is over, and the entire Vinhill family will be surrounded by the navy, and there is no way to escape!

He has to pay the price for his arrogance.

This is a strategy of the Warring States Period. Everyone thinks that according to the character of the Warring States Period, they will definitely fight steadily, step by step, and eat up the pirates in the New World step by step. This is simply a misunderstanding.

Garp next to him also put away his frivolous expression in the past, and his face was solemn. Thinking of the final result of this legend who lived in the same era as him, he couldn't bear it.

Damn, not a pirate at all.

However, war is inherently unscrupulous.

"What about the two captains?"

At this time, a vice admiral asked.

They did not deal with the captured two team captains, but secretly transported them back to the naval base with a warship, so even if Marco took the ransom, he could only pay for nothing in the end.

"Whitebeard himself is dead, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't deal with the team captain under his command."

Warring States hadn't spoken yet, but Sakaski next to him answered.

His black-gloved fist gradually became hot.

Like solidified magma, a hole was burned out on the table.

"That's exactly the reason."

And Lieutenant General He said.

The entire conference room was silent, and everyone knew that soon, the result of this siege would shock the entire sea area!


The Moby Dick was drifting on the sea, and with the period of rest, Whitebeard's physical condition gradually improved, at least he was able to wield his own weapon and engage in simple battles.

Therefore, the Moby Dick began to move towards the naval battlefield. According to the speed of sailing, when the Moby Dick reached the edge of the giant whale sea, Whitebeard could participate in this ancient war. bingo.

No, to be precise, it should be said that the entire Whitebeard Pirates will join in this war. If two Pirate Emperors enter the arena at the same time, even the navy will feel very headache.

However, this also caused a result, that is, the speed at which the Moby Dick and the naval warship met far exceeded Sengoku's estimation. In just half a day, the lookout of the Moby Dick saw a white ship. The battleship appeared on the sea level.

"Report, there is an unknown ship ahead!"

White Beard squinted his eyes, listened to his subordinate's report, and then stood up from his seat.

"Captain Whitebeard, you haven't finished your treatment yet, so you can't do this..."

The doctors and nurses next to him wanted to stop it, but with their strength, they couldn't give this terrifying beast that has lived from the last era to the present.

"Did something happen, Dad."

And the team captains under White Beard's command got up one after another, and surrounded White Beard himself. Look puzzled.

Among them, only Marco looked thoughtfully towards the end of the sea.

Yes, Marco didn't leave the Moby Dick at all, because he felt uneasy, it wasn't him who actually went to that place to exchange for the ransom, but the captain of the third division, Diamond Jozzy!

"It's just that I feel the breath of some old friends."

Whitebeard pulled out all the infusion tubes on his body, then picked up his weapon, and came to the side of the Moby Dick, looking at the sea level in the distance, a small boat was looming on the sea level.

"Because I haven't fought for too long, do you already feel that you can do something to me?"

He looked at the sea and said so.


White Beard's heroic voice resounded throughout the sea.

On the other side of the sea, Warring States stood on the deck with a dignified expression. But he has no chance to retreat.

The arrow is on the string!

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